Im a turk living in germany. Give me 3 good reasons to go "back" (even though I was born here)

Im a turk living in germany. Give me 3 good reasons to go "back" (even though I was born here)

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If you were born in Germany why do you call yourself a Turk?

-you are a net negative to Germany
-your culture is trash
-you'll probably be purged either by Germans or by outsiders sick of a sick Germany in the nearish future

kill yourself

Also if you have to ask, you might as well leave.

>implying im a net negative for germany
>implying I would care even if it was true
>implying germany doesnt need immigrants
>implying turkish culture isnt awesome
>implying germany even has a culture to begin with
We are on Sup Forums if I said I was germany everyone would have called me a roach anyway

>you will never be German
>you are a disgrace to Germany
>It's not pleasing to see shitskins where they aren't supposed to be there

-most people dislike you very much but would never say it to your face.
-when shit goes south here you will be the ones that suffer most
-wouldnt it be great to live in a country that shares your culture? also you can now legaly fuck kids there

> born in germany
> turk

That's why everyone hates you fucking roachniggers

> I was born here but both my parents are roaches, so even if I don't know shit about their homecountry I am a roach

That's nigger tier stupid

>how does that matter? Burgers will never be native americans
>im not
>only a racist minority thinks like that
How is it stupid? Im a german-turk

Im a Turk from England (I am >>>Turkish

It's like the nignogs in murifatland saying


>but you ARE a fucking net negative for germany
>you fucking DO care, now gtfo to your shithole before i will fucking kill all of you one by one
>germany DOESN'T NEED any fucking migrants, you fucking mongoloid subhuman. they brought you here because they thought that they could use your people as cheap labour but your fucking parents decided to stay but the government thought that you'd fuck off.
>but you have no culture dipshit. no known inventions, literature, art and etc. even the fucking subhuman gayreeks have more culture than your shitty thirld world shithole you pathetic dickhead.
>implying turkey has a culture to even fucking begin with. it's just stolen arab, slavic and greek cultures you fucking mongrel.

what do the turks think of the arab refugees?

I live in Berlin and most turks i've met have been pretty cool people, but it seems they really want nothing to do with germans at all. why the hate?

>chatting all this shit

o am i laffin

No offense, you might be an alright individual, so it's nothing personal, but I prefer Germany remain an ethnic state. I like German people and culture, so I'd rather them maintain it than lose it.

Nations like Germany are more or less defined by their blood/lilnguistics/etc, not by any sort of arbitrary civic principles like America. You can't integrate in a country like Germany. You just can't. I think you'd be happier in Turkey, and I think Germans would be happier without you. Again, no offense.

well hey, atleast our women don't look disgusting and aren't sucking pajeet's 4 inch dick and our men don't look like puke and have a weak manlet body.

this nigger gets it

listen kemal, you CAN be german, but be it wholeheartendly. love germany and your (ie german) culture and defend it from enemies. cheer for the german soccer team, not the turkish. vote and serve. marry and work.

if you do this, there is no reason to go "back"

dont do this and you are my enemy from within. i wont relax around you or your kin,

be german, not "deutschtürke" you faggot.

>Im a turk living in germany. Give me 3 good reasons to go "back" (even though I was born here)
Assimilate and provide an example for the rest of the shitskins invading Germany god damn it.

I get to live alongside people who refuse to assimilate right here in my country, and those people are called spics and niggers. They fuck up social cohesion and give the liberals a voting base to pander to by convincing them that they are oppressed, and that they need gibs to survive instead of working to better themselves. It fosters an attitude of "kill whitey", and they do they often act out on it, which is why you use movements like BLM starting riots in the streets, whites being pulled out of their cars and beaten, cops getting shot, and spics trying to colonize the southwest because GOTTA TAKE BACK MUH MEXICAN CESSION PUTO.

The fact that you call yourself a T*rk still means that you have no interest in integrating into German society and are nothing more than a cancer that will slowly kill the country.

Remove Kebab.

>you're not german
>you're not european
>you're not white

>The fact that you call yourself a T*rk still means that you have no interest in integrating into German society and are nothing more than a cancer that will slowly kill the country.


there is an nice anectode about an egyptian doctor whose father migrated to the US. instead demanding from his new homeland to be more like egypt, he became "american"

>and they do they often act out on it, which is why you use movements like BLM
*and they do often act out on it, which is why you see movements like BLM

netter Köder, ich beiße mal.

