This Polish Christmas commercial will have you in tears

This Polish Christmas commercial will have you in tears.

Other urls found in this thread: kremal turta

>interracial breeding
>nigger baby polak
>soiling our purest nationality


It's so sweet. Please don't insult it like that. The baby is totally cute too!

I came here looking for a thread on this.

It was bittersweet till the little mongrel babby which made it hilarious


>Comments are praising the commercial

Poles,enjoy the death of your nation.

That was great until the little nigger baby.

Realistically gramps would look disgusted after seeing that nigger baby, you know it, i know it, everybody knows it.


Half expected him to shout "KURWA" upon seeing that little abomination.

>Poles think they can beat the Sainsbury's 2014 Christmas ad:

Allegro isn't polish owned for a long time, so no suprise here

This is just perfect
In shows how polacks all flee to england in hopes to escape their country and how only old farts remain
It shows how they disdain their old culture so much that they dont even teach their children polish
It shows how they indulge in racemixing degeneracy just not to stand out from their degenerate masters
And it shows the future of europe in this nigger mongrel
I really teared up watching this
From laughter

ja perdole

>it's a fucking halfbreed mutt

REEEEE! I was ready to feel and all i feel is disgust and rage!

>A commercial that was all feels
>Black kid shows up
Faith in Poland = lost
God dammit, filthy ass jews

What the fuck?
>Pole is married to a SEA
>Has a black kid
was he cuqed?

>No French

i see he's learning his slavic phrases

rebbit likes it

It is a touching commercial, but it tries to normalize race mixing and the disappearance of the white race.
This is unacceptable.

I was about to cry but then the racemixing globalist agenda robbed me of my humanity.

He had that "You really belong in a Gulag" face after seeing the child.

Of course they do

>This thread has been locked due to hate speech.
>FFS, I can't believe this was necessary.


It would have actually been a good commercial if it weren't for the forced mixed child at the end. We get the agenda.

It hits you right in the feels.

Surprise! Not everyone wants to see their race polluted until it stops existing.
Apparently they made a better one the other year.

Fucking hell, that one is beautiful and it's based on a real day.
After seeing moments like that, I'm surprised Europeans continued to fight the next day.

>you will never die fighting in WW2

>mexican intellectuals

Little kid saying "fuck off white man" with his eyes

wrong thread
also kill yourself

This is great.

Not the race mixing part.

The part where he speaks English. Now he's just like the rest of us: normal people.

Fucking ruined by the mutt

[–]InbredsLearnedToVote 12 points an hour ago
So many Inbreeding racist scum spouting their hateful nazi shit on here, hope they freeze to death this Christmas.

>700 dislikes

I'm not sure what I love most about that post.
The butthurt username "InbredsLearnedToVote" probably referencing right wing election victories
The insulting inbred/nazi buzzwords
Or the hypocracy in calling us hateful while wishing death upon us

Oh we're hateful, but at least we don't hide behind a shroud of kindness.

that guys comment history is gold

this brings tears to my eyes, really does. Nothing but pure humanity, but then you realize it ends and the feeling that something like this could never happen again

why did the germans invade?

Sup Forums will tell you memes about big bad Poles gassing six gazillion ethnic Germans

the truth is lebensraum

>I really doubt that, go to Lincoln and Boston, the most concentrated areas of Inbreeding with Local and family DNA , unsurprisingly also the areas that most voted leave,did it strike a cord with you being an inbred too? also when the flying fuck did i say all muslims are non-white, cunts like you will gladly defend fascists and desperately try to call out people calling you out on your bigotry as racist, it doesnt work.

Holy shit


Choose one

Why was the kid a fucking nigger? The girl looked kinda Asian. If all black women looked like this maybe I wouldn't think they were a sub-species of ape.

They didn't in that area, both sides had to replace their troops.

>Oh that's good, he's making an effort to integrate
>I guess Poles are fellow Europeans, even if they're not British
>Is that a fucking niglet
>"Hi, I'm your grandpa"


>all this effort
>to find his grandchildren is a fucking nigglet

He must be dead inside.

half nigger probably. look up aminata on google. popular latvian singer :)))

Muh Feels! You got me!

so are you guys actually racist as fuck or are you trying to be super edgy? either way, you come across as fuckwit highschool autists

Why must white men kill each other at all?
For one she straightened her hair so she looks more human. Also they probably chose a mulatto kid to match the mulatto woman rather than make the kid a quadroon.
Just helps make the destruction of white people look even more inevitable.

someone please make an edit whre he walks up to the kid and says "I'm gonna fucking kill you" like he did in the shower


>can't even have a nice Christmas commercial without more fucking propaganda

Worst part is everyone gonna be like, "its just a christmas commercial you racist xD". Like the makers weren't well aware of what they were fucking doing.


they didn't, they intentionally missed every shot they had to be replaced because they thought their troops were being incompetent

No, honestly we're not THAT racist.

