Islam is the Ultimate red pill

I'am really starting to think that it is the ultimate redpill. It might be the only thing that can save the world from liberal filth.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself my man

Porkchops are the ultimate redpill

To redpill someone, read the koran to them.
When they hear the evil contained in that book, they hate islam.

bacon, it tastes great, even goes with choclate cake.

But Islam oppresses women.

Better to nuke the place and start over then.

>unironically believing this
>"ultimate redpill"
I see the muslim brotherhood is at it again, welcome back Ahmed.

Tell me more about flying horses and splitting the moon.

So what? Women and feminism has destroyed western society.

>Sup Forums will reply to this basic as fuck bait

>this scares the shit out of op

all these red pills


That's DayQuil m8, it's orange

Not baiting, Islam is basically goven a pass from the left. They use all there energy to try and stop us. Tell me again. Why don't we let muzzies destroy the left? We have fags in makeup commercials now. Our society is done. The only thing that can fix it is Islam.


Here's a decent overview:

Female behavior is ultimately the fault of men for failing in our responsibility to teach and lead them as we should have. But the answer is not to throw a bedsheet over them.

make me a ham sammich, mudshit.

Where is this? And do they actually come into the country like this? Or is this some type of Muslim parade?

I hope you're ready for red poop

I love Porkchops.

and that's how it should be, women should raise children and be a good wife, instead of going out with her friends and doing degenerate activities, liberal women always cheat on their partner, it's a failure

It was giving women to much freedom and rights. Then they formed a coalition with the nigger and gays. Telling you Islam could wipe all of this out. Im not even a religious person. Im just thinking a of a way we can use the muzzies against the leftists.

>The only thing that can fix it is Islam.
Traditional Christianity

The reason this degeneracy has cropped up is because Christianity has been withered down over the course of the last 500 years

Pls christianity is never coming back. It has been the main target of the left for 30 years.

Agree, everything that is wrong with western society is because of women.

It's not that Islam is redpilled. It's a barbaric and medieval reaction to accepting the red pill, especially about women.

Is it a solution?
Is it a right solution?
No. It's just an easy way out, like selling your soul to the devil. Has selling your soul to the devil EVER proved to be a good solution to anything?

Left to their own devices, women will destroy everything men create and hold dear. Relationships, marriages, families, and society

Why do we have to sell our soul though. Im sure we can come to a deal. We really both want the same things.

They definitely have the better music and propaganda.

>Muslim parade


Yup 100%.

wrong thread