How truthful is this picture?

How truthful is this picture?


more like the meme generation

Jew news.

Yeah I never asked to be born and yet I have the government and shrinks convincing me I have much to live for if I just bee myself

Fuck off

Time uses his headline literally every 30 years on the dot

It's the same article

"Young people are acting like young people"

Old Faggots always get upset at the new generations way of socializing so this entire picture should be trash canned, also Time magazine are cucks so its w/e

Too truthful. I realize its truth more every single day. Young people's minds are corroded beyond repair. It's too late to fix them.

who cares anyway. gen z is going to be redpilled as fuck, millenials dont matter

>Old Generation stole everything and ruined all hopes for new generation
>New generation does not seize the opportunity because they are lazy and entitled.

Pick 2

>Tell people to think they're DA BES and can do anything
>Be surprised everyone is acting like an arrogant, spoiled princess

post the meme generation one

They won't save shit. They are shit. Easily the worst generation in modern history.

It'll be Gen Z that saves the world.

Gen Z is even worse. I suspect you don't know any memebers of Gen Z personally. Some of the worst interpersonal experiences I have ever had with other humans.

>it's "boomers project all their worst qualities onto millennials" episode

Shouldn't Gen Z be the Meme Generation? Millennials are basically oldfags. Most of them are gone from the internet.

>thinks the internet is dominated by 16 year olds
>underage poster detected

Not very.

Boomers got the ball rolling with Woodstock. Then they somehow transformed their retardation into a "value system" and promoted it like it's a good thing. Now everyone is retarded to the max, and it's extremely difficult to call it "good" anymore.

Gen y hate is boomer projection.

>They'll save us all
Considering it's Time magazine, a left leaning fucking rag, they probably mean they'll save us all by putting up no resistance to letting our society be completely destroyed by pandering to all forms of worthlessness and degeneracy.

Lets see her feet

They're still about 12 this meme is gay.

It's bullshit m8.

It's how marketing perceives the world, not how people actually are.

If anything, the kids coming up to uni age are the most conservative generation since the 1950s in the West.

The oldest Gen Z people are about 18-19 atm

Sup Forums spends all day discussing global society and the solutions to its ills, like a modern-era Greek forum comprised of smelly burnouts

All they ask in return is some entertainment

I'm actually one of the few literal Millennials left still browsing this shitscape.

Just think.... you're generation is so bad the world is now looking to a bunch of 12 year olds because it thinks they're more capable than you.

lol@at mellenials

It's actually "I I I".

Holy shit this!

All I heard growing up in the 80s and 90s was how entitled my generation was.

>born into a world of societal ossification and zero opportunity

>lel why dont you just grind away at some shitty job and eventually buy a shitty house to get old in and die

kek think ill stick to my memes

It's just wishful thinking. It's all downhill from here.

Except what passes for "young people" these days used to already be married and have kids, cars and mortgages at the same age. You're shifting the goalposts to make it seem normal.

Blame whatever or whoever you want, shit's changed for sure.

So we're the exception to the rule right?

>old generation stole everything

Please explain this meme. What did old people steal from anyone?

This is true age doesn't mean the same as it did in the past.

Thanks to modern medicine, physiology, nutrition and exercise science.. literally a 30 year old today is not the same as a 30 year old of 50 years ago.

When they say 30 is the new 20 and 40 is the new 30 - there's actually a lot of truth to it.

Fuck my generation. Bunch of faggots. Liberal pussies.

When he says Gen Z he means post-2000 generation, not 1990s people

>Blaming Millennials instead of the people that raised them

The new generations are grossly entitled... they're literally the gibs me dat generation - so of course they think everything has been taken from them.

>the meme generation

lol, I thought Sup Forums was against being a self-hating cuck. I guess if (((they))) don't get you with white guilt, they get you with millennial guilt, which Sup Forums seems to have in spades.

Ran up debt expecting future generations to pay it through taxes.

Aka theft from unborn children

Previous generations never had a technical infrastructure based on narcissism


But are you all full of wisdom and so much smarter than anyone else? Don't you guys already (at age 20) already have it all figured out and know what's best for the world?

Tell us again how want to blame the ones who raised you.

it is projection

>Implying that modern day journalism isn't complete shit.
>Implying magazines won't throw any bullshit headline on their covers to attempt to boost sales.
>Implying most older styles of journalism dont pander to old people, to try an squeeze a few last cents from their dying industry.

