Where did the "Serbs remove kebab" meme come from

>On the day before her wedding the young Christian bride will be visited by a representative of the landlord (beg, aga). The representative is usually accompanied by a file of soldiers. The representative takes the bride to the house of the landlord for a day and a night, raping her repeatedly, and returns her to her home at dawn on the wedding day.


Serbs are the most cucked europeans and by who?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Serbs are the most cucked europeans
They are the biggest barbarians. And always losing LOL



Least they aren't below the jews like the MUH EGYPTIAN HERITAGE!

Serbes genocided 8000 unarmed bosnian farmers and now they somehow think they are elite fighters and defenders of europe from Islam just because they commited a war crime.

Stop wasting your time on shitposting, Achmed.
You got resort to prepare for the horde.
I heard, this spring Putin gonna open Egypt for our tourists.

that has been done in many cultures, Mehmed-aga


>And always losing LOL

Weird. I live in the part of Serbia that was previously part of Austro-Hungarian empire for centuries.

Germans treating you well, Mujo?

Reminder that muslims got cucked also.

It most likely originated from this

But you're right. Serbs spent almost 400 years as turkish slaves, fighting fellow christians.

>fighting fellow christians.
>fellow christians

Says the country that sided with muzzies 25 years ago to fight christians lmao.

Srsly though,which other European country would be able to produce such a meme video

They deserve the title only for this desu

Good question.

/k/ knows the answer but I forget now


Croats in Bosnia sided with muslims because they had a common enemy to fight.
As for how much we cared, pic related.

I think its a shame we can't have normal relations with the hrvati. The ones that I have met are wonderful people, all 20 or 30 of them. But as for the kebab nothing great can be said about them. They don't belong.

I want to say this is why

>Croats in Bosnia sided with muslims because they had a common enemy to fight.

To nije izgovor. Srbi su zajebali stvar pre 20 - 25 godina ali to nije bio razlog da se ujedinite sa muslimanima.

U 2. svetskom ratu ste se borili sa njima takodje.

Hrvatska je jedna od retkih zemalja na Balkanu i u Istocnoj Evropi koja ne mrzi muslimane, sto je prilicno tuzno.

ma nek se samo oni ljube

jednoga dana kada EU njima naredi refugee kvotai krenu muslimanke hodati po zagreb sa velike crne vreca za smece na sebe i oko sebe imaju se pitati sto je njim to trebalo

Mislis da oni to ne bi voleli?

Oni hoce da budu napredni kao drugi Evropljani. Ako evropljani vole arapske kurceve i oni ce.

Balkanske muslimane nemožeš iskreno uspoređivat s ovim srednjeistočnim vehabijama.
Znaš i sam da nisu takvi.

EU je na rubu raspada i neće potrajat dulje od ~5 godina, a uostalom vaši još uvijek pokušavaju zać.
Čak i da se ovo desi, nebi niko pristo na nikakve kvote. Prvi zločin kad bi se desio potamanili bi ih ko zečeve

>Prvi zločin kad bi se desio potamanili bi ih ko zečeve

tako i treba

>Balkanske muslimane nemožeš iskreno uspoređivat s ovim srednjeistočnim vehabijama.

Muslimani u Bosni, Novom Pazaru, Kosovu ili bilo kojem mestu u Dalekom Istoku su isti.

Svi veruju u istog Boga, nije bitno da li su iz Tuzle ili Aleppa.

Ako stvarno verujes da postoje "moderni" muslimani(kako ih na Zapadu zovu) onda si u iluziji.

Oni vas(Hrvate) nece dirati ali da nas(Srba) nema vi bi ste se odavno poklali.

>Mislis da oni to ne bi voleli?
Ti još uvijek neshvačaš da se neradi o muslimanima nego Hrvatima.
"Muslimani" u Bosni nisu turčini nego etnički Hrvati.
Jel ti jasan koncept etnocentrizma?


Na Dalekom Istoku*


>Svi veruju u istog Boga, nije bitno da li su iz Tuzle ili Aleppa.
Mi imamo 1.4% muslimana u Hrvatskoj, a ja nisam burku u životu vidio.
Naši muslimani ovdje jedu svinjetinu, piju alkohol, vole pse i poštuju žene. Čak i za Boga kažu Bog a ne Allah.
Doslovno jedina jebena razlika je što se mole u džamiji a ne crkvi.

Kolega s faksa mi je musliman i pred par dana u subotu smo pili ko budale obadvojica.
U šta me pokušavaš uvjerit ovdje?

>"Muslimani" u Bosni nisu turčini nego etnički Hrvati.

Opet i to nije bitno. Svi Novopazarci su Srbi koji su promenili veru pre mnogo godina i svi ih ovde mrze zbog njihove vere iako su etnicki Srbi.

Ne vidim tvoju poentu.

