How do you stop videogames once and for all, Sup Forums

I don't want to be a manchild anymore

I'm sure some of you did it

Other urls found in this thread:

Get addicted to working out instead.

Stop playing them.

read books
take up a hobby that produces a tangible product like woodworking
quit making excuses and being a little bitch and take some fucking control over your life.


I know it's hard user but If you simply don't give in to your urges they fade over time.

Nothing in life matters anyway, play games if it makes you happy

Rome wasn't built in a day sharty-marty

Stop being so disgusting that you feel embarrassed whenever you leave the house.

It's not even hard, you just stop playing them. Why would that be hard?

I'm afraid that's impossible.

And with enough discipline anyone can live a life devoid of any joy or satisfaction.

You don't know what it's like to be a CHRONIC PROCRASTINATOR

>Learning things that benefit you IRL is not fun
>Leveling up in the ultimate game (Life) isn't worth time


I hate this picture. I always think its a guy wearing a diaper.

So procrastinate on playing video games. Use your talents to your advantage.

Even if you stop you still gonna be that beta faggot as before. Just because you stop to not be a manchild. I'm playing video games for hours everyday, have lots of friends and probably earn more money than the most on Sup Forums

It doesn't work that way senpai

I feel sorry for anyone addicted to modern games. They've been almost total shit for the last decade. Re-evaluate your values.

I mean there is nothing wrong with playing them unless that's all you are into. Pick up different hobbies and just decrease your play time.

It does you useless leaf. Rake yourself

Start building firearms. start with glock lower receiver , super easy

>Things that never happened

You just turn them off and start mobileposting

Phone games are shit so the games stop being fun

Why not? Procrastination is avoiding doing something. You want to avoid playing video games. You should be pretty good at avoiding things.

I don't think a person should stop as long as they don't hurt anyone. The key thing is the make sure you at least bob your head outside of the industry. Know what goes in the real world.

Just realize the emptiness you feel when you play them. When you play, even with friends you can just feel something is wrong.

You were meant for better things than pretending to be a hero.

>living with parents

Start pirating them, all of them. You'll come to the conclusion that they will never make you happy and they're getting worse.

You can't prove that

Nothing wrong with video games as long as it's not your lifestyle. It's just another form of entertainment like books, sports, or film. Make sure you have other hobbies, build other skills and don't be a fucking waste of space NEET.

Stop playing shit vidya that is only designed to be addicting. The mentally engaging stuff can only be played in moderation anyways because you'll just burn yourself out playing it otherwise and once you get into it all the normal blockbuster garbage looks like shit by comparison.

Why is this so hard for Sup Forums to understand?

I grew up and completely lost interest of vidya.

Dunno how to explain the phenomenon. It just happened.

I have 4,000+ hours dota on record, but I haven't played vidya for nearly 3 years now.
I gave in to the craving once, but the meta changed so much I couldn't be bothered relearning.

This desu
When you start getting things for free, you don't cherish them so they become bland. Pirate games you want and you'll slowly lose any appreciation for the game and you'll want to find something new. The cycle continues till you are fed up with games completely and find something else

Give me your power. plz

Beat the game you fucking moron. You gonna quit like everythign else in life? Stop being a little faggot and be MERCILESS GLADIATOR. RANK 1. PRO. PAID 2 PLAY.

For me I started improving my real life instead of trying to escape to another.

>in college unmotivated
>6'3" 230 no muscle play wow all day and sometimes go to class
>graduate with shit 2.8
>realize i'm a worthless son
>apply to 350 places
>get a hand full of phone interviews, one in person
>get job from in person
>2 hours away from home, in apartment, sink or swim
>realize i'm still a fat piece of shit
>start eating healthy
>230 to 170 in 2 years but still had man boobs, belly fat and love handles
>start working out
>shit form had to restart multiple times
>get fed up with playing video games not getting me anything rewarding in life
>start to use tinder to talk to women
>afraid to talk to them, get over it
>afraid to ask for their number, get over it
>afraid to ask them on a date, get over it
>afraid to commit, get over it
>now 6'3" 210 lbs almost 1/2/3/4 (shit OHP unfortunately)

As of last week I bought a ring for my GF and plan on purposing and having 3 children. I came to the realization that we are all dying and I want to continue my legacy through kids.

