
How can we possible survive this? Is humanity done for?



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Damn, I remember back in the day we used to make fun of zimbabwe for their currency and could not believe how did they fuck up so bad; i actually could not believe that shit; well here we are.

BTW that ammount of money i assume that each pack has 100 bills (generously talking) is worth nearly 47 bucks and each passing hour less.

Good destroy the value of monopoly money and let the world push the reset button

How the fuck do you have internet in Venezuela

we have it; it's just really fucking slow; we had infrastructure before all went to hell.

Also fun fact: each of those bill cost twice and more to make than the printed bill itself.

Woohoo scary youtube clips.

You better buy Gold hihihihi

t. mr goldstein

When SHTF I'm planning to go innawoods with nothing but basic tools and clothing and either get killed by the elements or become a crazy mountain man

Right now in Europe and the USA you can buy really cheap gold and silver coins. Because of our strong currency. But no one seems interested in owning any.

Is that a good idea or not?

Any tips for me to move to Venezuela?

I heard I would be a rich man there.

Trump's Dollar hyperinflation will kill currency as we know it, and I'm all too happy.

Nigga don't do it, you'll have money but you wouldn't be able to buy shit there.
Invest a bit. I'm hoping the crash will happen.

Just because their official markets will restrain the things you buy? Well I could still buy stuff in the black market.

I wonder what group of people will be to blame for that?

Poland is already printing money because we ran out of gibsmefunds for poor parents. The moment it started to happen our government instantly went to Israel.

Nigger they are so starved of food and supplies that people are killing each other over scraps and toilet paper.

A lot of people still have money, they just can't buy anything because THERE ISN'T anything.

I guess we should just invade them and take out their 'President'.

I'm buying real estate as a hedge against inflation.

>How can we possible survive this? Is humanity done for?

How can humans survive without a few bits of paper a banker has decided is worth any type of value?

Do you think we could trade and barter goods directly without this (((medium))) of transfer?

my tip is don't.

Let's propose you get a big sum of money and want to come here to live like a "rich man".

To do that there are two options, invest in a business wich is the worst route you can do.
- The government want's and will fuck you everytime for your business.
- People wont buy anything you sell unless is food wich is the only thing people from low and middle class buy at this point.
- If you make a food business the government will fuck you and blame you even more for the trouble putting you in jail and taking everything.
- making any other sort of business will only target middile-high to high class people wich are scarce right now.
- the people in high class are corrupt and will want to fuck you over too.

Or the second route drug dealing and corruption.
- EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO HAVE A POSITION IN GOVERNMENT WICH YOU WILL NEVER GET; if not you will get murdered after a few weeks so someone can take your spot.
- even having a position in government wich you cannot achieve doens't mean you are completly safe only you are 50% less likely to be killed.

If you want to go working only you will not make enough money to live yourself.
If you get sick or something and need treatment well you are fucked.
If someone steals from you say goodbye to your goods, police won't care.

The only way to live here as a rich man is to have business outside of this country and live with that income in here.
Wich makes you an easy target to get robbed and assasinated unless i guess if you live as a neet in a simple house and shitty internet to shitpost all day.
And even then you have to get you ass off to get food wich means going into a long queue to get food.

Or pay really high prices for food withouth queues but that means knowing people here and knowing people as a neet must be hard and also puts you on the radar for being robbed, murdered and assasinated.

so yeah take your best shot.

you shold always have at least 10% reserve in metals

this is because no matter what happens or where you end up someone will trade you for it

>poor parents
500+ is not based on parent being poor or rich but on a number of children you have. If you have more than one child you get 500zł per each child except the first one. Kinda Basic Income.

Inflation happens when you have money but there are no real world goods and services to buy.

The only reason that happens is because the wealthy shut down the means of production in an act of economic sabotage.

wow man wtf

how can I help you guys?

Sell them shit at fair prices on your border. Besides that they cant be helped from the outside.

As long as people are working and producing things the numbers on paper are irrelevant. America made the right choice because Trump is going to put everyone to work. If we had elected hillary we would be fucked.

>These youtube clips are fake news
>don't believe them, goy
>don't buy gold, printed money is totally safe
t. Mr. Levy Nosestein-Goldberg

It's based on both. You'll get money for the first child if your income doesn't exceed a certain amount and money for all the next children regardless of income.

By stopping Socialism before it happens in your country.

There is always hope. Just put back what you take and there is enough for all.

Solar panels and seeds.

The only way you or anyone can help is calling socialist / leftist or anyone that says venezuela is 'attacked' by the USA or 'supports' venezuela on their bullshit.

This is a piece of shit; the government are just a bunch of corrupt drug dealers that at this point would do anything to stay in power because leaving power means going to prison for drug dealing.

They don't care about people, they only care about power and profit; they are currently buying food from brazil and selling them at high prices because they know starving the whole country will make them revolt.

Is pretty much starve the people just enough so that they don't have time to revolt but if there is no food they will revolt and that's why they have to buy food from brazil.

This. An economy can have ZERO cash and be successful as long as there are real things to trade.

Cash only exists to lubricate real world trade. Using cash as a means to make cash is usury and a cancer that consistently destroys economies.

Haha whoops meant this.

This doesnt work, we have many refugees from your side that tell us that reasoning with your commie peasants is impossible. You have to hit rock bottom, worse than you can imagine at this moment, so people realize they shouldnt vote commie. Im glad we killed all the commies in the 80's

Not only that you need good decisions in economy and secure that the taxes and incomes are well spent in the country well being and improvement.

