Why are Nordicucks/Germanicucks such disgusting rats?

Why are Nordicucks/Germanicucks such disgusting rats?

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they did it to themselves in the end

conspiracy !

Why are pagans and nordcucks so fucking autistic?

They're the "WE WERE KANGZ" equivalent of white people

They were slaves to Mediterraneans for a very long time. They were honestly the fucking niggers of Europe. All they did was kill each other and let the remains of great empires crumble.


jewish divide and conquer thread

sage and ignore


>there are no differences between europeans and anyone who says otherwise is a jew
Keep living in lalaland Nordcuck.

>all these subhuman cucks triggered by superior nordic genes

Kill yourselves

>oh god a banter thread its a conspiracy by da jews!

shut up you faggot

Nordics got BTFO by injuns

Worthless pigs

Tell your self that shitskin

>Tree without nourishment
>Rots at the roots
>Tree without roots

Wow, the hatred (based on jealousy) for us white people is strong even here on Sup Forums. The jews have truly won.

Are you upset, because you know that Mediterraneans are what made Europe great. Enslaving you niggers and keeping you under control. We all know how bad off Europe was once Rome fell. You Nord-niggers couldn't manage the roads, housing, baths, sewage, irrigation, etc. You went backwards instead of forward. Just think of how much the world would have advanced if Rome was still around.


pathetic maggots who hardly know their own grand parents. Like animals....

>Tmw when Slavs have contributed more to society than Nords
Seriously, what the fuck have nordics done? All I can think of is fucking strongmen who lift heavy shit. You are LITERALLY the niggers of whites.

>hurr nordicucks
>hurr anglos
god you all are so fucking stupid. stop trying to prove some false bullshit about europeans. hair/eye colour literally makes no difference

read the icelandic/norse sagas. read plato. listen to nordic/german composer, listen to anglo composers.

study the accomplishments of fellow euros and stop memeing.

Seriously though, whats up with the Meds nose? Because mine is shaped just like that, especially with that upward turn, and to my knowledge I dont have any Italian or Greek ancestry

Are you a self loather or an Ahmed?

By nordic genes do you mean the med resistant strains of HIV you spread among your fellow "superior nords" at your standard gay fuck parties while your women stay at home getting fucked by abdul and mohamed?


They are lost redditor refugees, pay them no mind. They'll turn eventually.

This. A viking colony in Newfoundland fell under the same fate as Stockholm deals with today, the enternal nordic. Cuckness runs rampent in nords for centuries. I guess it also means Canada from the very beginning has been a nation of cucks and shitskins.

>t. shitskin burger with inferiority complex

What have nordics done? Let's see:


Kill yourself Ahmed.


>By nordic genes do you mean the med resistant strains of HIV you spread among your fellow "superior nords" at your standard gay fuck parties while your women stay at home getting fucked by abdul and mohamed?
really makes you think


"Sweden has a total of 33523 patents as of 2007 according to the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and only ten other countries have more patents than Sweden."

Not too bad for a country with less than 10 million people. But yeah, keep telling yourself we're not superior.

lol, Germans?! 1) A huge minority of people on this list are Jewish, 2) Germans aren't that Nordic and never were, they are a mix of types including Celtic, Slavic, and some Med. 3) Classic Swedefag move to claim others' accomplishments when faced with the conspicuous absence of accomplishments of your own people.

Nordics are the most overrated race. Meds are more creative and intelligent than you'll ever be. Any so-called invention of some nordfag was probably invented by an Italian in the Renaissance hundreds of years before, they simply lacked the infrastructure of Industrialization to make it a reality. (props to the Brits for industrialization, I'll give you that)

If nords are so superior how come they're being outbred by illiterate sand niggers in their own country?


Germanic people originate from Scandinavia, you stupid fuck. Swedes are basically the same as germans. Just ask Hitler.

Interbred with numerous preexisting Celts, invading Slavs, and migratory Meds. Do you even anthro, faggot?

Have you ever wondered why its always a british or Aryan playing a roman or greek protagonist?Mediterraneans are manlets with jew noses

Swedes are also interbred, but in large swedes and germans are both germanic.

May I ask your race/heritage? Just curious.

Hellenic master race reporting in
You're welcome for civilization

>barbarians invading and massacring innocent people, taking their stuff and raping their women

Your noble ancestors were literally ISIS

Because we don't breed like rabbits? We are a K-selective people. Quality over quantity.

you forgot Passo Romano and Goose step

>Quality over quantity.
Do you consider the limp wristed and self loathing youth of your country to be "quality"?

>you will never, EVER be part of the Med. master race

Germans less so. Swedes are more purely Nordic.

I belong to one of two peoples who gave birth to the European civilization you so enjoy and like to claim to have a superior role in: Italian (other being Greeks). Greeks are the only race I would consider conceding superiority to. They are pretty amazing.

I also have some other Nordic shit mixed in there (Amerifag) but I don't like to talk about that. Touch of merchant too... maybe... :(

>Quality over quantity.

lol, I'm a mix of both


>barbarians invading and massacring innocent people, taking their stuff and raping their women

There is literally nothing wrong with this

>Touch of merchant too...

Oh, I can tell.

see the 30 years war or the great northern war

friendly reminder that this thread is filled with people trying to "raid" / troll Sup Forums

My merchant is showing?

Lots of people say that about me.

