Is there any hope for swedes?

Is there any hope for swedes?

This was posted a almost a year ago

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They're going to crush this social state with no survivors:

how long before sweden is rip?

pretty soon, swedish police are going to be banned from enforcing any laws at all, lest they "appear" "racist"

apparently in some European cities there's "sharia police", which are just gangs of shitskins going around enforcing localized sharia law, harassing non-muslim citizens on the street and in some cases beating the shit out of them

wonder how long it will be before sweden says that arresting such people would be "infringing on their freedom of religion"

I'd wager that we'll see it happen when they start running out of gibsmedats, which would probably be during the next upcoming global recession.

Things seem to pick up the pace tho. They're talking about police being in crisis, since fewer and fewer crime gets investigated and solved as crime level rises, crime gets worse and police are resigning in masses.

>crime gets worse and police are resigning in masses.
of course they are
police are being demonized by people for enforcing the law
identity politics has gotten so bad that you cant even do your job because it requires you to mention race

>wonder how long it will be before sweden says that arresting such people would be "infringing on their freedom of religion"

That's kinda the thing that currently happening, dood.

so they're literally just starting shitskin nation states in the middle of another country

>sexually assaulted
What does that even mean? Retard article has no distinction between actual penis rape by stranger compare to touching or marriage "rape".

there's a lot of reports of shitskins encircling small groups of women and groping the shit out of them
i think thats sort of what they mean

One thing is for sure, feminism that fights for woman and against rape produces the most rape.

>so they're literally just starting shitskin nation states in the middle of another country

Basically, yes.

Have you heard about the "No-Go Zones" in the EU nations?

cops won't even go there, it's basically lawless.

Can we build walls and install some electric fences around them?

ive heard of things similar to this about the inner cities, especially living in the baltimore area
had no idea it was that bad in europe

There is major movement in Finland against this filth swedes are trying to push on us. Check the mosque on background.

It's from this booklet that teaches kids how to have sex with trans-people

Really makes you think like:

>Se, minkä lääkäri mieltää “penikseksi ja kiveksiksi” voi olla klitoris ja häpyhuulet. “Emätin” voikin olla lisäreikä tai jotain muuta. “Klitoris” voi olla muna tai kikkeli ja “penis” hyvin istuva strap-on. Mies voi myös puhua genitaaleistaan pilluna tai nainen käyttää sanaa penis. Genitaalien ulkomuo-to ei kerro mitään sukupuolesta


>That which doctor says to be "penis and testicles" can be clitoris and vaginal lips. "Vulva" can be additional hole or something else entirely. "Clitors" can be dick or weenie, and "penis" a well-fitting strapon. Man can also refer his genitals to be pussy, or a woman use the word penis. Genitals appearance has nothing to do with sex/gender [MY NOTE: SAME WORD HERE IN FINLAND, SEX AND GENDER IS NOT DIFFERENTIATED]

>Finland actually believes our economy isn't improving every year

Sweden has so much free space that if they wanted they could inhabit 40 million Africans and they would never reach a white person, they just not trying. They inhabit them inside of white area. Go and look up Swedish map, it's huge.

having worked with the Baltimore PD as a liason i can say that isnt quite true.

The bigger issue in Baltimore is crimes dont get reported/witnesses get quiet/crime is tolerated

post Gray-death, their ROE also got stricter, all cops know they are being watched.

wtf, I thought Finland was red-pilled? That shit would be slaughtered here in Norway

>increasing debt
choose one.

It's not only identity politics, but also the sheer amount of work to be done.

In the article woman said that police didn't come when they we're called while burglary was still in progress, they just filed it as "no action". Later when she called the police to check out the crime scene they just said they didn't have enough time to do that and offered a couple of crime investigating tips on the phone.

It must be really demoralizing when most of your time is going to sorting out all the immigrant related and prioritized hard crime that originated because of bad immigration policy and politics. All this meanwhile the natives, that you really would like to help, get sidelined and marginalized and your hands are tied, because the Nordic style of policing largely depends on mutual trust between the police and the citizens.

Of course leftist and other utopia builders are blaming the police too, but police has never really been a friend of theirs, so I think they can handle that kind of "criticism". I'd argue the criticism of regular people and the growing distrust hurts the police even more, because the police never really created or asked for this situation.

this is for KIDS? how young we talking? What type of heresy is this?

Finland is red-pilled. They published that in all secrecy and now it's being demolished.

Got to love the art work though

Sweden needs a civil war to kill the foreigners, else they will be taken over. It's necessary to start killing people who take those people in.

Shit doesnt make any sense.
This whole thing looks likr a gag. Just look at that fucking artwork

There are other stuff in that booklet too, like this:

>Fistaus (“nyrkkinainti”) tarkoittaa, että ottaa sisäänsä nyrkin (emättimeen tai anaaliin). Fistauksessa käsi työnnetään usein peräaukkoon tai emätti-meen siten, että sormet, peukalo mukaan lukien ovat yhdessä, ikään kuin supussa.

>Fisting ("Fistfucking") means that one takes whole fist inside oneself (to vagina or in anus). When fisting, hand is being pushed in to anal or vagina so that fingers, including thumb, are together, like [rose petals are together - MY NOTE: no direct translation here, but you get the meaning]

It is filled with stuff like that. And also how one can get off when rubbing scars from genital mutilation/breast surgery. Like when a woman removes her breasts to become a man, she might get off when those surgical incision scars are being touched.


Oh man but it is real, it is funded by RAY and approved by government. That artist has some very VERY disturbing artwork elsewhere too.

What the fuck nigga...

Well, by doing this they're actually helping our cause. Normal people will begin distanse themselves from this degenerate mindset and will be drawn towards the beautiful red pill.

>teaches kids how to have sex with trans-people

According the booklet this is not for kids but for "transpeople and those who have sex with transpeople." Not that it would make it any less cancerous.

Also guess the nationality of the artist:

"My name is Charley Kåberg, 28 years old and I'm a trans-feminine queer and transgender activist. I work as an illustrator for clients who work with norm criticism , feminism and anti-racism.

How about these?

[Cant put source Sup Forums thinks its spam - good]

>No more using gender words like "boy" or "girl" in kindergardens/daycare or elementary school. It is prohibited now.

[Same here google it]

>Book about "everyone of us should be feminists" is being shared to every 9th grader (15yo) in Finland nest semester

No wonder this guy shot those 3 feminist journalists and that feminist/multiculturalism politician yesterday

>I know people from eastern-europe who literally moved to sweden to continue their career of burglary

so they weren't joking how piss easy it's to commit crime there huh?


I remember some Finnish article from 5-10 years ago where some Eastern-European burglar listed out all the benefits of thieving in Finland:

>people are trusting, even gullible
>sentences are light, it is hard to get one that lands you in prison and even then first timers get 50 % off of the length of the sentence
>police are nice and you have more rights as an accused

The system works preddy as long as people are generally law abiding, play by the rules that everybody accepts and have mutual trust towards each other and governmental institutions. But all that has now been thrown to hell because apparently some cooks think that a 3rd world pussy mutilating illiterate Islamic desert nomad rebel from Somalia should fit in just fine.

Yeh, the development is worrisome, hope Sweden would just crash and burn quickly, so that people here would get redpilled in masses.


I hope the west can look at these European countries as examples of what happens when you go full left-tard.

Every single fucked up event will be rationalized as the right's fault and turned into propaganda.