why was it so based?

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Not as many blacks.

General lack of niggers.

Fewer blacks

Less dindus

Smaller concentration of melanine.

shit times

fewer niggers

Lack of Poland on maps

lack of fuckin whoite dwags


why the fuck are poles always so fucking annoying ? just shut the fuck up no one gives a shit about you either. no one gives a shit about anyone. stop being attention whores, faggots

Dead commies

They were never relevant and now they are crying for attention

What did Kek mean by this?

>why the fuck are poles always so fucking annoying ? just shut the fuck up no one gives a shit about you either. no one gives a shit about anyone. stop being attention whores, faggots

chill out medpackbro

Yeah it was great, I really enjoyed having all my uncles, brothers and best friends die, before I lost my eye and left hand

Came back home to Georgia only to find my family's plantation burned to the ground with Mammy my beloved house-slave raped and murdered by union soldiers.

Never did find my Mom or sisters again, dont know where they ran off to, So I went west and lived on a cattle range in new mexico until a rattle snake got me in the ankle

3 days ride to fort defiance, so I suppose ill just write this letter and die.

Hopefuly the Apaches find me before a bear does.

I love 1877

nice fucking digits

You clearly do give a shit tho

what a fucking amateur drawing

could've tried drawing more than one face if you planned on depicting a battle

Damn dawg.

Jews couldn't leave their shtetls.

19 century was one of the worst centuries you dumb fucking Kraut

It was the age of materialism, absolutism, centralized states and imperial ambitions that led to the slaughter of WW1

The 19 century was just another phase in the decline of Europe

totally do. I think about how great Poland litterally every breath I take. So please stop interveining in EVERY FUCKING THREAD, you see it's no use anymore.

you're a calvinist bastard, no wonder why you dislike catholic nations, like all protestants

Why so butthurt? :^)

>the past was a war ridden dark age
this meme must die

that was the popular style at the time I think because the paintings we have of the Revolution are more traditional European style renaissance art.



lol no 1850-1890 in the USA was dreary as fug

well in Europe it was a golden age

who gives a fuck, you're a fake calvinist bastard and you represent those traits that damage Europe, and you'll never be able to create any proper, vital culture

impactful, coming from a pole :^)

>you dislike catholic nations
We are literally the guardians of the pope you fucking dumbass

In France and England, it was more or less forbidden to be "leftist". The thing basically didn't even exist in the US.
People were Christians. People took property seriously and systematized envy (egalitarianism) had not been normalized. People were more rational and saw industry in a good way.
Also no islam, no niggs (some in the us but not politically relevant), and only men voted.

Perhaps it was shit in Poland, which wasn't even there politically.
Not really. One of the most religious centuries.
It was the death of absolutism. It was more libertarian than before and after.
>centralized states
True, a bit of a shame.
>imperial ambitions
Aside from Prussians, not really. The empires were already there in Europe. The colonial empires were often retarded though. They are the main flaw of the 19th century. They weren't even profitable.

>well in Europe it was a golden age

not for everyone krautbro

I don't know why the americucks are complaining ITT, their country grew exponentially in power and quality of life.

we had more civil wars and they also took our last colonies

wasn't good for polen either

It wasn't, really. The civil war was awful. Reconstruction in the South. Asides from that that was good.
>inb4 meme depression because of falling prices which (((economists))) consider a flaw

1865-1900 is when the USA became the greatest country in the world.

>"you damaged Europe"
What the fuck did you guys ever contribute to the world besides badass sausages?

please, this is just a marginal issue

Switzerland is the dream of all progressives, egalitarians and degenerates

>One of the most religious centuries
religiosity was slowly fading away and it was the time when numerous socialist and marxist movements emerged, how can you deny that

best time for russian art

>wake up
>get drafted as human cannon fodder

>wake up
>work lung-killing industry job for 12 hours
>die an early death

>wake up
>try to move to America because potatoes are so expensive
>die at sea

>wake up
>try to move to America because potatoes are so expensive
>succeed and live the American dream unlike your European peers

Moral of the story: Life sucked for most Europeans.

>doesn't even have a cross in his flag
>claims to be Christian

>his country didnt crown Jesus Christ as it's king
>calims to be christian

absence of melanine-enriched individuals.

>religiosity was slowly fading away and it was the time when numerous socialist and marxist movements emerged, how can you deny that
Not at all, not in France and England (my two countries). If anything the 18th century gets the (exaggerated) reputation for being the fedora century followed by a massive religious revival in the 19th.
Socialists movements were irrelevant here in the 19th century. The only one of any consequence was the Paris 1870 insurrection, that ended with 40k socialist "people" being condemned to death and no one gave a single fuck about it.

No, I would say late 1880's-1945 is the precipitous rise

the entire period from 1850-1890 was very depressing and dark, lots of poverty, and violence, lots of anger and resentment. There is a reason this period brought out or most famed artists and writers.

The civil war completely drained and depleted the US the victory wasnt some rousing affair like the Revolution or WWII its was solomn

The west, and the journey west was rough, lonely and bleak. The industrial northern cities were filled with basically slave labor and overflowing with riots, crime and ethnic tension.

Things did get better through the 1890's and the 1900's as the pain and destruction of the war faded into memory and industrialization picked up.

After a few quick and monumental military victories the 19teens-20's is seen as a happy go lucky time.

the 30's was a damper but its played up more in our common imagination than it actually was. (statistically wasnt much worse than the times we live in now)

And then WW2, while having a pretty decent loss in military casualties catapulted the US into world power greatness with no damage to our homeland.

>life sucked for most people
this has always been the case no matter what year or which place on earth you retard

Jesus wouldn't want to be a king.

19th century was great but it was still an age of decline

The shadow of the French Revolution and the revolutions of 1848 would only spell the downfall of traditional society and the final days of European monarchies

And from which would rise the era of pleb democracies and ultimate degeneracy...which we now see as fully revealed today


fuck free thinkers

The 19th century looked lavish, exciting and a period of discovery and creation.

The problem is that only a select few enjoyed this life. For the common man, it sucked. Most of the good jobs within a state were filled with cronies of more powerful men, and there were few avenues in which these powerful men could be brought down or kept in check.

Secret societies were everywhere and you never really knew where your loose tongue may get you. Much of your worth as a person was decided for you at birth, regardless of your natural talents.

I am not the son of a king, and you probably aren't either. Yet on our dinner table we have salt, pepper and a variety of fresh fruit from every corner of the world. Most great works that humanity has ever put to paper we have the ability to read for free. A warm winter coat can be bought for every member of your family on a weeks wage, the power to heat your own home can be measured in pennies every hour.
Most importantly in my opinion, you have the ability to learn whatever you want. You aren't bound to apprenticeship. You aren't fated to fulfill your fathers role within a town or village.

These were not the same in the 19th century and it is one of the few ways that we are stronger now as a race than ever before.

he made a self deprecating joke, calm down

1800's were based because this man was alive

poles must be the happiest people in the world, with this much jokers around

So what was peak European lifestyle 1700-1760?

1200 B.C

sounds like something set you off m8 and its probably not poleposting. something bothering you?


>Socialists movements were irrelevant here in the 19th century
They have literally replaced the Liberal Party and your country is the birthplace of freemasonry, there have been already progressive movements like diggers and levellers in the 17th century. If you deny that the 19th century was an age of materialism, scientism and spiritism (William Blake), then you're trying to fight with facts