1. Bist du gläubiger Muslim (5mal beten, Frau muss Koptuch)? Ja=GTFO Nein=weiter zu 2
2. Hast du in deinem Leben schonmal jemanden zusammengeschlagen/attackiert weil er "deine Ehre verletzt" hat oder aus sonst irgendeinem fadenscheinigen Grund? Ja=GTFO Nein=weiter zu 3
3. bist du schonmal mit mehreren Leuten auf eine Person losgegangen und hast sie vermöbelt? Ja=GTFO Nein=weiter zu 4
4. Welchen Schulabschluss hast du (ich gehe davon aus dass du Ü18 bist)?
- Keinen = GTFO
- Hauptschule/Realschule, aber keine Ausbildung zu etwas sinnvollem (Sinnvoll= Maler, Schreiner etc; nicht sinnvoll="ich bin Gebrauchtwagenhändler alda") = GTFO wenn gute ausbildung weiter zu 5.
- Gymnasium und ne gescheite ausbildung oder studium weiter zu 5.
- Studium zu etwas sinnvollem (kein Soziologie/Genderschwachsinn) weiter zu 5.
5. Hast du einen ~40.000€ Kredit aufgenommen um dir ne dicke karre zu kaufen? ja=weiter zu 6. nein= weiter zu 7.
6. Die Bank dankt dir, kannst bleiben um deinen Kredit zurückzuzahlen :>
7. Jemals schwarz gearbeitet und dabei mehr als insgesamt 10.000€ verdient? Ja=GTFO nein= weiter zu 8.
8.Du verhältst dich scheinbar normal und nicht prollig? Dann kannst du gerne in DE bleiben, keinerlei Grund von dir zu verlangen dass du in das Molochland Türkei gehen solltest

Turkey needs secular nationalists. Only You can save it from Islamism.

>not white
>not christian
>stop race mixing

>was sind grundrechte
>was ist religionsfreiheit
Vielleicht hättest du mal mehr in der Schule aufpassen sollen

>was kost n Döner Groß mit Alles?

Sprich in der zivilisierten Zunge, du Stück Scheiße

na da haben ja scheinbar mehrere Punkte gesessen

In which city do you live?

1. you're a turk
2. you don't look german
3. you don't feel german, but turkish

go to turkey and be done with it

>race mixing
Dont worry german girls are for fucking and turkish girls are for marrying and bearing children


Vielleicht solltest du Jamals Bratwurst deinen Arsch aus gezogen, Kraut.

1.) You have
2.) to go
3.) back

I have a better question. Why the fuck would anyone live in Germany if they had other options?

You are as bad as chicanos living in the US demanding welfare and wanting California/Arizona/NM/Texas be mexican again.

because your ancestors came to my country and fucked it up completely. you should not go back to """""""""""turkey""""""""", you should go back to the fucking turkestani steppe where your ancestors came from.

>turk user
>talking about fucking

Local Muslims did the damage, not really Turks or Ottomans. Learn history.

1) you don't belong here
2) you never will belong here
3) you even call yourself a Turk
4) go before the cleansing starts
5) that means go now.

>local Muslims
And did they fall from the sky? Islam just randomly appeared in my country?
Go fuck youself Milomontenegrin suck more Albanian cock

For starters you described yourself as a "Turk" and not a "German" showing you don't have any loyalty to Germany.

>love germany
>Implying cuckrauts love it
Half of yes votes are Almancis probobly

Kill yourself negro kebab subhuman mongoloid trash

>97.2% YES

are we the most redpilled culture on earth?

says estonia :D :D :D:D:D:D:D

Yes we are men yes we are

while the media and its masters are pushing a white guilt narrative since like forever, i wonder where you have been the last year?

since the "migrant" crisis (ie sandnigger occupation) the right wing had kind of a political comeback

No reason to, as long as you can blend into the culture

>blend into the culture
>turkroaches blending into German culture

you insects don't even have enough self respect to live in your own country among your own people

when your entire country is based off immigration you literally cannot speak, amerinigger

I don't think you've ever lived in a 3rd world country so better shut the fuck up, mister burger.

Disregard him, he's already living in one

you are a waste of resources. everyone of your kind

> you hanging out with a girl > waste of resources

there are germans out there looking for girls to meet and there you are... shouldn't even be here in the first place

> merely your presence is unpleasand

ever noticed the looks people give you as soon as you enter a room ?

> seeing a turk is like watching an ape dressed in a suit

you are an outsider to the rest of us and that's so obvious
either way, if you can't even speak properly or you do speak fairly valid german
peole just see that you're not one of us yet pretending to be

also why do you always swear to god or your filthy mother if you want to prive a point or convice someone that you tell the truth ? just fucking stop

then there's the regular stuff:

> you take away jobs,
> live like a parasite our welfare syste with your 1000 cousins,
> turkish "businesses" (kebap shed, kiosk, supermarkets) avoid paying taxes by all cost with shady scams

e.g. claiming that you're a small busines and there tax exempt eventhough you try to wash your money in the casino

or importing soft drinks such as fanta from the netherland or other countrys where it is cheaper yet illegal due to the missing deposit

stupid roaches, we all you what kind of shady fucks you are

BTW: being a turk is a insult since the beginning of time, just look at the proverbs how all the other nations think of you "people"

(my favorite one is: Twieled tork ("A turk was born)", referring to when it rains and there is the sun still shining)