Still, more Italian than anything. Better part-perfect than none.

yeah but are all of them actual Swedes? or are they from Jews or others Europeans?


Your hatred for nordic/germanic people is a merchant trait.

shut your mouth

Only the most northern part of Germany is Nordic. Most of Germany is what we would call Alpine.

Watching Vikings on history channel....
see vikings raping, killing, mindless violence against each other and anglos
Pillaging= taking shit from others who worked
Vikings literally the first niggers

>mfw my mom is Spanish with brown hair and brown eyes and my dad is northern European with blonde hair and blue eyes

I will never fit in with either side. I have brown hair and brown eyes but a blonde/red beard.

Whenever I see the image of a Nord I get this uncontrollable mental image of my bank account rapidly losing funds and having to do real work, and the only way to stop it is to lash out against Nords and delight in their interbreeding with blacks and Arabs. There's nothing I can do about it, it's just a reflex.

>bank account rapidly losing funds and having to do real work
jew fucking eternally and irrevocably confirmed 100%

no, niggers never really raided anything. you brought them to your home and then just let them fuck up things, they don't gain any value they just destroy and keep being poor. that's not raiding.

making nice boats and travel all around the world picking up the hottest chicks and get tons of resources back to your home land. that is raiding. or put it another way. if you can stop "raiding" by stop being a cuck then its not raiding.

>tfw half Danish and half Italian
Feels conflicting, Man

Same here senpai lol

Dads side of the family had been in Ireland since like the year 1000, came to Aus in the late 1700's, but pretty sure theyve got roman in them considering Me and everyone on my dads side has this hair and brown eyes and hair.

Mums side of the Family was Scandinavian til coming to Ausralia

anyone have the my ancestor picture?

I'll give them the boats and explorations aspect..
but still taking resources from others is still shit tier and nowhere close to actually building empires and writing works of fiction and philosophy

Pic related.

But yeah, swedes have been psychologically castraded by jews for decades. We are also too altruistic and emphatic for our own good. That's why we allow ourselves to be conquered by lesser beings.

are spain and france considered germanic or meds

What's a Spain?


dig a bit deeper into viking culture, the fictions about it you see on film is never a realistic portrayal, there was also a lots of diplomacy and trading, but at those times when you are the strongest you take things different times back then. There is deep lore to find and the architecture and technology was pretty good. its like high tech barbarians imo.

>inventions only start after the Age of Enlightment
>snownigs literally didn't invent a single thing before that time

Meanwhile in Greece and Rome:


jews are still fucking you hard

tfw Slav

Iberia is Western Mediterranean. France is a mixed big.

>psychotic hatred for a particular european phenotype
>its le bantz my brah xD


Unfortunately it's not 1648 anymore, just like it's not 1776 either. The accomplishments of your ancestors are irrelevant in this discussion. Blaming "DA JOOZZZZ" is literally one of the most bluepilled things you can believe. Opt out of their systems and see how quickly they become powerless over you.

Don't try to reduce it to phenotype you Anglorat. It's much, much deeper than that; right down to our biology. Go ask Dr. Kevin McDonald.

do swedes actually know this info?
and if so why not start boycotting and removing the Jewish influence..its not like there are millions of jews like there are in america

All whites are a useless breed. Have fun fighting amongst yourselves while we outbreed you. Hahahaha

I bet maybe 0.01% know. There are about 18.000 Jews there if my memory serves me right, but you know... fucking Swedes.


when will stop this meme?

in the background there are houses from the 19th century, nords stronk and futuristic

As an ethnic Englishman, I am perfectly disposed to rule over both nordcucks and medfaggots.

Frenchmen are also accepted.

>The accomplishments of your ancestors are irrelevant in this discussion. Blaming "DA JOOZZZZ" is literally one of the most bluepilled things you can believe. Opt out of their systems and see how quickly they become powerless over you.
Thanks schlomo for correcting the record


They had digital cameras 1500 years ago?

Wow, it's almost like you need a higher population density and longer growing seasons in order to necessitate and sustain building larger permanent structures! Even despite that Nords have a fantastic history of technological progress. Ask yourself why the Meds or French were beaten by a bunch of snowniggers in founding colonies in Iceland, Greenland, and later North America even!

You are laying it on too thick, it's like you're trying to hide behind a tree. Everyone knows trees don't have big hook noses

No, they had castles made with stone n sheeit + metal works.
The nords got civilised with the help of the Romans wich were related with the meds.

Half-Italian Half-Greek here, the biggest cucks in this country are pure-bred Germans.
This will soon no longer be the case, because their cuckoldry will leave them extinct for any pure-bred Germans to exist anymore.

>hook noses
I don't think so, Henk.


Except nazis WE WUZed so hard on the fact their ancestors were true germanics who fought back the Romans.


Nordic countries have the highest science nobels to capita ratios in the world. Especially Sweden has a shit ton of innovations in science.

Alfred Nobel himself was Swedish.

Nords may have been niggers 1000 years ago but 300 years ago they dominated Europe


>tfw when half greek half swede
i dunno about this feel guys, like being half cuck, half rape baby

I can't give you any information unless I know which parent is the Swede/Greek.

I can go even further...

>be me
>100% mediterranean
>living in rural area
>exporting berries to china
>no niggers/muslims
>german/italian wife

how can snowniggers-nordicucks even compete

kys please. you're a waste of space that hasn't contributed to anything