
what's wrong with them?

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They're just morons that don't understand how much of their fucking culture is based on christianity, that's all. I'm an atheist too, but I don't view it as some kind of fucking identity that I need to express anytime I meet someone. I'm not fucking vegan.

They're rebels

What's wrong with you?? It's 2016 and you seriously still believe in the magic sky daddy? hahah

Almost 100% of people who base their whole identity on one thing are cringe-worth. total 100% devotion and identification to something just ruins people.

Atheists like OP mentioned.

I'm Christian without believing in god, I hold the same morals as you and respect for others; please don't let some nobody who is vocal about disagreeing with you poison your view.

Also this is coming from an agnostic/"atheist", whatever you'd like to call it.

>atheist acting like literal niggers
nothing new here

>Don't believe in God
>hate how mainstream atheists act
>agnostics are pussies

woe is me

i'm an atheist who doesn't let it be known until i'm asked.

how it should be.

They're retarded. Obviously.

t. Agnostic

>Christian without believing in god
why don't you kill yourself, tard

Autism. Everything has to be scientifically/literally true, or it holds no meaning for them.

They're selfish cunts who think that they've trascended all what the previous generations have achieved. Because they allegedly have nothing to believe in, they do nothing other than rubbing their dicks on other people and seek for "muh facebook likes/reddit upvotes." They think they are "edgy" and "progressive" because they're against what older, wiser people know and believe. All in all, it's just an excuse for degenerate behavior that is, seemingly, "without consequences."

You obviously didn't read on you fucking pleb, it was shorthand for the further description.

There's a difference between an atheist and anti-theist.

Most atheist I know are pretty chill. I'm a Catholic and we have our occassional debates on faith and religion, but in the end they have their opinions and I have mine. They don't judge and they just want to be left alone. They're not interested in forcing their atheism on anyone, but at the same time they don't want Christians forcing their beliefs on them.

Anti-theists? Whole other story. These assholes go out of their way to attack anything they don't agree with. They're arrogant and smug. They're insulting and ridicule anyone who dares hold to a belief of something more than their own reality. Most of them are acting out or projecting a deeper issues (ala Bill Mahr).

>destroying gideon bibles
I hope they know about the many people who have pulled those out during times of serious depression and decided to not blow their brains out.

>but muh magic sky daddy and euphoria xD
Pampered little shits think life is wonderful for them so nobody else needs a crutch to lean on.


I'm atheist and I agree with Kyle Kriete. That being said there's nothing wrong with me.

It's not the """morals""" that make you a Christian the golden rule is in nearly every religion dumb fuck google sola fide idiot.

Join the raid in
> →
and enrage a Marxist racemixing professor by spamming his YouTube channel

Holy shit. Mexican intellectual, it's good to finally meet you.

These are exactly the anti-theists I'm talking about. Sadly, they give atheists a bad name.


I understand. Not everyone is a Christian I don't expect them to like all of our beliefs. It's the ones that become militant are the worst. Our equivalent are fundamentalists.

I agree, the fundies are pretty bad. Their constant condemnation of any and everyone who hasn't drank their kool-aid is annoying as hell. They think anyone who isn't a subscriber to John McCarthurs YouTube page is cursed to hell.

But, as for the anti-theist. You've gotta wonder... how can someone harbor so much hate for some one they don't believe exists? Most times, I've found, they've been through a pretty horrific tragedy of some time and blame God (although they'll never admit it). Or, their lives are complete shit and they're projecting - again blaming God (even though they claim they don't believe He exists).

Yeah it's personal problems in my opinion. They become radicals to take revenge I guess. Always funny to see the young teenage kids from r/atheism that are just butthurt their parents make them go to church kek.

Sir i am not a pussy and i would like for you to apologize.

How fucking autistic does one have to be to believe in something 100% without proof?

More of a fucking sheep than I first thought.

How autistic does someone have to be to not be able to kill a bunch of birds that cant fly?

Be gone kangaroo troll.

Fuck wrong country.

I owned myself. Damn.

>ME TO !

