Tariffs, yay or nay?

Donald Trump wants to impose a 35 percent tariff.
Kevin McCarthy is against tariffs in general.

On one hand, tariffs protect American jobs, but, on the other hand, should the government be interfering with the free market? If a company wants to outsource jobs, then the market will naturally communicate its approval or disapproval via that company's sales figures.

I'm conflicted.

Fuck Nebraska and anyone from there.

I went to high school with a Kevin McCarthy, huh, small world.

There is time for free market and a time for protectionism. Only an unthinking believer thinks free market is always good. The time has come for the western countries to turn to protectionism. You can not have free market between wildly different economies without massive unbalances.

It's very easy, if it's a free market then starting up tariffs is a bad idea. But, if other countries are devaluing currency, imposing tariffs on your imports and it's increasing reliance on welfare and unemployment, then you have a choice between tariffs or getting fucked by everyone else. If everyone's playing by the same rules (free market) the government shouldn't interfere, if not everyone is playing by the same rules then tariffs on foreign imports is a better choice than welfare.

Tariffs need to be established, and controlled much like the interest are now (to ensure we have enough people employed, and to keep import prices at a reasonable point).

Every Great Empire needs Autarky to insulate itself from economic dependence on its enemies.

We need to shut our Western economic sphere off from shitskins, gooks, mudslimes and (((them))).

Tarrifs are like nukes. Once you say you'll never use them, they are no longer a deterrent to fucking you over.

I'll explain it in a way anyone can understand.

If I want to fuck an 18 year old bird, I can.

If I want to fuck a 14 year old bird, I cannot.

With that in mind, should it be legal for me to take said 14 year old on a holiday to Germany, fuck her there, then come back?

The same principle applies.

Free market is the same as any other system of laws - freedom within reason.

If two consenting adults want to exchange a service or good, then by all means, do it.

But since the gooks and shitskins can't get their "Human rights" and "wages" right without being nuked a couple of times, it's safe to say that globalisation is pretty much the business equivalent of sex tourism.

>I want to fuck a bird
What does bestiality have to do with this?

Shut your fuckin gabber tart we invented the fuckin language

This. Liberals love to complain about big business fucking over workers but they don't give a shit about Chinese slave laborers being paid pennies an hour to build their iphones.

If they actually cared about fighting against globalist multinational corporations and American workers, they wouldn't complain about them. But not that Trump is proposing them I guess they must be bad and racist.

i think we should impose tariffs on chinese steel if they keep dumping it here

They're not smart people m8.

There's a reason why the only successful "radical" ideology in history was Nazi Germany - because, whereas most focus on the downtrodden retards mongoloiding their way across the dregs of society, and give THEM power, the Nazis made the active choice to place competence and strength above all else.

>then the market will naturally communicate its approval or disapporval
in theory yes. in actuality, no

Cause of jews.

Seriously. They actively suppress such small things as "Indians pollute more than anyone else"

>muh free market

I honestly don't know who is more annoying sometimes. Commie-fags or "THE MARKET IS ALWAYS RIGHT"-fags.

R u like genuinely a mongoloid?

Okie dokie I'll explain it.

Free market = natural ways that money travels.

It is, by definition, the most correct thing you can have.

This can either be controlled or not.

"The market" isn't an entity. What you're saying is "Pffff the fucking ocean is always right!" - no. It is not morally correct. It has no willpower. But if you fuck up, you will end up being raped by Davy Jones.

And got gangraped. Yeah """Successful""".

Yeah I'd say a relatively small nation in Central Europe being able to take on three superpowers simultaneously is pretty impressive.

Compare that with Spain.

Even your colonies are failures. See: Falklands War. And Mexico.

>mfw a bong has to explain the free market to a burger

And yet every successful nation has government agencies that exist to regulate the market.

Really makes you think.

Relatively small. Germany.
You can't into history.

Are you proud of Poos Britain?
What about Jamaica?
Or South Africa?
Or Kenya?

Just like they have something called a "Coastguard"

And a "Navy"

Nah, the USA, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Gibraltar are all okay.

>free market
Is that where the Vietnamese sweatshop undercut 1st world labor practices by employing literal slaves?

>free market
>giving foreign countries every economic advantage for nothing in return

Yeah, bring on the tarrifs. Only an insane person would think letting countries dump goods on our shores for free, while everything we export is taxed

oh look

your daddy drumpf has turned out to be a kiked piper establishment puppet

drumpfkiniggers are fucking FUMING

>Nah, the USA, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Gibraltar are all okay.
The ones full of Asians or Europeans. Wow, you don't see anything there?

