Women ellected Van der Vellen


>67% of women under 29 voted commie,

>thinking women have half a clue
>especially younger women

I think I know your first mistake user.

Does this mean you beans get a Green Socialist party in power?

Because then I fully support it just for laughs.

Fucking Feminazis

Holy shit, how can a person live through life with so little awareness?

I cant read German faggot, just explain it to me or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Yeah those krauts just elected a green commie kek

Beyond repair

refuse to offer any sympathy to Austrian women raped by migrants, they voted for this

Van bellen is at the left women are red

Don't erase the large amount of votes from women that voted for Hofer.

So if I see a refugee raping a women I better go by?

enjoy the rape train Austria

Women are the niggers of genders.

I'm switching my major to biomedical engineering next semester.

a president. His party is sitting at 10-15 % in national polls. Right-wing will get 35-40 % during the next elections in 2017/18.

Well, it was only the presidential election and the president mainly has representative tasks. Barely any impact on real politics but still sad, would have been a great impact.

I used to laugh at Saudis for not allowing women to be free. Now I realise that I was the fool all along. Their culture and identity will survive, while the European one will die unless something radical happens. But one thing is clear, Europe cannot be saved democratically.

The Austrians are having presidential elections. The image being in German should've been a clue that it's not the Mexican election. I know German on a native speaker level. I don't know any Dutch, but I wager I'd be able to deduce the meaning of a graph like this and you should be able to do so in German too.

Make sure you specialize in bio materials and tissue engineering.

You'll end up a glorified mechanic fixing hospital equipment otherwise

Also it's fucking cool as shit

Ah, this seems like as good a thread as any to blow my propaganda load all over.

Thhhhheeeeeee... Artificial womb !
Yes sir, in but ten to twenty short years, YOU ! COULD ! OWN ! ONE ! Or two ! Or more !
The more you prepare until then, the more you will be able to reproduce ! The more you will help you spell the doom of the ancestral parasite through heavy skewing of the gender demographics !

But, only if you PREPARE !
PREPARE yesterday ! Gather wealth, live frugally, start business ! One will not be able to spawn thousands of boys without preparation ! PREPARE, and make your blood a part of the New World Order ! Of the womanless era ! OF THE GOLDEN AGE !


A far-leftist green hobo for president?

Oh my, such joy to see a kindred spirit.
Still, while helping to advance the tech is wonderful, don't forget to save up for yourself ! Such a bright mind should not spawn any less than a hundred boys !

Women ruined it again.