PEPE HATE: Sup Forums isnt loved by the news media; they hate poor Pepe

>The declared purpose of the Politically Incorrect board is for “discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics”. But there are, arguably, two main characteristics of Sup Forums threads. One is its aggressive and racist tone, and use of offensive and derogatory language. This characterises its links to the alt-right movement, which rejects mainstream conservatism as well as immigration, multiculturalism and political correctness.

>The other interesting characteristic is the substantial amount of original content and online culture it generates. Most notably it turned the minor comic book character “Pepe the Frog” into a meme and symbol for the alt-right. Forums-raids-how-one-dark-corner-of-the-internet-is-spreading-its-shadows-a7416631.html

Other urls found in this thread:




the term racist has now been made meaningless through repetition, tough luck really because in the case of Sup Forums its actually true but honestly who cares, literally everything is racist

True. If the leftists hadn't been so lax, with language, maybe they would have succeeded in the culture war.


>When you shitpost so much you decide to make it your career

(((They))) use language to control us.

As user said, it is not working anymore.

They wanted Hillary to win so badly.

(((They))) are also freaking out because Trump is disintermediating the entire political news industry by communicating directly to the people. This is bigger than Trump - if other politicians follow in his footsteps, their major means of shaping our interactions with our own government goes poof.

What a wonderful world that would be.

no way



The Zionists don't seem to hate pepe. They think its just what the anti-jew leftists focus on instead of real antisemitism


People are so relieved that Trump has won that they don't realize how awful things would be had Hillary won.

She would have ruined America.

>Scientists Invented a Tool to Expose Sup Forums’s Racist Trolling

>“One way to look at countermeasures to hate speech, for Google or for Twitter, is to look at activities on Sup Forums. Because we do find evidence that some of the hate speech is coming from Sup Forums,” Emiliano De Cristofaro, a computer scientist at University College London and one of the authors of the study, told me in an interview. Forums-to-stop-the-alt-right-from-spreading-racist-memes-scientists-say

It was glorious during Brexit because they made the same mistake people do the first time they put benis in bagina. They went too hard, too fast and blew their load too early. So rather than being praised for how great they were they ended up mocked mercilessly and turned themselves into a laughing stock.

Seriously, after maybe a week of constant use it became cliched and they switched to "xenophobia" which the exact same thing happened with.