Kill me

Atheism is just as retarded as Theism

>How fucking autistic does one have to be to believe in something 100% without proof?
Probably because back when religion became a thing people were more worried about dying to a plague, getting massacred by an invading army, or starving to death. Religion came about in a time when people needed to cope with suffering. The kind you don't get with all your wonderful privileges today.
>b-b-but my perfectly reasonable facts and euphoria!
Ignorant cunt.

stoner culture can be added to that list

If it was a Qu'ran, they'd leave it alone and maybe skim through it to read all its peaceful passages

What this dude is unaware of is that the hotels don't pay for the Bibles, church organizations do. They give away bibles constantly.

If he was not destroying them, and probably making the poor hispanic maid that has to clean his room cry, then that money could be used to feed the needy.

This dumb SJW is literally killing children.

>xmas vacation

The KEK is real.

These people are so short sighted, they don't bother to even know what they don't know. There are countless great thinkers throughout western civilization who drew from Christianity. You don't have to believe every word of the Bible to realize there are many good lessons contained within it. Sure, many have used it to push they're own ends, but would western civilization have been able to codify it's collective ethos without it? I doubt it. Self sacrifice, forgiveness, discipline, and the idea that men don't rule men, a higher power does (whether you take that as God or your own spirit is up to you).

I'm always struck by the arrogance of some people. The world they live in was built by string men with strong convictions, who fought for causes greater than themselves and they don't give it a second thought to mock what they don't understand.

Also, what would have been the alternative to a society based on the teachings of Jesus? There has to be a foundation for any civilization to be built upon. Rome was built upon the rule of law given to men by men and it was corrupted by men. The Western world took those principles and reached its zenith by declaring that we aren't ruled by laws of men, but that we are ruled by the rights only given to us by our creator and whatever you believe, you know that no man can take that away, as long as you don't let them.

Feel free to correct me. I'm no scholar. I'm just starting to read on this subject.

>I'm Christian without believing in god

You get over it, eventually. You just have to live with it.

This. Every atheist/agnostic I have ever met were pretentious, self important circle jerkers who actually called people "Sheeple" and kept talking about enlightenment *Exhales smoke*.
>People wonder why I am angry all the time

I feel the same way, does this bother you?

Oh fuck just read this now. Never change guys.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Remember, athiests don't have any logical reason to believe in rights

Whoever says they have the ultimate truth is a scam artist.

How do people believe this shit?

Im an atheist, but shit like this makes me hate atheists. Most of our community seems to consist of autistic 12 year old's who think they are edgy because they watch Amazing Atheist and Secular Talk and insult religious people online. Then additionally there are these shitheads who think they have the right to violate property rights because they disagree with people. When I first became an Atheist I didn't really think about it that much but now its really getting annoying.


>i'm an atheist who doesn't let it be known until i'm asked
>until i'm asked
oh the irony

This desu.

Something tells me if they were Baptists they would do the same to anything that wasn't the KJV, or if they were any generic Christian they would go to Muslim countries' hotels to rip up Qurans.

Atheism should be a non-thing.

>Hey did you know about the role of privilege in our White cisheteronormative racist, sexist, xenophopbic, transphobic capitalist society? Well you do now!
>So I was in a discussion at my college library in my NGT t-shirt and cargo pants the other day and some THEISTS started harassing me for not believing in a God! Of course I debated them and handily defeated their arguments.
and Atheism™
>Buy my books, coffee mugs, and conference tickets to show off how cool you are on social media!

Are absolutely disgusting, and unfortunately have absorbed about 80% of Western atheists, agnostics, and skeptics.

Oh and here's the answer
>what's wrong with them?

TLDR: Any basic bitch is now an atheist. It's the default stance. Before any douches were absorbed into the religious pop at large, but now increasingly in the atheist fold.

>A mere century ago to claim the mantle of atheist meant wrestling with innumerable philosophical problems and personal demons, and reluctantly concluding the nonexistence of God with a heavy heart and a weary resignation to the task of finding value in a world deprived of any objective moral order.

>Today becoming an atheist is a trivial matter, and like all trivial things, it attracts banal, trivial people.

> Like anything brought to the masses, atheism has become a diluted, trite little idea for small minds. Rebellious, unsophisticated rabble find themselves at odds with the moral precepts of traditional religions, and adopt an atheist stance for its supposed permissiveness!