That's Peter guy has been saying there'll be hyperinflation SOON since 2009 or maybe even earlier. Instead there has barely been any inflation despite the insane 0 interest central bank policies.

I think the next step is ban for cash. Just take a look at what's going on in India. If (((they))) succeed there, next step is Europe and USA. And India is a place where people are not use to doing bussiness without cash. E-currency will give unlimited power to the elites. They can print as much as they want. We might even stop calling it printing and start calling it "editing".
I invest in gold and land, but not real estate, cause our demographics are shit and this has no future.

If they want to take it from you they'll take it.

Bring books with you so you don't become super crazy. Then when everything calms down rebuild the western world pre Marxist. That sounds super fucking comfy honestly. Having a tent near a camp fire cooking the fish you fished while the world is going to utter shit because they didn't believe it would happen, unlike you you were prepared.

>despite the insane 0 interest central bank policies.

Sven, my friend, we have negative interest rates.

THAT is insanity.

I don't have much money so hyperinflation means fuck all to me.

Sounds like a good time to get a mortgage

I'm actually watching the video and it's pretty eye opening. No wonder Trump won.

And when the (((Fed))) raises rates again in December and next year while Trump is president, shit is going to get worse.

Seems like they might have planned a >it's all Trump and the republicans fault, route. Sad

> When you want to save the world so bad you will burn it to the ground.
Both sides are guilty of this. It's why the public hated both candidates.

Of they will blame Trump. Maybe even impeach him for crashing the markets they have rigged to blow.

Can't wait to use my money as kindling like the good ol' days.

do you own bitcoin ? you totally should.

>own bitcoin
For free trade, agree. For investment, disagree

bro get yt-dl.org (and ffmpeg.org) for shitty connection

use youtube-dl -f worstaudio yt-url to play those vids with no real meaningful video

well. i imagine the inflation in venezuela is rampant, therefore holding bitcoin is a good thing to do. And for day to day trade it can work also if they organize the informal market properly and hide it from the government.

i remember a similar thing happened in argentina where people were buying cars with bitcoin, since the inflation was very high at the time.

global hyperinflation is literally impossible because we have floating exchange rates and 100 different currencies.

The concept doesnt even really make sense. because the value of money in the long run has no ffect on the productivity of an economy

Of course it can happen.

For a very long time. The roman empire was the known world. One government. One currency. And they inflated it away. They had currency crisis and reduced the gold amount in their coins until they were completely worthless. And they did it several times.

wicked set of digits but what other investment vehicle has fared better over 5 years?

Just print money with negative value.

Why not print edible money as well

>it cant because many kinds of currency

just blow in from stupid town?

His argument was that global currency destruction is impossible. I gave him an example of exactly that happening. Nothing more.

Holy shit finally someone from Venezuela. How is the situation there? Famine? Protests? Also did you or people you know buy some Bitcoin to be safe from all this? Did people lose their savings? Pensions?

Where from?

just walk into any big bank and ask for the bullion desk

This was in the works from years! Anyone who says "but but west will never go into hyperinflation or bankruptcy" is either a total idiot or naive. I was watching an economists video and he mentioned that all the world wars 1 and 2 were fought by the bankers for the bankers. Now they want a WW3 where they reduce the world population by 1/3rd or more.

>How can we possible survive this? Is humanity done for?
Extremely difficult. Even gold and silver is not going to save you because when governments go bust they go into totalitarian mode and confiscate any precious metals the citizens have (look at 1930 and 1970 USA where they did this and this is how the filled up fort knox with gold).

>really cheap
~1200EUR/oz no?

>buying real estate in a housing bubble

What is not in a bubble right now. In your opinion. Miners?

W8 till they get rid of cash and start dinging your account for privilege of having any savings. It's gonna be fun, NOT!

everything is in a bubble.duh
dow is at 19000.

i'm holding cash right now and waiting for the crash to happen. i remember 2008 all too well. oh the despair

I would buy it. American dollar won't last as the global standard for more than the next 10 years. It has a life span of 5-20 years

IMF will create their own reserve currency. China just got added to this Foreign Reserve Currency- coincidentally after they went on a massive gold buying streak. If you take that as any indication.

What if they start printing and make your cash worthless?

You gotta own something.

Negative interest rates. That's what's going to happen when digital currency kicks in.

Government will have complete control over your financial decisions.

But the debt bomb is ticking - the biggest bubble of all. It can't be paid back, has to be restructured. Or we get rid of cash completely and they syphon wealth through deposit taxation. Either we go to localisation of power and money, or further consolidation and enslavement under global governance.
Keynesianism doesn't work when you find yourself in the prophetic "long run" and want to live decent life.

Have anything valuable to say?

when i say i'm holding cash it doesn't mean i sold everything i own. our family farm is intact and has grown a couple of hectares of land in the last years.

i think this is the only valuable investment. you cut the wood and sell it. you grow the produce and sell it. land is where it all began.
nationalization is practically impossible.

i'll also try to time the market though

That's fucked up dude

>Markets crash at the same time the West starts seeing a resurgence in the right-wing
>"Oy vey, look at what you did! You clearly can't be trusted with power."
>Enter several more decades of leftist madness

Cancellation of debts every seven years should have been in the US constitution from the very beginning. I guarantee ancient Israel didn't have this problem.