>Naši muslimani ovdje jedu svinjetinu, piju alkohol

Onda to nisu muslimani. To je kao kad bi neki gej rekao da je on Pravoslavni hriscanin a nije i ne moze biti.

Muslimane koje sam ja upoznao u Bosni su sibali svoje zene svaki dan i mrzeli sve oko sebe.

>Onda to nisu muslimani.
Pa zovi ih kak hočeš. To su "muslimani" s kojima smo se mi borili i ujedinili, za šta si me tu optuživo

Needs more anti islam songs


>Bosni su sibali svoje zene svaki dan i mrzeli sve oko sebe
cine se prosjecni posjetitejli ove daske da budem iskren

Ti za Srbe rekao da su se borili protiv Hriscana a to su ustvari bili nasi Despoti i vodje, nije se Srpski narod borio protiv Hrvata i Madjara u srednjem veku.

Hrvati su se kao narod ujedinili sa muslimanima u Bosni da se bore protiv Srba iako ste imali NATO podrsku.

Poenta je da si optuzio ceo srpski narod i tom logikom sam ja optuzio Hrvate u Bosni koji su "izdali" hriscane.

I taj lik koga znas u Hrvatskoj verovatno nije musliman. Ja znam ljude iz Beograda koji imaju Muslimanska imena i prezimena i nisu uopste agresivni.

Treba da odes u muslimanski deo Bosne i da vidis kako se pravi muslimani ophode prema zenama, zivotinjama etc.

this is a myth, there's no recorded proven incidents of Droit du seigneur

>I taj lik koga znas u Hrvatskoj verovatno nije musliman.
Pa jebote evo ti Hasanbegovića onda sa ženom i djecom u javnosti.
Jel on musliman? Jel nosi žena vreću za smeće?
Ti pričaš o nekim turčinima na jugu bosne i uvjeravaš me da su takvi i naši ovdje

>Ti pričaš o nekim turčinima na jugu bosne

Da, o tome ti i pricam. Ti mene uveravas da su oni bezopasni moderni muslimani koji su kao i svi ostali ljudi sto nije tacno.


>that feeling when the croatian does not care about the islamization of europe
>that feeling when, despite your best hopes of a reconciliation with their people and yours that could lead to normal possibly even friendly relations between the two countries in 50 years, they would rather invent reasons to protect a common enemy and draw you as the extremist despite constant bullshit muslims be pulling in europe
>that feeling when most of europe is voluntarily submitting to the cunning trash bag people
>that feeling when the only hope now is poland

>inb 4 we massacared innocent mudshit civillians so we wuz kebab removerz

look at these poor oppressed moderates

Oy vey, never forget about 1000000 innocent farmers, goy !!!!

>Ti mene uveravas da su oni bezopasni moderni muslimani koji su kao i svi ostali ljudi sto nije tacno.
Ne, ja pričam specifično o muslimanima u Hrvatskoj, koje nemožeš ni prepoznat da su muslimani dok ti sami ne kažu.
Za ostale me boli kurac. Lokalni Hrvati u bosni su surađivali s muslimanima jer su morali, da se obrane od zajedničkog neprijatelja.
A ovaj pojam modernih muslimana ja nisam nikad izjavio i sigurno nije tu na balkanu primjenjiv. I ovi naši što su normali nisu "moderni" muslimani nego ko i većinu na balkanu ih živo boli kurac za religiju.

you know what would really let them know how tolerant you are davor? why no let your wife show them around town some weekend while you take care of your wife's son.

could work, you know I always respected you guys

Jesi ti stvarno retardiran?
Jesi sposoban pročitat postove prije neg što odgovaraš?

ti muslimani te varaju

sacekaj ako njima dosvolis dovoljno vremena da se preradaju do 5 ili vise posto populacije

>Ne, ja pričam specifično o muslimanima u Hrvatskoj

O tome ne mogu da pricam jer nikada nisam bio u Hrvatskoj i nikada nisam upoznao hrvatskog muslimana.

Ja sam pricao o Bosni i Novom Pazaru jer sam bio tamo i video kakvi su muslimani koji zive tamo.

> I ovi naši što su normali nisu "moderni" muslimani nego ko i većinu na balkanu ih živo boli kurac za religiju

To je verovatno tacno za muslimane u Hrvatskoj ali ne i celom Balkanu.

This never happened anywhere in Europe. It should be obvious, since it's the type of thing that would inspire rebellions.

Zapravo muslimanska populacija u Hrvatskoj opada.
Negdje 2001 ih je bilo preko 2%, sad su već malo ispod 1.4%
Što je zapravo loša stvar jer su muslimani ovdje često najveći nacionalisti

Takodje, treba da znas da su muslimani miriniji kad su manjina, pogotovo u Istocnoj Evropi.

Ovi muslimani na Zapadu rade sve te stvari jer im niko nece to zabraniti. Vladu boli kurac i narod im nista nece uraditi.