I wasted over a YEAR worth of my life in WoW game time alone shameful.

You can't play video games without getting obsessed to the point it becomes a problem? That sounds more like a personal issue than an issue with the games themselves. As usual, OP is a massive faggot. Neck yourself, frogger.

get a job

lazy piece of shit

Just moderate it. Play an hour or two a night instead of watching TV. Do productive things with the rest of your time.

Vidya is easy to control. PMO and weed are the real killers.

>watching TV

People still do this?

>tfw pirate games
>bought Warhammer Total War because no torrent
>9 hours played

oh well

This. I pirate games and will only spend about 5-6 hours gaming every month, before getting fed up.

probably cuz you couldn't even get to 4k. Take it from me op. I am non white and I STILL have a hottie GF euro gf whos brains I fuck out.

I vape a shit ton of weed before every game too. No better feeling than being high out your mind, mid lane. And then just clowning on some motherfucker to hear those words. FIRST BLOOD.

Politics can be escapism too, in a way. I know tons of people on this board were living vicariously through Trump during the entire election.

take up another addiction or isolate yourself from all forms of video gaming

normies do.

I'm just saying they watch it like a few hours a night to relax. Vidya should be the same.

Some of us were raised by abusive single moms user



Just stop playing them? I grew out of them as my friends grew out of them so I had less people to play with. Now there's just no incentive to playing anything beyond one or two matches a week on Battlefield. Games aren't fun without your friends and they're sure as hell not fun anymore now that every games storyline pushes some sort of agenda.

>isolate yourself from all forms of video gaming

I'd like to keep FIFA on console desu


How do you pirate ??? I'm at dorms and paranoid about getting kicked out. Is cs rin ru safe ? Can they tell if I'm downloading shit from there ???


>tfw I try to force myself to play video games
>can't stop being distracted by the horrors of life

Realize that they never bring any long lasting satisfaction, as soon as you reach the top of a MP game there is a new dlc, a new expansion or a new game. The only game really worth leveling up in is real life, the graphics are nice as fuck (especially if you have the master race eye dlc) the skybox is fucking huge and the physics engine is amazing. Its pretty much an open sandbox and its pretty fun.


Some of you grew up with the dumbest parents. Thats why you come to this website to get your fashy news and spread your fashy hate. Cuz you learned how be a faggot from your fashy shitstain parents. My parents are not fashy. They are Doctors. Save lives. Vote democrat. Eat shit fascist. Race doesn't even exist. Your whole world is a lie. Youre just albino derived and ashamed of it.

How comes the alt-right loves to use the same arguments SJWs use?

>I vape a shit ton of weed before every game too. No better feeling than being high out your mind, mid lane. And then just clowning on some motherfucker to hear those words. FIRST BLOOD.
You can vape a ton of feed and take the first blood on a new gf. Have you tried that?

Happening threads on Sup Forums is the new WoW

I do all of those and still play video games.
Its only bad if your whole life is based on games

Master race! (albinism, a disease)
Black and brown ppl can make you, you cant make them.

Reeeeeeeeeeee !!!


I play video games all the time

Feels goodman

Actually yes, the first time we fucked in the dark in my car, I pulled my dick out like a murder weapon.

This is my board now. Show my how you fight albino. I will show your the light. That it may burn away your leprous intentions.

You will NEVER have this power. Master race... lmao.

Effulgent, glowing like a billion Suns.

i like this

Race has never existed. Always has been albinism. A disease.

> t.b Tyrone

the Oakland fire just proved you can make black people

Stop bullshitting Hans

The feeling of wanting to play vidya simply vanished as I grew older.

I can still enjoy myself with an RTS or 4X or Grand Strategy, but it is rarely.

Sup Forums is much harder to get rid off. I think that's because it's a substitute for not having a social life - I am not a NEET though, I work and do have family I enjoy spending time with. I simply can't have new people in my life without wanting to violently murder them.

