Now that the dust has settled, are the 'alt-right' really just neo-nazis?

Now that the dust has settled, are the 'alt-right' really just neo-nazis?

There is no Alt-right.

Alt right isn't a socialist


>posts on Sup Forums
>thinks Sup Forums is the 'alt-right'
>is too dumb to understand he is calling himself part of the 'alt-right'

Trevor Noah is the definition of 'fake news' btw, he even said so himself;

>"I'm not a journalist, I'm a comedian."



Alt Right is a social construct you faggot nigger.

Now that the dust has settled, is 'trevor noah' really just a nigger?

Thats the only funny thing hes ever said

>neo nazis

No. that term is a convenient categorization used by either :

1. Zog controlled 'journalism'
2. Anyone outside of here who needs to give the beast a name

There is no alt right. Only a general reaction to a bullshit PC world that wants to have sheep who doesn't question why things are they way they are

No. The rather amorphous group referred to as "the alt-right" by (((interests))) contains everything from National Socialists to libertarian identitarians to civic nationalists to simple trolls.

Basically, it's a trash label with no real use save for subversion and false-flagging. There's currently some minor utility in it for genuine enemies of the establishment, which is why it's being co-opted and shilled so hard.


Alt-right is an umbrella term for all right of center ideologies that are not mainstream basic bitch conservatism.

Anybody who says anything different is either retarded or disingenuous.

alt right is just Republican.

you are too dumb to understand that.

>I'm not a journalist, I'm a comedian"

Him and Jew Stewart would say this when someone would stump them and point out their stupidity. But then they act like real journalists when they're trying to make a point and want to be respected like an actual journalist

Hipster nazis

Fuck off Trevor. You were only funny when you did standup back in SA and even then half your jokes relied on you being coloured more than Amy Schumer relies on being fat and having a vagina.


No, the alt-right is just r9k going Super Saiyan.

White boys who blame everyone else for their inability to succeed.

It's overwhelmingly trolls. (((They))) call the alt right neo Nazis because trolls know that spouting Nazi memes triggers normies the most


You know the true leader of the alt
Right is Leslie 'Knope' jones right?

Name someone else who has been AS divisive and technologically literate.

Alt right are neo nazis lmaooo ya right. That alt right is an online movement lead by corporates (thru back channels) to set up the new ISIS on American soil
Nice try

Liberals start calling everyone who disagrees with them on the internet "alt-right" because they are used to dealing with conservatives that are polite and won't get in the mud with them.
Various Chans start using the term and convince stormfags and liberals there is such a thing
MSM picks it up as a term to label and libel anyone who doesn't follow their narrative
HRC thing it is a real thing and Pepe is a racist PEPE is mentioned by a candidate for POTUS and put on her website
Chans laugh and continue the troll
Faggot liberals and stormfags still think "alt-right " is a real thing

everything went according to plan

Well fuck, I knew women would be the death of me, but not a Jewess like the one you posted.

Is trevor Noah an "affirmative action comedian"?

You mean affirmative action comedian


>spouting Nazi memes triggers normies
Does it really? People have been screaming nazi for so long that it's practically lost all meaning

Alt-right is an umbrella term invented by the mainstream media so they can call everyone who opposes them and the globalists a Nazi.

Think about it.
>classical liberals
>the same
The closest thing you could call common ground is nationalism, and they aren't even giving it that credit, just hurr durr Nazi.

>1 post by this ID

Ugh, I can't stand to even look at that idiot's face.

>Thinks he's smart, when he's fucking not
>Thinks he's funny, when he's fucking not
>Thinks he represents American's opinions, when he's fucking South African

Like seriously, why the fuck is a South African comedian given a medium to lecture Americans about our politics.
Fuck this guy, I hope he gets hit by a fucking bus.

>Remember when Trevor Noah tried to lecture Americans about the stupidity of the U.S. constitution?

Yeah, fuck this guy

I don't think that's a jewess. She's got a whole bunch of different symbols there, not all of which are jewish, and she looks white. She's probably just an occultist.

>dust has settled
Also what is "alt-right"?

even when I liked Stewart and Colbert this cop out still pissed me off

fuck off, kike

Wouldnt they be neo neo-nazis then?

Be shoved his BBC down Tomi's throat. You just know.

Close, the alt-right is an explicitly white nationalist group that many youtube personalities and other degenerates co-opted to try and create a brand for themselves. After Trump was elected they cut all ties with it and went back to shilling (((civic nationalism))) the left is trying to use the term as a boogeyman and shove everyone who dissents into it so they can just dismiss them as neo-nazis without having to actually present an argument.

The Alt-right is a boogeyman created by CNN and the MSM to label Trump supporters.

Since they created the term 'alt-right', they can slap the label on anyone they choose.

So they choose to slap the label on actual Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, Skinheads, etc to make all Trump supporters that aren't 'pure republicans' out to be Nazis and pure racists because they don't like it when people don't label themselves either 'Democrat or Republican'.

Now that the dust has settled, are the 'alt-left' really just Stalinist commies?