Trump Haters BTFO

What a time to be alive.

Other urls found in this thread:

>using children for your propaganda

Yeah, how could that backfire?

These people are not real liberals. They just want to make money being obnoxious.

Cute little cunny

this. can you imagine how they shoved those children in front of all of those lights, forcing them to read off of prompts, correcting them on words that they mispronounced. fuck all of that.

So real liberals?


Link me so I can downvote

>Someone had to explain to these children that Trump won

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This is the exact kind of shit I thought about when he won. Fucking liberal tears


>Link me so I can downvote

Sorry, user, should have thought of that before.
Forgot the link btw


I saw someone at work wear it once then never wear it again. I think that was before it was discovered the DNC colluded against Bernie. Lots of Berniefags in my state.

Your reddit is showing

literally "morbidly obese" in SJW language

>heaviest people
what did they mean by this?



tuckfrump/fckh8 makes videos like this in order to build up controversy so people buy their tshirts
That and ad revenue
Stop linking this trash here and giving them views

that girl looks like a boy

we all have a civic duty to spam videos using children with "rule 34", otherwise parents will never learn. at least we'll be doing it in a meme-able way that is ob viously not serious but the idea that your children shouldnt be put in videos that a bunch of young men are going to watch is probably important

>When you forget to turn off the Ratings bar

just watched this, it's pretty fucking stupid.
i'll share the link with the rest of the class:


So much hatred for a Hearthstone player.

true liberal fallacy

Did you just assume xer gender?

"Comments are disabled for this video"

body builders

Edgy and Smug. Why is shit like this with the libs.

Libs are all about feeling better than the lesser-educated incorrectly-opinionated rabble, they cannot conceal their utter feeling of superiority

Even disabling comments maynactivate a few normie almonds

this guy knows whats going on

No one sees the ploy here? Really?

1. They know most will hate this and that many will not.

2. They know that this video displays openly this divide.

3. Those given to not hating this are enticed by this openly displayed dichotomy into buying the shirts to spite their opposition and to earn social capital in doing so.

That is their aim. No one sees this?

They KNOW going in that these things will be hated by most. That is the POINT.

>Guess what happened?

Isn't this the same shit all over again like when they used these kids for her campaign?


that smile is cringeworthy

I feel sick. Are they for real? Like come on, it's 2016, this shit doesn't work anymore

>The Dangerous Game: Gamergate and the "alt-right"

I can't wait for that little shit to be deported.

>tuck frump
literally a twitch meme wtf, out of touch 60 year old board trying to "connect with the chilluns"