>Just like they have something called a "Coastguard"

>And a "Navy"


My geopolitics professor had an interesting take on this...

So, the free-open-global trade route is a good idea because when countries can obtain resources and commodities through trade as opposed to invasion and conquest, it keeps the world safe and peaceful.

The main criticism of Trump is that if we go back down this mercantilist road, then the world will separate back into these regional trading blocks, and the US will probably lose its reserve currency status, will it not? The counterargument, however, is that can a global open trade world even function without a hegemon? The US is clearly falling from hegemony at an astonishing rate, so Trump's argument is that we cant continue protecting those who don't care about us.

Basically, we (the west) are liberalists living in a world of mercantilists. We openly and happily trade with China, offering them money, our debt, etc, in the name of free trade and prosperity, but China is much more predatory. They dump in our economies to try to claim market shares. So why are we being so nice to total dicks?

I support Trump. Even if he fails miserably, at least we're rocking the fucking boat to see if anything better can be done about the current climate.

Tariffs are the only way to ensure fair trade. Just look at Canada.

Trump will bring tariffs back as a global trend and save the world.

With that in mind, whereas you wouldn't demand an ID and a permit to go swimming in the ocean, you would warn people of the dangers and expect experts to exist outside of the government.

Las Malvinas son Britanicas.

>the free market
it would be the free market if china didn't tax the shit out of what we try to export

Why should we be anti-protectionist when everyone else isn't? EU, China, South America all have some of the most hostile, protectionist environments in order to monitor and control their economic activity. Why should we bend over and eat shit in the name of MUHH FREE MARKETSSS?

>Las Malvinas son Britanicas.
And London Muslim.
I don't fucking care.

I'm not sure what this has to do with having the government regulate the economy. Every successful government has policies designed to encourage economic growth and investment, and government agencies that regulated the economy and ensure that the regulations are being followed.

Have tariffs that are equal to the opposite country's tariffs. And have lower tariffs for countries with decent environmental/labor regulations.

China never should have been allowed into the world trade organization. Never. They do not play by the rules.

US goods become more expensive>US will loose markets > US companies become bancrupt > people loose they jobs > Here will be some FUN.

Free market's "solution" to this problem is to wait until so many jobs are outsourced to China that demand for Chinese workers overtakes the amount of people they have, which will raise Chinese wages to match your country's. Obviously this won't happen any time soon, which is why you need at least some government control to keep things sane.

No, You're a human being who shares the same political views as me, making you a pretty good guy. Gay or not you seem to have the same political ideology as me and I respect that, would have a beer with you any day of the week.

Government can't do anything with this. In the end here will be war or corruption (aka another government buy your own).

At the same time unemployment becomes lower so the government doesn't have to feed those people, payroll taxes are paid in the US rather than in China, which all lead to more dosh flowing in. You can spend this on tax cuts for these companies for example to keep them competitive, which is exactly what Trump is doing.

The real solution is to nuke China so that they can't take our jobs anymore.

Company which get money from government no need to work and make something useful, it's what we have here in russia, they just suck money from budget and don't even bother to become useful or competitive., and very soon tax on citizens fly to space we soon will have unemployment tax (yeah those who don't have any job will pay government for this)

I have better idea, why not just annex russia?! It will be easy and fun and murrica will become twice as bigger when now.

They don't get free money from the government, they get tax cuts. They still have to generate income in order to benefit from less taxes.

And how much less taxes they will pay?! I think few procent solve nothing.

If we're going to have the regulations then we need tariffs.

See here
Also inactivates inner consumption. US is the biggest market of all.

Also you just can do nothing and sooner or leater whole china die because awful ecology and probem will be solved.

>Ecology meme.
Yeah wait 500 or 600 years or maybe it will never happen.

Tariffs destroy jobs but lower prices since less transportation cost.

>>Ecology meme.
>Yeah wait 500 or 600 years or maybe it will never happen.

To be true they in deep shit already, i think it will be much faster when you thinks.


They even try move some of they chemistry factory to russia. It will be very bad if it's happend

Tell me please you try to live in smoke?! It's not fun at all.

I want a 880B trade surplus with the world.
You buy stuff from US!

I'm against tariffs but I'm fine with Trump threatening tariffs as a bargaining chip.


VAT Tax. Only one country out of 160 of the most industrialized doesn't have one....guess who and understand that it hurts consumers (both people and businesses that consume foreign products). Either WTO trade rules change,we get a VAT tax, or tariffs.

That is it hurts our consumers not by having a VAT tax relatively speaking. But if someone points out that company A (all homemade product) in Mexico, and company B (all homemade product) is technically a wash with or without a VAT tax to their bottom-line, they're right. But consumers are fucked, and companies that consume foreign products to make a final product are fucked too.

