"In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the radical social...

>"In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the radical social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money,[3][4] and the state.[5][6]"

There's nothing wrong with any of that. Join the revolution, comrades.

Other urls found in this thread:



Ponta is the next Hitler

Except it's a retarded system invented by a man who never worked a day in his life which has never been implemented without failing entirely.

Look at fucking Venezuela to see what it will do to a country.

Capitalism is waiting in line for an iPhone. Communism is waiting in line for a loaf of bread.




obvious newfag

Where does this leave those of us who only wish, for ourselves, our beliefs and our property, to be left alone?

What if I don't want to participate? Will you force me to comply? It seems that, in the past, the solution was amoral. Those who wished to be left in peace were violently opposed and eliminated. How will your version of communism differ in this regard?

>Image from 2013 where as my image is only a week old or something. Really makes me think.

Anyone who doesn't want Sup Forums raided with lefttard threads is a stormfaggot (From three years ago) and not just a lolobertarian or a real fascist. Nice board you have it's covered in real Sup Forums threads.

You have a computer or a phone and you can afford to have internet and spend time posting instead of working or looking for work.

Your not lower class the meth addict under the bridge is prepare to share a room with him and lose all your possessions and get used to shovelling shit out of the sewer that's your new job for life

If communists practiced what they preached they'd go live in communes with like-minded ants.

The point of communism is to make us all slaves and calling it liberation.

When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.

-- Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D

ITT: Bourgeois Commies try to convince the Proletariat to fight for their own slavery.

That is the most naive bullshit I have ever read.

>how to into trans-oceanic logistics

Since the OP is still attempting to weave his casuistry into something resembling a legitimate argument, I'll take this time to research your thesis.

It really shouldn't take so long, for someone who is so sure about what is best for my family and future, to answer such a fundamental question regarding their ideology.



>shitting on ants

Ants are cool. If miniscule insects can work together, why can't people?

I hope another communist system comes to power so I can work my way into the government and live lavishly off the backs of all the idiot proletariats, just like has happened with literally all socialist/communist systems ever tried ever.


bögjävel jag tar dig 1v1

t. CIA

This is what rich faggots who have never lived in a communist country think communism is.

Lmao every commie on this board is a fucking swede. No wonder Jamal is raping all your women without fear of reprisal

here you go you prepubed sweedshit fucktard


have a free history lesson on me

Nod an argumand

your new is showing

Get the fuck out, faggots. And don't come back.

t. triggered classcuck


Jesus Sweden. 3 threads at least? Stop spamming

You guys aren't accomplishing anything. You are not changing anybodys mind. We all know that communism is a piece of shit ideology. All you is spam these threads and hope someone will change. When the only people who will agree with it are yourselves. It would be no different if you had stayed on leftypol or reddit.


>Not realising that dialectical materialism is the truth
Your loss mane






>swede teaching me, who lived in communism, what communism is
Go fuck yourself with an arab dick, fucking retard.

not an argument :^)


not an argument

Communism isn't the solution for an Islamic invasion you cuck.


Top kek

What happens when the means of production deteriorate and need to be repared or replaced?

The incentive for learning an incredibly difficult craft such as engineering in a capitalist society is that you are going to be paid significantly more and, by extension, allowed to accumulate more resources than say, a teacher or a garbage man. Assuming it is a free society post-revolution, and not another totalitarian mass-murdering shithole, what prevents would-be engineers and other necessities from pursuing easier careers instead?

Nice try Swedicuck, we see how your socialist country is doing.

>Sage goes in all fields.

Remember to sage and hide these threads.

People aren't ants, you fucking retard.

Let me know when an ant colony produces electricity, automobiles, planes, televisions, phones, or crop harvesters. Until then, why don't you try living without the massive innovations capitalism has brought about, which includes fucking off from the internet.





>anything but national socialism

>t. triggered classcuck
>commies trying to meme
You are a failure. Exactly like how you are a failure in like. Kys cuck.