>thinking vidia is his problem

No it's really not that fucking difficult. I'm in the same boat, except trade cute GF for the job.

News flash: you can fucking do what you want while still being normal. I know it's a hard concept for most of you.

Everyone is connected, by blood. Everyone is family. Everyone has African DNA. Your shitty backwards fascist ideologies will be incinerated here in the age of information. You can cower at the truth. But the truth is not afraid of you, and it will be recognized.

(where asians come from btw)

Not black but thank you for showing your programmed fear of the negro albino. You will always be afraid of him. Hes superior to you in every way. You are nothing but a leper with dreams of grandeur. And I am armed with the proof to prove it. You have no such ammunition.


opinion discarded

Start exercising and study a new language/intellectual interest. Sell your gaming shit to some Pakistani so you can cuck him. Easy as pie.

>Sell your gaming shit

why not.

h-how should I deal with the craving coming right after

You can never leave dota rusky. PAtch 6.89 will reclaim your soul again.


Having a gf to speak to and watch shit together when you're bored

>realize buying new games is a waste of money
Seriously, you're paying $60 for a game that you could buy for $10 in 2-3 months.
>realize game makers are selling you incomplete games and rape you with DLC
It baffles me how the game community accepts the new business model. Pay $60 for an incomplete game, then $50 more for shit that was taken out
>find shit that occupies your free time
read, work out, and shitpost on Sup Forums

What would you suggest then?


i play videogames whilst listening to podcasts/videos/political shows
its only ones i can play mindless that ive played 100 times before (ck2, ds, mkdd) i find it helps me concentrate
nothing wrong with this IMO, guess theres probably something i could do physical instead like go for a walk but its ultimately not that productive

Gave away video game system.

It's such a meme to pretend like it's hard to quit bad habits.

Quit smoking too. Did it by not smoking any more.

I just need to find a new hobby

Learn an instrument. One of the most challenging and worthwhile things you can do in life - easy to practice productively alone whenever you have free time.

Instead of becoming a level 32 elf with a vorpal blade or whatever you learn real stuff that legitimately impressed people,
women enjoy, creates socialization opportunities, and can someday share with kids.


play outlast whistleblower and see if you still like vidya

the fault isnt in videogames it's your lack of will power to know when to stop you stupid fuck

digits of truth
If you can't control yourself then that are deeper issues than you playing video games

And btw, it's fine to play videogames, if you spend all your free time doing it may be problematic, but otherwise it's ok. Do what you like mate

Je veux arrêter pêh.

J'ai le droit quand même ?

J'comprends ce que tu veux dire, t'as plein d'idées sur ce thread pour passer à autre choses. J'te dis juste que c'est pas la peine de trop culpabiliser. Après si c'est vraiment ce que tu veux, tu va y arriver tqt

you just have to stop

I came home from work one day, pissed that I spent all my spare time gaming so I snapped every disc I owned in half and threw them in the trash.

Since then I'll maybe play an hour or two of video games every 3 weeks or less, I don't miss it. I think it's really gross when i hear about my 20-something year old classmates spending all their spare time indulging in vids. My old roommate would regularly pull 8 hour shifts on Minecraft or COD. Another friend of a friend will always pull out a DS or laptop and game by himself when a group of us get together for a weekend. These people are fucking losers

Working out and reading. Its what I did.

Waifu + gaming is better than watching trash like GOT etc


This. I pretty much only play strategy/historical games now. It feels a lot better because I feel like I'm actually using my brain and not just shooting things for point.

But I don't see why people think you need to quit cold turkey. I go to university, work weekends, lift 5 days a week and read while still playing video games.

By having good taste and refusing to compromise. It's easy to give it up when the hobby has gone to shit, co-opted by normalfags and feminists.

Also, OP, I know you didn't mean this but for your information you should refrain from perpetuating the manchild meme. It's just another one of those man-hating terms designed by leftist feminist cunts to ruin masculinity. Why do you think there's no equivalent term for women - why don't women get called womanchildren?

Ironic, really, considering it is women who, in general, truly are most child-like.