Shall not be infringed

So...I can own nukes?

Why not?


why dont you try buying some?
if they want to take them from you, you threaten to detonate them

its not like people or governments can boss you around when you have nukes

Yeah. But the only proprietor of nukes is the US government, and they don't sell.

>Why not?
The Government doesn't respect the constitution

Assuming you can afford the purchase price and maintenance costs, I think private citizens should be able to own nuclear weapons.

I am not against it, but you would have to be able to afford it, store it, and have a enough land to safely use it. So it's kind of not practical to own one.

well, then its not like you are not allowed to acquire nukes, theyre just not available in the market

now, stop complainting

A nuke is not an arm that one individual can bear. It's a massively destructive device.

But could you own a rocket launcher? Yes. And you should.

oh i'm not disagreeing with you.

But then again, nuclear weapons doesn't fall under the SCOTUS definition of "Well regulated Militia" anyway

Yes. If you want to change that, you'll need to make an amendment to the constitution.

well, you could build a Davey Crockett

This is where the comprimes that gun grabbers like to talk about comes in
I will support an amendment banning nukes in exchange for the 19th amendment being repealed

This board is not for 14 year olds. Please leave.

if you can get your hands on a nuke
you deserve them

Can you afford to buy nukes?

If you call up the militia, and everyone has a pocket nuke, who is it you're defending against?

In other words, fuck off. Individually-served tactical nukes are pointless for an irregular infantry force holding their own fucking territory.

It's like you haven't even read the material.

Go home Cenk Uygur.

Look up project Ploughshare

They were trying to use nuclear explosives for civil engineering projects, had to shutitdown due to fallout
If it had worked it could have ended up in private companies having nukes to blow up mountains

> private companies having nukes to blow up mountains
Sounds great.

>Get nuke
>Start own country cuz why not
>Oh shit, I can't let my citizens get wepenz, cuz i might lose
>Enact laws, no wepenz for ppl.
>WTF, we love you now
>Attract all well-educated people, college grads love you.
>So many black-rimmed glasses, latte drinking, soft cap nu males
>trans computer programmers everywhere.
>Everyone living in peace.
>But peace never lasts
>The trans programmers start wanting equality cuz the latte drinking numales have more representation on the recycling council.
>Tensions increase.
>No one with CIS sexuality is allowed to speak, cuz its there job to understant the trans, not for the trans to educate them
>Have civil war between numales and trans
>literally worst civil war ever, tampons and lattes everywhere.
>no one to clean up the trash
>no one to fix the toilets, cuz blue collar work is muh oppression
>Sooner or later the latte quality goes down.
>Despair reigns supreme, broken toilets, trash everywhere, shitty lattes.
>You push your rimmed glasses up as you contemplate final solution.
>You detonate nuke cuz if lattes now suck and if there is no equality than what's the point of existence.

And it all started with a shitpost user.

technically yes, but good luck owning chemical hazard.
the gov can ban gunpowder and not ban guns kek

Sure. Private citizens own tanks and fighter jets even. Stock piles of dynamite etc.

Build yourself a nuke if you want. It should be easy. It's not like there is entire countries trying to build one and can't because the blueprints and materials is a little scarce.

You make a mini fission reactor in your garage and the men in black are going to take you in for questioning
But I can literally own a tank in my based state so it's not far from accurate to say what you are
You don't like it get the fuck out
We aren't rewriting shit because you aren't happy, that's why immigration exists
So you can fuck off to somewhere you enjoy living

An Imperialist government took over while you weren't looking.

That government has so many nukes that they started taking them apart and so did many former soviet countries.

They have something better than nukes though. They have the authority to issue currency and set interest rates.

That is important to study if you ever want to be able to afford a nuke.

Yes. Nukes would be a real ball buster for a tyrannical state. That's what the second amendment is for, not self defense or hunting.

nigs r fdumber than a box of rocks
>muh nukez

A real ball buster for life on earth

Sure you can own a nuke but you don't have an inherent right protected by the Constitution to own fissile materials as they are not an armament.


From a pragmatic stance, you don't need nukes to defeat your own state. In fact they would be detrimental.

From a constitutional stance, it's tricky. You could argue that international law against weapons of mass destruction trumps constitutional law. You could argue that a nuke isn't an arm. You could argue all sorts of things.

Ultimately, we need to be sensible. All weapons that the common branches of the military are issued with should be allowed for the citizens, so that the citizens can combat the military and the state.

You need to be pragmatic, as in all cases.

I know it's a lefty argument, but you know how they say that the founding fathers wouldn't have felt the same way if they knew about automatic weapons? Well, we know that is bullshit. Their were automatic weapons. As well as high capacity weapons of above ten rounds, one of which they had personal contact with. They even saw cannons as covered under the second amendment. But lets be honest. No person could have ever foreseen such a horrible weapon as the atomic bomb.

>1 post by this ID

Shit, you're right.


if you have the money to buy it, or have resource and smart enough to make it yourself

Good luck making a nuclear weapon kid!

Good luck stealing one as well. Dumbass

Some physicists and an engineer in a private lab might not have too much trouble, really.

It's not like they need to do any research. The science is open to everyone.

Of course the government doesn't really care about law. As soon as they are interested in what you are doing, they will violate your property to find out.

Pretty sure yes you can
You will just have to make it yourself as nobody will sell you one.


The thread ended here.

Nothing to see jere anymore folks.