Fuck it, I want Sup Forums to debate whether Socialism or Capitalism is better

Fuck it, I want Sup Forums to debate whether Socialism or Capitalism is better.

So Sup Forums, which of those ideologies is better, and state your reasons for that ideology.

Socialism is the inferior system because it teaches people that hard work is not worth the effort, because those who do not excel will be given the same rewards as those who do.

If you work hard, but you only make the same amount of money as someone who sits on their ass and collects welfare, what's the point of working hard when you too could sit on your ass?

There is no reason to innovate. No reason to excel. No reason to makes things better apart from some selfless altruism. Socialist societies will always stagnate and eventually run out of people willing to work to lift up those who don't want to work.

Socialism would be better.

Too bad it's not possible.

But getting the same amount of money as a working person, while unemployed, would fall under the jurisdiction of communism.

Is there a specific type of socialism that you would prefer?

Ideally socalism would be better than the two, but some jew has and always will fuck it up. Pure Capitalism is basically libertarianism, which put into practice is even worse than socialism somehow. As such the best would be a mix of the two.

Socialism is too idealistic, it doesnt work in a natural world.

We come from nature, and nature isn't fair. It doesnt give equal amounts to everything, in nature you have to fight to be successful and this helps create more successful individuals, it drives evolution and advancement.

Capitalism FTW

socialist socialism

Mixed market economies are the only way and anyone who argues for pure socialism or pure capitalism is a mouthbreathing clinically retarded ideologue.

>Socialism is too idealistic, it doesnt work in a natural world.

Works pretty well over here burger.

that's not to say it's perfect but hey, we're working on it.

That is understandable, but people born into wealthier families will have a generally easier time in life, so how would you remedy this class inequality?

Neither. Third way is the right way.

Yout dont have to be wealthy to advance necessarily, I would promote education for people to have the drive to succeed. Alot of class inequality probably comes from people who sit on their ass and complain that they arent getting enough. It doesnt take a lot of money to go to a library and study some trade, get a regular job and work your way up.

I would promote strong work ethic.

Competition drives advancement and evolution. Socialism is stagnation.


They are different cheeks of the same ass.

Fuck both.

well, national socialism is obviously the best. too bad most burgers are too burned by welfare niggers to consider a "we leave nobody behind in our nation" policy.

Fuck off.

Socialism (as in leftie socialism) would be the worst thing. Socialism is extremely immoral and looks awful on eveything, including paper.

Who the fuck thinks it's moral and good to forcefully take away someone elses work and distribute it to people that do fucking nothing.

It's bullshit.

The base of socialism is greed.

Getting participation trophies as kids and being told that they're special/they can do anything is recipe for a socialist/commie rebel kid who will later be unsuccessful and frustrated because they don't understand why. Because being told that you can do anything and getting unrealistically rewarded is an effort to bring someone to the same level as the other who performed better. It's illusion, and it's destructive. Teaching kids to be healthily competitive and that they can achieve anything IF they put forward the necessary amount of work is what parents need to do.

Parents these days are too afraid to upset their children with a dose of reality. I see it everywhere. They're too afraid to tell their children the things that they couldn't come to grips with themselves.

Socialism: trusting everybody
Capitalism: not trusting anybody
Your attitute towards life & other people has a strong impact on political views

>people are always trustworthy

Hey would you give me all your money for safe keeping? Promise I'll give it back

just like I said, socialism is idealistic bullshit

Trusting everybody is less productive that not trusting anybody because you're more prone to getting fucked over if you foolishly trust everyone. It is human nature to act in self interest. This is what the socialist/communist can't grasp. You would have to reprogram the human brain biologically to make communism work.

Exactly, this is how commies end up with despots controlling them. "Oh, we TRUST you and the state to take care of us!"

Trust yourself first.