When did this become acceptable where the girl asks the guy out ???????????????

When did this become acceptable where the girl asks the guy out ???????????????

Because Asian men are more or less women

That's actually not Tien. Tien turned her down to focus on his training for the upcoming tenkaichi budokai and this boy is consoling her. She says she will still wait for Tien, and admires his dedication to martial arts.


men are becoming more and more pussies. A lot of guys my age, I would say even the majority probably, are afraid to talk to girls and are just complete effeminate cucks

Haha well memed my fellow 90s kid

Gimme da fruit rollup

I guess when they're a Chinese FtM

sadie hawkins dance

why would that beautiful white woman want that ugly asian boy?

He looks to be an ambitious and cleanly dressed young man.

yea i was assuming this

At our high school we had a winter formal where the girl asked the guy out.

winter formal girls ask guys

home coming and prom are vice versa

did you even go to high school

I want in n out

my feet hurt


A white girl and her asian gay friend. What an adorable pic.

because she knows his small peen won't rip her apart and then leave her to fuck other girls

When equality became a thing.

What is the story behind Tien?

What the fuck is with this instagram bullshit? Can't anyone ask anyone out anymore without making it into a photo op?

>girl asks the guy out
most asian countries do this
you know, places with actual family values and no degeneracy like golddiggers

honestly its the way things ought to be

>Girls are sluts that only go for chads!
>Girl asks out math olympiad China man
>*Devolves into nigger muh dick arguments*

I don't think spoiler tags work here, but...
(I think watching DB would still be excited even knowing this anyway, and it happens like 100 episodes in)
[spoiler]He was a really fearsome fighter from the crane hermit school in Dragon Ball. He defeated Goku for first place in one budokai, and then Goku beat him the next year after training with kami and popo. Both were close.
The crane hermit was friends with the turtle hermit (master roshi) in his youth, but they separated, and crane hermit's scumbaggy tendencies came more into the forefront. The famous assassin, Tao Pai Pai, was also in the Crane school, and his arc was really cool. He came back as a half robot during one tournament cause why not. [/spoiler]

>tfw girls CTR to you preemptively when you werent planning anything so other people know this
>oh dont worry i wouldnt actually date this guy

i wish to die

I assume the WB in the OP pic is for Winter Ball

when did this become acceptable?