What have you learned from Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


To hate everyone equally

Sup Forums is a govt. run psyop

How to invoke the power of an ancient Egyptian frog god


Women will always have the advantage over men in western civilization. That is never going to change.

Jews have thin skins.

pfft, didnt need pol to learn that
>i dont discriminate
>woh, anons nice
>i hate everyone equally

That you faggots will defend anything trump does even of it goes against your narrative.

i have a poor grip on reality

>pol is one person

Fuck off

That name gagging is Okay.
Jews did 9/11
9/11 was an inside job
Jews control the media
The Holocaust was a ploy to get goys to give jews what they want
Hitler was a hero
Double digits call upon an ancient egyptian chaos god

Turks will survive WW3

That the genocide against certain ethnicities and followers of certain belief system is a morally and logically necessary act to engage in.

Tunis more like bagdons xdd lel

Schizophrenia is real

The truth.

those oil fumes are getting to you mate

lads. this.


Jews and Muslims are born with an evil urge to literally kill everyone but Christians have never committed acts of evil ever despite Abrahamic religions all basically being the same and something something Marxist propaganda something something revisionist something something Jew cuck multiculturalism Reddit something

For fucks sake, that was actually good

Mob rule is fucking retarded.

The reason leafs were cast away to the shitty northern tundra.


no it's an arabic meme lost in the translation tunis user can read it

Sheeple will believe anything.

Nazi's are fags.

Canadians are absolutely fucking retarded.

What does it say

>the governments evil

Jews control everything.
Religion in general is 100% retarded and so are atheists, so it's better to be a deist.
Women want to be treated like shit and should be treated like shit.
Niggers should be purged.
Abbos are a different species and should be purged.
Money is the only thing that matters.
The best form of government is an absolute dictatorship ruled by me and me alone because I know best.

Nice broxy

That autism should never be weaponizef

بروكسي مين يا عسل ههههههه

Are you a member of the Royal family? How many wives do you have? Are you a decendant of Mohammed (PBUH)?

What do you think about ISIS/Nursa and the Syria conflict in general?

I can finally confirm.

damn son i just wanted to meme

Not a Royal ,Single , no jewish tribe kek
, isis are niggers syria is done by out greed and that oil pipeline

Sup Forumscucks are the most braindead people on Earth, and would line up in droves to be emasculated if it meant brown people had to suffer.

jealous that they are taking business?

>what are you saying i don't speak kangaroo user

that you are fucking faggits

always trust the predictions on ancient egyption chaos frog gods.

that you are only upset with isis and Syrians because they are causing you to have less profits
it was a joke
it wasn't that funny
now its not funny at all because I had to explain it

Never trust radical religiousfags

Sorry to break the bantz m8 any how we saudis are fucked by our new laws



Well played

Well you are known for terrorism anyways So. Get fucked

I learned nothing.
It just is a place where some of the opinions I have are more welcomed:
-The left isn't morally superior, but it thinks it is
-Demagogy in themes like immigration and Terrorism may damage countries

Maybe more but I don't rmember

i came here as a libtard who was redpilled on the jews already and the corrupt governments to most degrees already, but thinking that the right is mostly racist rednecks who got stuck in time sometime. Sup Forums showed me that redwing positions actually make sense (at times, at other times dont, just like leftwings) and that instead of fighting each other we should try to work together since we all just want a better world and can accomplish it together better than if we are figthing each other. that being said current leftwing government are fucked up and need to be replaced asap in most cases because of their corruption and being a puppet of the jews or financial elite or whatever.

overall my worldview and oppinions didnt change though

>jews cucked us also we are ruled by kikes

better stop with that rhetoric
we're all Zionist here mate unless we're trolling or underage

I'm white and thats okay.

Found the racist

>To hate everyone equally

This. Sup Forums is a completely egalitarian board.

LARP'ing is fun!

To be more leftist. That you are all pagan and bossy assholes who bitch and lie about ironic nothingness. About physical impossibilities. That we died and are cancerous and you're all deluded zionist closet fag cucks. Or pedos. Just like Hitler Pence and Zionald. And Putin. You make me sick. You are sell outs. It never used to be this way. It all started when the board broke for a week two years ago and then Zionald came on the scene. I haven't seen the word "JIDF" uttered ONCE on here since then. Hang your heads in shame and then nibble on my foreskin


thinking am not a kike kek


That everything I know is wrong


That you voted for the antichrist and to fulfill the georgia guidestones and starve in a gutter?

its not about you
its about preserving our race in the midst of these heathens
they shall know the truth, only when it is too late, til then they will follow the red herrings like deathcamps, Bilderberg. bohemian grove and Satanists

Leftists do not care about their culture, religion and especially not about their people. Impossible to create a good or even better world that way.

You're all a bunch of russian propagandists. Thanks for helping Trump though!

The Lefties are more violent than the Right

When are you gonna BTFO of leafs? We need heroes like you, mate.

thats only (((their))) way of the left. i would like to keep culture, religion if it doesnt cause harm, and people. however i dont care for someone who is white more than someone who is black. i care for the one more who is a more decent human being. i understand people wanting a homogenous society, maybe not what i want, but i understand it, and if you dont accomplish through a genocide of everything that isnt like you i dont mind. i know taking in refugess wont do anything except creating more problems here as well, and to fix it we would need for example to stop bombing their countries and destabilizing any government which we dont like. i know the current left is fucked up, and on most points (like the right to bear arms, closing the boarders while we are at war with an enemy that likes to infiltrate secretly and to attack from within and such stuff) but just because the current leadership of the left is fucked up it doesnt mean i will change the my ideologies. i would rather get rid of that fucked up leadership and enlighten the people who were blinded by their lies