What goes on here? This is my Heimat. Is it Arabia yet?

I want to visit Europe one last time before it becomes totally unrecognizable. My great great grandparents came from this area so why not learn more about it from some /polacks/.

This is a plattduits area is it not?
what are the people like?
are there refugee centers nearby?

Other urls found in this thread:


> This is my Heimat

No its not.

Stay away from libtown (Groningen)

Leave Friesland alone you filthy US-American

Visit Emmer Compascuum

It may be that Groningen is a communist city, but it's still very comfy and beautiful.

Halt die Fresse. Give me the satisfaction of seeing where my people lived for ever. I used to live am Bodensee but didn't have the documents I have now to see where exactly they came from. I have even the street number (but i'm not autistic enough to show up there, don't worry). I'm on your side, thanks.

Tell me more about this please.

That bad? Do you recommend any Niederlandische areas on that side of the border?

It is meine Heimat too.
I am muslim btw


I am born here, unlike you murrican faggot

>where my people lived for ever
In the slums of European cities before your criminal ancestors fled Europe to avoid punishments?

Millions of illegals are born in my country too, doesn't make them Americans.

They came from a very small village. Not sure why they left. Huge amounts did. Krauts are the biggest ethnicity in the US by far. Why is this even an argument? Meine Urgrosseltern sind hierhergekommen, da ich will mal sehen who sie aufgezogen sind. Ich will es selber angucken. Haste was nuetzliches zu sagen, oder willste halt trollen? Halt doch auf, neidisch zu sein, dass meine Grosseltern das Richtige gemacht haben und nach einem Land umgezogen sind, wo man eigentlich frei ist. In zehn Jahren wirds es mehr Deutschen in den USA geben als in DE, na halt die Fresse oder, bitte, sag mir mal was nuetzliches.

z.B this. What kind of places are commie shitholes, what kind of places are /comfy/, how the people are. what your experience visiting the area or living there may have been. I'm genuinely interested. Ist keine Reinheitsdebatte

>Millions of illegals are born in my country too, doesn't make them Americans.
you mean just like the whites who went barging into the native's territory and settle there, while causing shit ton of problem on someone else's land?


Yeah exactly that. You know how that turned out for them? Catastrophically. They essentially don't exist as a people anymore. Okay, sorry to do that natives, but...why repeat that?

Repeat what?
White population is declining because they refuse to breed. Instead of building a healthy family they turn into materialism and vanity of this world. It's their fault

Dude, Just like Germans did to Rome?

Instead of importing millions of Arabs we could instead impart strong values onto our people. Kennst du dies?: youtu.be/0Z760XNy4VM
I think we're now in the "beautiful one" phase.

Exactly. I hate this type of logic. Injustices of the past justify injustices now. That is of course if you believe in a sort of natural rights philosophy and not a 'might makes right' mindset.

Germanics did this, not Germans.

And we found nice kingdoms, like France, Spain, Italy and later England.

yeah but we're all descended from the Alemanni, Suebi and Goths anyway.

If you're going to be like that then technically all that Germans have done is WW1, WW2, the holocaust and joining the EU.

Nah, but calling the tribes invading the Roman Empire "German" is just too wrong in my opinion, a few centuries later it makes more sense

sure, not the modern German national identity (or lack thereof, now) but definitely the ancestors of all Germanic people. Deep culture stays relatively static over long time frames.

Have it one way or the other, hans. They're either always Germans or always Germanics until Germany was formed.

>are there refugee centers nearby?
Yes, the main refugee center is somewhere in the south of your picture.

Fun fact: They put it in the middle of nowhere on purpose, so migrants arriving at the international airport will have a hard time finding it and registering there so they would hopefully fuck off to a different country instead.

Dank je wel! Do they wander around a lot, or stay in the center? I wonder because I last lived in DE before the migrants came so I have no idea how the every day life of a welfare leech is, ie. how I will personally be affected on my way to the Metro or whatever.

>where my people lived for ever.

Doubtful because much of that land was still sea just a few centuries ago.

Unless you're a gay fish?

I mean the general area, not that exact village. Very rare to know the whereabouts of our family past 100 years here, at least. Maybe they were gay fishes, though?

Never thought i'd get so much shit trying to where my family came from. Many Germans I met had a mixture of hate for me for being American in between hate for themselves for existing as a people. Very strange mindset.

Bremen wasn't sea dude, wtf are you on about?

>Do they wander around a lot, or stay in the center?

Once they are registered they are moved to other centers.

They are free to wander, but generally stick to the area close to their center becasue they don't have vehicles.

That's still too imprecise.
German nationalism is older than the formation of the German Empire, but not as old as the glorious times of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nations.
Until the late 18th century no one said that he was German.

I don't want to disappoint you, but Friesland existed before you kaaskops won the battle against the sea.

Did OP say he's from Bremen?

>Until the late 18th century no one said that he was German.
My urgrandparents said they came from Prussia, which maybe says something about the time they came from (1890s-1900s). I always found that interesting, since now i'm an adult and I know the area's history / demography the people are Friesisch and I have a Plaatduits sort of name.

Neh, the point on my map is the approximate location of where they came from, not Bremen.

>Friesland existed before you kaaskops won the battle against the sea.

Not in the same place it's now.

Where you see the string of islands now used to be a continuous strip of land.
That's where they lived, and all along the coast.
Then a big flood happened and they were pushed inland, then reclaimed what is now our new coastline.

Alter... Ich will halt die Heimat selber angucken. Als Ami ist es schlimm, keine tiefe Relation zum eigenen Land zu haben. Ich bin gluecklich weil ich mindestens die Info habe, sowas aufzusuchen.