He's right, you know

He's right, you know

how are both sides evolution deniers

overgeneralization is never good

>war crime deniers
one of these things is not like the others

Never heard a lefty deny evolution.


evolution of human races i presume

could put anti-vaxxers on both sides

Human microevolution, i.e. differences between races.

How niggers haven't evolved out of barbarism.

>Never heard a lefty deny evolution.

Oh then you've never asked them if they think Africans and Europeans adapted to different environments and if that caused them to develop different traits.

Who's that guy? Link?

Protip fedora: Truth doesnt exist in inductive reasoning aka science.

only cucks choose a side

Half of those are bullshit on both sides.

They wont accept that humans are different, maybe?

Right Wing:
>Dey ain't no e-vo-rution! Mighty God o Mighty created out of thin air on de 7 day an shiiiiiiit!

Left Wing:
>OMG, there is no racial, sexual hereditary differences! Race is social construct u cis white male scum! That's why we need to celebrate different races and person of color for their difference and shiiiiit cuz 2016!!!! REEEEEEEE!!!


since when were the Young Turks right wing?


don't call it that you sound like a creationist

It's just evolution.

war crimes goes in the left column as well

You mean retards

They deny evolution when it comes to humans evovling into different races and not being the 'same'.

(((Jonathan Haidt)))

So what happened to that Dark Enlightenment thingy? Still exist? Still edgy to the max?

>tfw you will never be a 200+ IQ, 220cm god-king ruling over the plebs in a totally free(tm) corporate state

> never heard a lefty deny evolution.

so IQ not being inheritable, racial differences dont exist, race is only skin deep.... these are ideas that support the idea of natural selection?

the left denies evolution with every multi-kulti claim they make.

>Race is skin-deep

>Race is a social-construct

>we are all one race, the human race

>both sides evolution deniers
must be an ameritard convention

>warcrime deniers
There's no such thing as war crimes. Hell, crimes against humanity was invented because the Nazis needed to be convicted of something and they hadn't broken any existing laws. During WW2 both sides saw civilians as acceptable targets and any serious conflict today would occur the same way. Limiting yourself by signing some retarded treaty is silly.

Im right wing

Im not a young earther
I dont deny evolution
I dont deny war crimes (just recognize that ALL countries committed them, and many are misattributed to Germany)
I dont deny climate change (just reject the unfunded claims that human industry is the main cause)



>I dont deny climate change (just reject the unfunded claims that human industry is the main cause)

It evolved, ironically

>the left denies more than the right

The difference between white and black IQ is due to their evolving in seperate environment

Uh, the right denies Evolution, not the left. Otherwise, this is correct.

>young earthers
lol wat? they just keep changing terms to confuse people
>Evolution deniers
when was the last time you saw an infant give birth to itself and raise itself
>War crimes deniers
>climate change deniers
even though NOAA was found to have falsified their findings, and the man who started the whole meme emits an amount of carbon contradictory to his beliefs

They 100% deny sexual dimorphism and most anthropology.

He can't prove the Earth is not 6,000 years old

This makes the left look like absolute shit.

Young-earthers and evolution deniers on the right are only associated with the religious right who take the bible very seriously. To claim these are solid tenets of the right-wing in general is extremely fallacious. And, global warming is another issue that doesn't seem to have a lot of relevancy. The racial/sexual realism of the right really doens't depend on these things.

Yet the left denies IQ, denies evolution, denies sex differences, denies the reality of race...All things that directly impact our nations and way of life.

I don't deny anything on the right, although I don't think climate change is the end of the world like the left wants me to believe.

but this rock is 11000000 years old!

>>War crimes deniers
6 million

But wait, where do Flat Earth Truthers and World Tree Truthers fall?

Seriously thought this thing would say I'm a deathsquadder

_____ deniers is the new "blasphemer," you know that right?

>War Crimes Deniers
War isn't a fucking crime you shitlord it's either conquest or defense of preservation.
Only the U.S. would have something as stupid as "War Crimes"

Denying differences between races is denying evolution

At least the right accepts the fact that if you believe God made you all equal that it makes sense.
Think about it, we're all equal in his eyes because we are lesser than him, it's not to say we are actually equal to each other, it's more like You see A pig and a boar and they're equal in your eyes as prey meant to be eaten.

The left denies evolution by erasing the differences between the races. Whether they are substantial differences or not, by denying them you're denying evolution.

No, a small portion of the right denies evolution. Those people are known as evangelical protestants. The rest of the right including:

Classical Liberals
Civic Nationalists
Mainline Protestants
Race Realists

All ACCEPT evolution. Every one of those groups accept evolution as true.

The difference is that ALL leftists deny evolution. While only SOME rightists do.

Looks like you're a lefty with that sterotype accuracy denying.

He is, aside from
>War crimes deniers
"War crimes" are just war, artificial boundaries we apply doesn't change an ages old practice.

>what is islam

Don't bother.

If he is so stupid that he literally isn't aware that the Left denies evolution then it's pointless giving him examples.

He is also probably one of those people who unironically believe that Islam is the "religion of peace"

>le there is no such thing as empirical evidence

Theft isn't a fucking crime you honkey he was a good boi he dindu nuffin.

no shit. system is rigged as fuck. you have to trade one insanity for the other. total bs

>evolution doesn't affect the brain
>its only physical differences between race

actually leftism at its core is as much of a blind faith as something creationism, and while the left claim they are the ideology of science, they will openly deny any scientific evidence that contradicts their world view, especially when it comes to biological aspects of human beings. They only believe in "evolution" for animals, but turn a blind eye to how evolution shapes human beings from different parts of the world.

Egalitarianism is contradicted by natural science and the most obvious empirical data yet it still remains to be the core to leftism.

*as something like creationism


War crime deniers are much more on the left.
And many more...The left loves these guys.

but there isn't a difference between race.

There are massive physical, intellectual, and emotional differences between the races.

I really like him, and yes, I agree.

Hypocrisy is the human condition.