This is what clickbait looked like back before facebook kids. This type of over hyped news article's were everywhere in the 80's and 90's.

I bet my life the new generation of Chinese kids are superior inevery way to western kids

>They think we read that shitty jewish magazine
>They think they are the "trendies"
>They think they are the MEDIA

>Except what passes for "young people" these days used to already be married and have kids, cars and mortgages at the same age.

it's almost as if America's economy collapsed or something...

>Joel Stein
Nice try Jill

>all the decent paying jobs thatd let me own a car require previous experience
>the closest place i could work at for minimum wage is a 2 hour bike ride away and since i live in the mojave i cant work during the summer

theres no public transportation in this white suburb

Things are cheaper in a recession

> Shifting the blame from the boomers.
> They did the same against Gen X
> mfw boomers are evil

> be 41
> have a 16 year old son
> kid spent most of the last 6 years with his mom in California
> wanted to move in with me in Texas
> expected liberal bullshit
> kid hates anything not white
> hates muslims
> hates degeneracy
> REALLY hates feminists to the point that he's essentially an IRL Skankhunt42
> he's more redpilled than most of Sup Forums
> he even makes constant Anne Frank jokes and wants to go to the local Holocaust Museum "for the comedic value alone"

Nah, the next generation is just fine.

That's primarily because no one is spending money to get the economy running, hence recession. They just want to jew you out of the little cash you have left before you sink into poverty

"Kids these days". Has been a meme for millennia

You know it kind of sounds like it's inspired purely by turbonarcissism, which may not be the best reason to be redpilled. People who are really redpilled focus less on whom they hate and more on making themselves better people.

Do you not understand that millennials are the result of their upbringing and so on and so forth?

>boy who cried wolf
Yeah, I get it. Remember though, that eventually the boy's sheep were eaten.

There are intelligent ones too, theyre just minority


I'm pretty sure that somewhere in Europe 15,000 years ago, there was a conversation that sounded something like this:

> son of Ogg's mate no like making spears
> no like hunting
> bad at tracking
> wants to pick berries and make humping with girls all day
> what happen when Ogg get too old to hunt?
> Ogg's son a fucking useless mammoth turd
> he going to starve and probably kill entire cave too
> Ogg should have put his fun stick in his mate's stinkhole instead

Certain habits, like hard work, can only be instilled in people during adolescence. For whatever reason, this wasn't done to the same extent as it used to.


It's a multi faceted problem. You have baby boomers who shit up our values with there hippie mentality. Then you had the cinical Gen X who never gave a shit about anything. Then the out of the prosperity of the 80s and 90s you had the millenials. The generation of self centered entitled brats. Being 27, I'm seeing other millenials seeming lost in student debt because they have a retarded degree, and generally a lack of self responsibility. My peers are angry at anyone who's successful, and then want handouts because they feel entitlled to them. Reality is going to kick these brats ass.

I don't know, man. This is less "I hate niggers, hurr!" and more "They really are a lesser people, aren't they?". Like, he's waking up to this shit. And in California two of his little skating buddies were black. But he comes here to the South and sees what true pavement apes are and his eyes just get blown the fuck open.

Very true. I talked about this with my dad and his brothers a few weeks ago and if theres one thing they agree on is that the world is fucked. We're too deep into this shit by now and the new generations are just making it worse.

Quality posts

fuck yes is true. I watch the friends of my little sister and god, this new generation makes me sick. They are lazy, pretentious and disrespectful with everyone around them. The major problem here is the fucking parents who think they are super cool and hip with their parenting techniques.

Kids need discipline.

mememe is my waifu

You shut your defeatist mouth.

The Nazis managed to motivate the nation on some pretty fucking flimsy pretexts of national security. Like, Jews and Gypsies are bad and all. But the Nazis blew that shit out of proportion. And it worked, too.

You have an invasive ethnic group that is actively just raping the shit out of young women. Yanking them off the street, raping them bowlegged and killing them. That is an actual threat and you can use it. You need weekly marches where you do nothing but hold up big portraits of these victims with the title "Heidi Cuntenstuffer: Killed by a Syrian on 5.6.16". Just get a line of guys holding those signs marching down the street saying fucking nothing. It'll work.


(((they're))) just pandering to their dying audience

They expected handouts cos thats what boomers told em.
Im a millenial, i remember my teachers telling me in hs that "any uni degree is good" and "i just want you to try your best its ok to fail"
The most entitled generation was actually the boomers, they were the ones who started the social revolution, but at that time they actually got it

what happens in 20 years though when the majority of the population expected a far better life for themselves and are now all jaded and bitter?