> They glance at the host of scientific and philosophical minds that have claimed this position, and then snatch it for themselves with only the most cursory inspection of what atheism entails. With so many ignorant commoners assuming atheism as a default metaphysical position, the entire philosophy of atheism has been polluted with spiteful God haunted post Christian ideology.

>The very same liberal, egalitarian values so HATED by atheists like Nietzsche are now part and parcel of modern atheism. Atheists take this socialist baggage for granted, as if unconsciously absorbing patently Christian ideas about charity and equality were merely “part of being atheist.”

> Even feminism has become intertwined with atheism on some level! This is what happens when a metaphysical stance that once belonged to only the most skeptical of critical thinkers is chopped into simplistic fodder for the dullest of dull-eyed cows to chew on.

>get called a pussy
>be offended by being called a pussy
>ask for an apology
No, he is right, you are a pussy.

i've been an atheist for most of my life but always felt there was something to religion despite not believing in god. i've been re-reading some gene wolfe and listening to jordan peterson lately i think im starting to realize that that feeling is really 'belief in religion' as dramatic truth or psychological truth.

if someone were to ask me if i believed in god i think i'd reply that i believe in religion and that religion presupposes god so that i suppose i do, after a fashion. but that god exists in a metaphysical sense as the ultimate abstraction. something that cannot be truly conceived by the mind -our best attempts being light tracings of an infinite outline.

Something tells me that these cucks wouldn't deface Quran copies.

If you don't believe in God, then you don't believe christ could be the son of God. In fact you are claiming Jesus was wrong, or outright making it all up. You're following a religion, the founder of which you believe to be a charlatan.

That's some next level retardation right there.

No, Jesus told us too expect you.

Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

they are allowed to live

I met a very famous Atheist on a flight as I sat next to him the duration of the flight. (I don't want to give his name because what he said he would get backlash from those same people)

We had an interesting chat about Atheism and Religion in general. One of the things he told me is that he almost hates to be called Atheist now because of how awful many people who call themselves Atheist act. He said they should be called Anti-Christian God because all they do is spend every waking moment thinking about God and how angry they are at him.

I thought it was a very interesting way of putting it. People like in the OP are not Atheist. They believe in God more then any evangelical does. They think "take that God!" and think that they are somehow hurting God. (They aren't).

Come on man. Spirituality is something you decide for yourself. That quote from the bible puts Muslims and Jews above pegans and atheists whom have a very annoying vocal minority but have never committed genocide either.

Atheists have ruined the word. Like how liberals ruined liberal. Now there's retarded term "classic liberalism" to differentiate.

Will there be "Classical atheism" in the future?

Same. Though I used to fashion myself as
>atheist! skeptic! physicalist! materialist!
Lately shied away from adopting atheist.

My views on spirit are pretty juvenile, but are a weird mix of Heidegger and Jung.

Tharru likes to take philosophy, grind it to baby food, and spoonfeed it, but still was pretty helpful in orienting a coherent but spirit-inclusive philosophy

>puts Muslims and Jews above pegans and atheists
no, it puts us all on the same level, you really don't know basic theology do you.

Maybe you aren't intimately familiar with the new testament, but Jesus spends an inordinate amount of time in it talking about and validating his claim of being the son of God. Even going as far as saying that if he weren't the son of God, everything he said would have been bunk (paraphrasing).

So if you believe he was wrong or lying about the whole "Son of God thing" then why on earth are you basing your morality around a belief system you think is based off lies? It's not only theologically nonsensical, it screeches in the face of basic logic. It would be like saying "I am a darwinist who believes Darwin got it all wrong and God made the earth 6000 years ago" or "I'm a Marxist who believes Marx was wrong and the future lies in capitalism" It's a nonsensical claim.

That is a comparative fallacy because all he said was that he was a Christian who didn't believe in God.
I got this shit crammed down my throat for 16 years and it contradicts itself time and time again. Caing someone and evil doer for not believing in a white man in the sky but also agreeing with your morals is pure retardation, it further divided our people.

I'm not calling anyone a evil doer, that's a strawman. I am saying it is illogical and theological nonsense to claim to be a part of a religion that you believe is fundamentally wrong.

Either be an atheist, or be a christian. Pretending to be both simultaneously is a pointless effort in futility.

I am sorry you had bad experiences with the church, but you should remember that much of that was likely the failings of humans, not Christ.

im off to bed.
