Can we all agree that if you don't have free healthcare you're a third world country?

Can we all agree that if you don't have free healthcare you're a third world country?

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3rd? 1st?
You should call it sickcare because its a system for people who get sick

free healthcare is usually shitty (see: argentina's healthcare)


Its a system that benefits shitskins and it drags down the people paying for it,costs too much,offers little

Everyone is now moving into private healthcare,better service,money well spent,no subhumans

if we gave free healthcare to the brown underclass we'd go under, they contribute nothing so they get nothing. the US is not the same as the white paradises elsewhere.

historically we are THE first world country, all of you other faggots are just riding our cocks.

Free at point of use, no country has "free" healthcare

>No healthcare


It's not free if you pay for it with expanded taxes dumbass.

The term you're looking for is "government funded". It's not free in those countries.

>63% white

We won't have free healthcare for much longer. Taking our country back comes at a price.

Botswana are actually doing not so bad.

Sweden doesn't have free healthcare.
I haven't seen a doctor for a decade because I can't afford it.


How can counties like Ukraine even afford free healthcare?

Yes, that is why the Conservatives in the USA have a future health plan of "Can't afford health care? Too bad! Better Die!"

You have to pay 30% of all medical costs.
Which can lead to quite a sum for serious disease.

leftovers from a soviet system

It's "free" as long as you fulfill certain conditions and see certain doctors. Like how dental care isn't free unless you agree to pull your teeth out.

I would have taken free healthcare over Obamacare




Nothing is ever free.

Venezuela sure is a 1st world country innit

But my country has (((free healthcare)))
It's shitty, but I don't have to pay them directly to use it
They sew me up every now and then.

>All these assblasted Ameriniggs on damage control

>have free helthcare
>third world country

We have "free" dental and health care, full cover on both fronts. It's only useful if you happen to live in the middle of nowhere with a good clinic, otherwise shit is really crowded and slow.
Hell, even our private health insurance is bureaucratic as fuck, have to sign a million(two) forms to make a single exam.

It costs less than how much it costs the US to serve the aesthetic of a "free market" while also having a constitution that guarantees people a right to live.

I.e. massive corporate welfare to hospitals when people go bankrupt to avoid paying 300,000 dollars for a swab of alcohol on their scraped knee so the tax payer ends up paying for it anyway.

Your map is shit.
Wtf do you mean free?

We have to pay for our healthcare.
We just don't have a choice about it.
You pay it or they take it.

It's a terrible system too, because it's not paid from tax money and offered by a non-profit government organization. It's mandatory and organizations get to make profit of it. Aka, we are forced to eat shit by our government.

And hence our lack of willingness to have universal healthcare.

It's purely dysgenic

>muh free healthcare is bad!!

Whatever you say. Be sure to pay that 600k fine when you go get a bandaid on your kneecap.

>mfw we have some of the greatest healthcare in the world

Am I first world now?


The staff of caduceus gotta be litterd with the blood of paupers.

brazil has free healthcare, but its just shit

I support public health care. But only people who realize it's not free should be allowed to use it.

>Capitalist as fuck
>Free healthcare

applies to us, so maybe

>free healthcare
no such thing.

Norway doesnt either.

>free healthcare


Apart from major surgeries our healthcare is pretty decent. Theres certainly room for improvement but it's great overall.

Everytime the government stops subsidising a medical service like pap smears the public loses their shit, and we get bogus articles from left wing media trying to portray it as a war on women, and muh americanised system


"Healthcare" includes,

>no choice of practicioner offering medical service
>medical records owned by the government
>limited choice as to how to heal yourself or how the practitioner heals you
>stupid government edicts ostensibly aimed at keeping you "healthy" like low sodium diets and cholesterophobia

I'd prefer to pay for products and services as an equal contracting with an equal with competing private organisations vetting physicians and medical schools like I do when I buy a computer.

That's easy for you guys to say. Free healthcare is difficult to implement when we've got over 300,000,000 people to care for.

I do agree, healthcare should be a right to valuable members of society but our country is full of spics and niggers who would undoubtedly abuse the system to get free gibs. We gotta clear out the inferior first.

You mean 56%

Libya had free healthcare, under Gaddaffi
I give 60% of my blood sweat and tears to the gov't and then line up and wait for a bandaid
free lunch

>dutch healthcare
Nigger what

The problem with line-ups at clinics and shit is because of fucking old people. They go in, they claim to have chest pain so they can get their hypochondria looked at.

It's not the silent generation either. It's the fucking boomers who do it. When the boomers die off our health care system will instantly be fixed.

Painting with a broad brush much? Smh

Can we all agree that if you actually believe free healthcare exists, you're dumber than a bag of pig shit.

Somebody's paying for it, dickhead.
And it isn't the people who benefit most from it.

""""""free""""" healthcare.
Excuse me while I pay a monthly fee

>implying you dont have to pay AT ALL

kek better to know that you have to pay that believe you dont when you actually get taxed the shit out you

Why do I pay 200€/month (employer pays for it additionally) if it's free?


