This is what the political compass should like look

Left-wing economics is virtually always authoritarian. The only exception is those very rare, small communal villages where participation in the collective system is purely voluntary and you can opt out at any time. Ironically, this kind of system is only possible in a society with right-wing economic principles (people in a libertarian society could start a socialist community if they wished). The opposite is certainly not true.

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the spectrum normally used is garbage

and actual accurate spectrum would be aligned on several axis, collectivism/individualism, authoritarianism/individualism, and progressivism/traditionalism


sorry, authoritarianism/libertarianism

this many axis?

that's overboard, the three I listed cover all human ideology

i don't know how the heck i got 34% secular, i'm pretty much westboro baptist level fundamentalist

Right-wing economics is virtually always authoritarian. The only exception is those very rare, small communal villages where participation in the collective system is purely voluntary and you can opt out at any time. Ironically, this kind of system is only possible in a society with left-wing economic principles (people in a social democratic society could start a libertarian community if they wished). The opposite is certainly not true.

except that's wrong ahmad


Indeed. In an anarchist socialist society, once people mutually agree on capitalists trade deals, no one has the authority to stop them. So all the free trade people turn into ancaps, and the socialists die of starvation on use force to stop the free market.

>most powerful countries in the world are all left of center
Really makes you think.

Yes, John, when you give up all your labor to your "employer", it is entirely voluntary and not at all coerced.

Stay classcucked.

Cool it with the hate speech, Pierre. You don't want another bataclan on your hands

Compass Thread?

Human history is the struggle of moving from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.

>voluntary contracts are authortarian
>right-wing >collective system


anarchism is just a place holder for an authoritarian regime. There's a reason they don't last more than 3 years. A weak state cannot defend itself. The only way anarchism could work is if every country on earth decided to become anarchist at the same time, and people decided that people suddenly decide that ganging up on weak people is wrong and they stop doing it forever.


>rabbi finds green too intimidating, bans and lies about it
Sounds about right

i always sorta viewed politics in terms of mainly how centralized power is, with the rest following from there, such as economics, social policies, etc

the more decentralized government is, the smaller and more hypothetical pyramids, the smallest being the individual, which exists in anarchy

globalism is the largest possible pyramid, where all are ruled under one government, one peak

things like federalism balance the power of centralization with the modular advantages of decentralization

anyway, to me, the enemy has always been more centralization, bigger pyramids, because if i'm gonna be controlled by some motherfucker, i want it to be a people i'm close to and can reason with, not some global illuminati lords

The issue is that politics are not as simple as that chart. The "left vs. right" dynamic, especially, is not a good model to describe a person's politics. It's more of a tool to create political alliances.

You can find gun-loving religious environmentalists.
You can find big government atheists who hate postmodernism and believe that abortion is murder.
You can find Christian protectionist communists.

This dumbed down model is a bad thing, too, because it lets people claim that others agree with them when they, in fact, don't. Postmodernists are always saying "Look, these people voted Democrat! The fact that he wants a public health care system and to repair our ancient infrastructure must mean that he's also a feminist!"

By your logic, the compass would look like this because cultural conservatism is always authoritarian.

File name related.

You're much too focused on economics here. Left/right spectrum is economic freedom. Authoritarian/Libertarian spectrum is social freedom.

It sounds dumb to call yourself "libertarian" just because you support drugs and gay sex. Left-wing economics is not libertarian

I've always thought it should be more like this, since the less authority you have, the less possible it is to enforce a particular political leaning.

That's actually really cool and interesting. I like it.

Left-wing economics, no. Left-wing social/cultural policies, yes. That's what I was getting at, you guys are too focused on economics. Libertarian viewpoints on society/culture are left-wing.

But isn't the red square culturally authoritarian as well?

>what are libertarians

Close, but this is the real chart.

>falling for (((capitalist))) lies


I've thought that too, and it explains why ancap and ancom don't work (notice how they're cut off)


Let me clean that up for you, user.

Yes. It's left-wing economically, but right-wing socially.

Thanks bro. Also, checked.

Who would have guessed?

nice 1488

but lets agree this is the only valid option for political compasses

fuck thats awful do you have a brain parasite or something?
>pro globalization
>pro security over privacy
>capitalism over socialism not balanced in the middle