What's disgusting is how blatant propaganda is now. They clearly intentionally planned for it to be a mixed baby and like said they picked the most attractive black women they could find yet made the baby more black than the mother somehow. They WANTED to make sure the race mixing was obvious and looked attractive and that's what's disgusting. If this weren't propaganda it would appear more incidental.

look man, take it as a compliment. large obvious brainwashing wouldn't fool you, you are too smart. so small little social cues have to be fed bit by bit to destroy your hold on traditional values.


Even if those particular men refused to fight each other, I am deeply saddened to think that other men killed and died when they weren't so different.


So what's the agenda this propaganda is promoting? Treating people based on their actions and not on their skin color? Doesn't seem too bad for propaganda.

The propaganda is to normalize race mixing.

>whites fighting whites
Why did it have to be like this. What a waste of life.

get ready to rage Sup Forums

Does not say to his grandson

"Hi Nigger, I'm grandpa"

It kind of is normal. Humans have been doing it since we started existing. So what? Does it make you upset that the colors get blended together? Aww...

Mixed-breed dogs are often among the healthiest compared to pure-bred.

its all satire my man


this got me in the feeels if anything


>Nigger blood being diluted.
It's beautiful thanks polandbros.

You're either new or you're baiting, but for your sake I'll imagine you're new.
The agenda is to end the existence of the white race by promoting race mixing.
You might feel like this is simple color blind casting, but after seeing countless advertisements all aimed at families, you'll begin to see a trend.
If it were normal to the degree that advertising companies insist, there would be no people of any race left by now.
Do you think it's wrong for a man to be concerned when he and his race are surrounded by propaganda every day which tell them that they should stop existing? That man should be furious.



I don't care the guy married a black girl. Good for him. I don't care about "diluting genes" and other stormfront bullshit.

But it really angers me that he's not in Poland, and that his baby will be raised to be yet another worthless western trash.

It's not propaganda, just reflecting reality. My town is full of Polish women with mixed race babies, it's a well established tradition.

Muh feels

>blag blah ww1
>blah blah trenches

fuck of ww1, all you faggots sit around lamenting over this stupid pointless fucking war.

at least the civil war had a purpose.

>I don't care the guy married a black girl. Good for him. I don't care about "diluting genes" and other stormfront bullshit.
Cause pollacks are at the bottom of the genetic hierarchy.

also theyll all be dead by May kremal turta

Wrong. This is the best Christmas commercial I've ever seen, and it has the advantage of not featuring miscegenation or subhumans.

Boy looks more nigg than his mom, I dont think he is the grandpa after all.......

>mfw i am half spic and now i know my my white grandma fucking hated me.

>no poc
>no women

Poles have fine white genes and should be discouraged from race mixing just as every white person should be.
Culture will last centuries, but race will last forever. Poles can always return to their traditions, but they can never fix their genes.


What the fuck?
According to the census less than 400 Africans live in Poland. So why are they even pandering?

Are (((they))) in charge of this production?

Oh...wait. Are the poles taking the piss out of the English countries and all the niglets running around?

That's exactly the problem.
It should never become normal.

>the more normal
So what that little cunt is saying is "OUR PROPAGANDA IS GOOD! YOUR "TRUTH" IS BAD!"

Hope he gets burnt alive like those 40 cucks last week.

fucking asshole elderlynigger abandoned his dog.

I find it really sad that WE the so called 'Kings of Advertising' cannot make a ad as good as these from Poland, Thailand or Russia. I hate our soulless ads, they just exist to make stuff sell except the one time a year they can make us try to laugh the Super Bowl but NEVER are they heartfelt like this.

I think the last time they tried was that embarrassing Folgers commercial where the sister looked like she lusts after the brother. Sad!

I guarantee the top guy had his account negative Karma'd to death way more than once with that shitty account name.

Shit, I got NKD'd just for saying someone should defend themselves from a bully, a statement like that is getting -1000 karma.

How the fuck have niggers penetrated every corner of the globe so deeply?

It has to be a product of American culture seeping everywhere and since we worship niggers everyone else does too. Fucking sheep.

Nice propaganda to get people to crossbreed with blacks.