The only ones who actually get free healthcare are the invaders.

We are!

Probably closer to 30% once you exclude Slavs, wops and 'people' with prairienigger and nigger admixture.

Why don't more people just pay out of pocket? It's almost always much cheaper than having health insurance and much quicker. I think we've been conditioned as a society to think that we have to have healthcare or else we can't even see a doctor. I don't think most people even know you can just pay them directly like you're buying from a store. The businesses themselves have been conditioned so hard too that most don't even know their own prices of a medicine or procedure without insurance attached.

Switzerland doesn't have free health care lol?
Where's this map from?

Pick one, and only one.

Canada's problem is a bit different. We do have a lot of old people, but we do have a pathetic amount of doctors per capita.

If you had as many niggers in your country as America does you wouldn't want money going to them either

Can we agree that if your country censors what porn you watch then it doesn't even matter?

We have free healthcare.

That map is probably utter bullshit since they didn't get one of the top 5 biggest and most populous countries right.

my point is, nothing is free
Canada has way more resources than Libya, if we followed his example we could all live well and make the immigrants do the work, instead, the immigrants will get a free ride on the backs of the working poor, foreign companies profit from our resources, big pharma makes 1000% profit on every pill/vaccine they push- money leaves the country
Gaddafi made no-name knockoff drugs- fuck international patents
Our politicians are in the pockets of international fascist business men who don't give a fuck about canada or any other cuntry
We need our own Gaddafi

1st of all, Poland has "free" healthcare.

2nd of all, there is no such thing as "free". All the money comes from somewhere.

>US spends 17% of their GDP on healthcare and its not even free

my dad is a boomer. he used to go in for his chest pains too. he was fucking up the system by always being there with the same condition, and he was always sent home and told it wasn´t his heart. the dumb fuck doctors wanted to get him out of there as quickly as possible to get on to more serious things. ended up my dad had severe complications with his esophagus and throat. the cunts could care less what his problem was, they just had to eliminate certain death by heart attack so they could get him out of there. well after fucking up their waiting room 20 times over the course of a year, one genius decided to run other tests instead of telling him it was just indigestion. found out his complication just before it required surgery, and now he´s right as rain.

tldr: doctors are specialized but that doesn´t make them smart


>Human Development Index
>Latin America
>#1 Argentina
>#2 Shitle

Your envy is showing Chilean.
STFU and take the 170,000 Chilean nationals living here back to your shithole.

Actually, 363.257 Chileans living here according to your government... mooching off our healthcare and education system while complaining on top of that.

Look closer, the gray dot is Liechtenstein.


Canada has resources, yes. Way more than Libya, yes. Except unlike Libya you have no legal right to those resources. You have to go claim ownership. Oh you want to make a mineral claim? Well you aren't allowed to make a mineral claim on crown land... unless you have friends in Parliament.

Your share of Canada's untapped mineral wealth is fucking zero. You don't own nothing Goyim.

This country is a whore. Enjoy it's natural beauty while you can. But it's slowly being tricked out to international investors and soon there will be nothing left to speak of.

At the same time Libya was a communist country. Basically the world's only example of a successful communist state. But it was governed via direct democracy. Anybody with the free time was allowed to show up at the community panels and participate in government affairs.

Nice flag

You know I am actually ok with native nignogs, it the moment they move I have a problem #welldonenignogfreindo

>not white
yeah right

It's not free you fucking retard I live in ontario, canada and 50 percent of my money goes to taxes when you add them up. Meanwhile I need to see a doctor maybe once a year.

How do white boys even compete?

But Brazil does have free healthcare.
(we're still third world though)

>offered by a non-profit government organization
Wtf are you even talking about? They're private insurance companies.

>Can we all agree that if you don't have free healthcare you're a third world country?

What do you pay as NI every month? Do you get your moneys worth? I paid into NI for 3 years and only went to doctor only once. Gib money back!

(((Free))) healthcare.

You got your basic tax rate of 20%.
You earn over 40k that pushes up to 40% for every penny earned over 40k.
Earn over 100k and your personal allowance of 11k is deducted by 1 pound for every 2 pounds over 100k.

Now, your NI varies roughly between 10-15%

That means if you're Mr Average you're paying a THIRD of your money to the government against your own will.

Then we have to pay for a TV license which you don't have to pay but if you don't then the BBC comes to spy on you to make sure you aren't watching their programming. That's only £150 PA.

Corp Tax is 21% with various surtaxes implemented to show Kyoto we're good green boys and VAT has been raised from 17.5% to 20%.

Then you've got stamp duty tax, inheritance tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, fucking tax.

We're pretty much communist desu.
And to think we're considered the most unequal country in Europe.

Its free in a way that when you get hit by a car you can go to the hospital withouth worrying more about your bill than your life

There's no such thing as a free meal.

Can you re read my post please? I never said it WAS free, but that its FREE in a way that you can casually stroll into the hospital whenever you want and not have to worry about your huge as fuck bill like in America.

>not paying for competitive rates in private health care
>being a lazy fucking wop
Not surprised desu