Isn't Gen-Z supposed to be the most conservative generation since the 50s?

Somewhat. It's easy to be unemployed living at home, and being an adult is much harder these days so why leave the comfort of perpetual childhood just to struggle?

(((Supposed to be))), yes. Let them go through college. See what happens.

>we used to sneak out and drink when we were 15, drive to the neighboring town to pick up chicks, blow shit up for fun, and then come home to eat dinner with our six brothers and sisters because our dad would beat the shit out of us if we missed family dinner or if he knew we were out cruisin, oh man it was awesome
>but no you shouldn't do that, you should do good in school, don't party, don't do drugs, go to college and beelieve in yourself because everyone is a special snowflake just like in all those disney movies we've been using to babysit you since you were 2, just do that and it'll all bee ok ;)

You're correct and I would do that but I really can't see anyone in germany doing this. Maybe the election year will bring something, I'd be the frist one to participate.

Most millenials pine for the days where they didn't spend a third of their waking hours at a job that stresses them out around people who make them angry so they can make just enough money to afford shitty food, laundry detergent, and a shitty home and just go back to work, I don't blame anyone if they're an entitled shit because.

>but muh work hard and stem degree!!

There are millions more who fell into the paycheck to paycheck trap (and even more who dropped out). At a certain point it's less the fault of the people and more a fault of culture and policies.



>You're shifting goalposts
My goalposts were never there. Older generations were, and I don't agree with their goalposts because they lead to the shitty lives that caused them to have a 60% divorce rate.

...That would work. They'd be labeled as nazis simply for existing, but even that would wake people up. Thankfully I'm not in Germanistan, but hopefully they start this soon.

Except that old ovaries = autistic kids

great anime


>just fuck my shit up the post

Gen X here. I have not moved from this couch since 96. Last generation to pay $17 for a CD.

>the world doesn't owe you a living!
>or a job!
>or the ability to work for a liveable wage!
>when i got my first job and only got $7000 a year i was thankful back in 1970, why can't you be happy with $15,000 a year now?
>you kids are all just so entitled! now where's that old age pension check?

Nah fuck off. The Boomers destroyed America with their white guilt.

I am gen x. We suck too. Not nearly as bad as millennials though. Actually yeah, just as bad just a bit differently.

I don't blame people for being that desperate to be looking at gen z for hope. It's fuckin pathetic though.

They grew up on Dora the explorer, all of this computer animated crap, horrid computer music, my nieces love One Direction for crying out loud. There is no hope. If anything they've been jewed to be exactly what the Jews want.

They're not as self entitled as gen y and so will be more happy to populate less populated towns as opposed to gen y who want to live right in the middle of cities.

It's an exaggeration, but not a huge one.

At least Gen Z will clean up our mess. It shouldnt be too hard, we're too lazy to *really* fuck the world up like boomers did.

Still, I'm sorry you had to see this.

t. millenials.


Gen Z-ers are going to pave the way to anti-capitalism with their angst and frustration at what the world they inherited has become.

Then comes gen ALPHA.

You can predict the future by doing meme analysis on normies.What do normies like?

oh.Le funny marxman.
means of production meme
lenin meme
sassy socialist memes.

Young people all over the world are starting to flirt with communist ideals And that's all there is needed.The best you can get is a silent and accepting majority while a vocal minority cleans house.

But,hey!Keep getting your edumucation from memes and be sure to not read books.
Unemployent will continue to rise btw.

Paternal age matters more than maternal for autism.

you're thinking of downs syndrome

>the generation meme
Pro tip: every generation had both saints and massive assholes. It's an intelligence thing. Currently, intelligence is on the decline thanks to massive breeding of non-whites. No wonder people lament the stupidity of the "current generation".

NEVER forget about the racial reality. DO NOT pretend that race doesn't play a role here, or anywhere else. Race plays a role in EVERYTHING.

Every fucking time man

>Gen X and Boomers rape the planet and strip the resources of the planet
>Gen Y are lazy because there's no more resources to exploit and the declining population means a trend towards downward growth

Always makes me chuckle.

It isn't even a meme at this point

>Boomer: Wow I started working at 18 out of school and go hired straight away because my war veteran dad retired at 55 and died at 60
>I'm still working at 65 and my useless milenial children don't have jobs I wonder why?

>The meme meme meme generation

Spot on