Company B is American all homemade.

kill everyone who tries a VAT tax in USA
just shoot them for treason

The Free Market can never take into account other nations. The Mexican government props up oligarchs in order to deflate wages due to lack of competition and keep goods cheap. This crony capitalism, or ''''''''''communism''''''''' in China and antithecal to the free market as, by suppressing the market, they can flood the West with cheap goods. These are cheap not due to competition and innovation but government intervention at the end of a gun. A free market can only be ensured within one's own borders, so protectionist tariffs must be used to keep out these goods that keep foreigners under the jackboot and our own people out of jobs.

I hate VAT taxes as well btw. WTO rule change would be best. This VAT tax imbalance plus having the highest corporate tax rate in the world is why all are companies hide money overseas aswell.

Tariffs are good.

Thanks Trump.

>free market

This is the biggest load of bullshit, because it ISN'T. What dipshit 'free market' fags avoid talking about is that the US is a free market, but none of the other countries are. You know that if you want to sell a US car in the EU without an enormous fuckhueg 'luxury' tax applied you have to build it there? Except they can sell BMWs and Mercedes until the cows come home in the US without any tax. Because a 'free market' apparently only works one way. Same thing with the japs and chinks. You can't buy a fucking Ford in Japan because they tax the ever loving piss out of it, but they can sell Toyotas here all day long. The biggest joke the government ever played on the American public is convincing them that the 'free market' is actually free. Really all it is is that they make out like bandits selling their shit to us, and our US companies have to jump the border to try and compete by selling shit back to us as well. It's a calculated plan to fuck over the US and it's been working great so far.

Also think you misunderstood. I hate VAT taxes cause it 'hides' taxes from consumers. Having one would help American businesses twofold though. Cheaper widgets for final product, and lower profit taxes that would bring hidden money home.

Tariffs don't lower prices you fucking moron. The whole point of tariffs is to make imports more expensive so they aren't a better value than domestic products.

Jesus christ the day of the rake can't come soon enough.

This. The goal should be to leverage tariffs as a threat to get countries to eliminate theirs so we can actually export shit again.

Otherwise adding 30% to the cost of everything people buy is a terrible idea, even if it does benefit the job market.

Might as well just tax everyone 30%, and then use those funds to hire the unemployed to dig holes and fill them back in. Same difference.

Its a just a threat. He's letting them know they can't walk all over us like they did obama who was a VERY weak negotiator.

I think you all don't realize how Mexico will pay for the Wall...VAT tax, tariffs, or (hopefully) WTO rules change on cross border VAT taxes.

Technically speaking it's the dollars we're not losing anymore. The worldwide VAT tax system that we're not apart of is killing us on trade.

Also you may of heard Trump mention VAT taxes at his rallies and then say 'it's really complicated!'. It really is.

>is that can a global open trade world even function without a hegemon

does he mean to say that the US or some other hegemon is the only thing that makes trade agreements work? it is clear that with trade there is a surplus, but the challenge then is how to divvy it up. both potential trading nations realize that there's surplus created in trade is there not? both realize that with trade, usually they both can more than without, even if the pie is sliced unevenly. i find it hard to believe the argument that open trade can only work if there's a big guy forcing everyone to trade when everyone knows that there are benefits to trade.

>If a company wants to outsource jobs, then the market will naturally communicate its approval or disapproval via that company's sales figures.
No it won't. Your average urbanite doesn't give two fucks about American production jobs, and unless your company makes their money off selling farm products urbanites are your consumer base.

>should the government be interfering with the free market?
Everyone else does, which is why we get rekt on trade constantly. "Free Trade" as most people think of it is a myth, and it's a dangerous one because the longer we cling to it the more time China & Friends have to suck all the wealth out of our middle class and murder our industrial sector with their government subsidized slave labor production machine.

You can two countries with 0% tariffs, and if one has a VAT tax, the consumers in the country with out one get screwed. VAT taxes are the new tariff!...Americans are the only industrialized nation without one. Why should we be the only country to pay a sales tax on imported goods (to the country it's coming from), and not have one of our own? Perfer they taxed the foreign seller. Hope WTO rules change on this subject.

Better for us short term, worse for everyone long term.

The 'Payroll tax' also pisses me off. 10% of your income is taken away with this tax and all you see on your check is a 2.5% Social Security tax. It's 12.5% in reality, and it all goes to the general fund. Not a Social Security fund. That doesn't exist!

> the market will naturally communicate its approval or disapproval via that company's sales figures

nigga, you're overestimating the power a normie has to give a fuck