Since there's been a surge of Commies in the last week, let's take a test on what this board still identifies as:

Since there's been a surge of Commies in the last week, let's take a test on what this board still identifies as:

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums is officially a libertarian board.

check again

We're being raided, they'll get bored.


i think it is mostly trolls and a couple of faggots to be honest

the_donald is getting more attention, the leddit fags that migrated will return to their dwelling soon enough

No, it's not reddit,they are from leftypol. There's constant threads about it there

Communist master race.

Fascists rigging the poll


Ya need to leave

>communism always fails
>real communism hasn't been tried yet

>communists are a vast minority
>National Socialists must be rigging it

Your raids are bad and you should feel bad. what do you expect being a commie raiding a National Socialist board?

Every time communism is tried, the capitalists and nationalists send their provocateurs to undermine it.

Every time.

>when words can collapse your system

Votes for socialism are literally votes for communism



By sending, you mean they where always there and communists came to bother them not the other way around?


Fuck Commies. Heil Hitler.


Heil Hitler

> no conservative option
you need to be more inclusive and tolerant

kek wills it!


> it wasn't true communism this time I swear!
The only ethical market is a dead communist market.

Who /Monarchy/ here?

checked and kek'd

They are under Normal Right.

This poll confirms what I've thought for a bit now; the commies have a loud bark but no bite.

Of the 157 votes counted there's only 10 Communists, the leading being National socialists with 44 Votes and Fascists with 28 votes.


Update update!

National Socialists lead with 49/180, followed by the Normal Right with 33/180 and Fascists with 31/180. Last place stand Normal left with 2/180 and Communists with 12/180.


Apparently I am a progressive capitalist.
What would I list as



Unless they get redpilled by accident.

Normal right.


Thanks Albania

>Fuck commies
>Is a socialist

This pic should explain it

Commies GTFO

czeched so hard i became a public


You sad wank.

I bet you're orthodox too