Ovde ako bi neko nesto uradio odma bi dobio po picki.

this became a meme with the "remove kebab" guy


seeall other answers are shit

Lol I'm sorry but there was no ius primae noctis in Serbia nor anywhere else in the Ottoman Empire. As scummy as they were, they were still quite civilised when it came to treating their foreign European subjects, and that meant: no rape, no forced stealing, etc. Yes, they were still quite cruel when it came to taxes (they took shitloads of money), but no rape. So this is bullshit.

And before you start saying bullshit like "oh well a lot of Serbs have dark hair/eyes so they must be Turkish rape babies!!! Lol im so smart!!!!!", Serbs had dark hair long before the Ottomans even existed, because the Slavic settlers mixed with the native Balkan populations, who had darker hair due to living closer to the Mediterranean. And even the Slavic settlers had lots of people with darker hair, and they were certainly not as blonde/fair-haired as Scandinavians. You can check the portraits of Serbian historical figures such as Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović or Marko Kraljević and see that they had quite dark hair. If you're still not convinced, go check the genetic make-up of Serbs.

And I don't see what you mean by "cucked". Serbs oppose mass immigration and are a very patriotic, nationalistic people. You Westerners keep bitching about white genocide and Muslims invading Europe (I'm not saying that's not true, It's certainly a problem), yet mostly support Kosovo as an independent state, which is an American military base inside of Europe, a drug cartel, and an ISIS base inside of Europe all-in-one. When you're being all "REMOVE MUSLIMS, THEY'RE INVADING EUROPE", it's totally fine to be a nationalist. When a Serb is being all "REMOVE MUSLIMS/ALBANIANS, THEY'RE OCCUPYING SERBIAN HOLY CHRISTIAN SOIL", it's pathetic and he needs to stop looking at the past (like wtf!?).

>muslimani ovdje često najveći nacionalisti
jbg to je dobra stvar, netreb niko od nas bavitse sa nacionalizmu

Kakav to usrani translate koristiš?

I have not been to church in 3 years. I just have seen enough of islam to know it does not belong here. It can not exist in secularist societies and I hope serbia even further pushes for a secular society.

Because secularism has worked so well for the west?

zivio sam u americi 17 godina, ovde sam samo na studije (imaju u beograd medicinske nastave na engleskom). moj srpski je dobar za diaspor

amerikanac dolazi u srbiju studirat
sad sam sve vidio

Vidim druže da se raspravljate o mentalitetu Muslimana... Pazi, za Muslimane u Hrvatskoj ne znam, ali ovi u Raškoj kod nas su teži šljam. Nema, to se u školama maše zastavama Saudijske Arabije, ISIS-a, Turske... horor. Nisu svi takvi, ima normalnih, dobrih ljudi, ali mnogo i ludaka ima. Isto uglavnom važi i za Bosnu.

REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey

Hm. Ak su stvarno takvi ko što tu svi opisuju onda vas razumijem.
Ja nisam bio ni u Bosni ni u Srbiji tak da za njih nemogu tvrdit, ali ovi što imamo tu su normalni ljudi.
Da ih želim mrzit nebi mogo izmislit razlog.

ima vise evropljana na moje odelenje, ali i ljudi iz kanadu, australiju, novi zealand

Massed Migration out of the former Ottoman Empire was also met with massed migration out of Turkey by many Greeks, Armenians, and Christians. Essentially it was more of a population swap, and a fair sight more peaceful then the one that happened between India and Pakistan (if I'm lead to believe correctly)
If anything it's more akin to Europeans departing their colonies in Africa then anything else.

It seems to me like you replied to the wrong person.

Well essentially Christianity has left its mark on the West, and departed its morality system on to secular peoples. Granted, I think societies should prescribe belief in a higher power, but that's not to say separation of church and state is a bad thing.

Jebiga, nažalost jesu takvi.

>ima vise evropljana na moje odelenje, ali i ljudi iz kanadu, australiju, novi zealand

Gde to? Na medicinskom fakultetu?

I don't really think it has anything to do with secularism itself, but rather the distancing from traditional values.
And for this case I think balkan is a pretty good example. Even tho you get census results claiming 85% in Croatia are catholics, the churches are pretty empty.
Ask people in the streets and what they'll say basically boils down to "I'm agnostic".

From what I've learned in this thread, muslims seem to be the only ones seriously practicing their religion. For everyone else it's mostly just a matter of culture / tradition.
And when it comes to long term preservation of a nation, it's that traditional mindset that really matters, not the religion itself.
Of course religion helps maintain that, but it's not necessary (as is the case here)

This is true.


Actually, it didn't, my friend. At least not in Europe. Leave little Mehmed-aga alone, he's just an uneducated prick trying to convince white Europeans that they're somehow cucked.

They do a similar tradition in Romania where the groom's friends come and steal the wife away for the night after their reception and bring her back for the honeymoon. Usually they just get her pissdrunk and make her strip for them but sometimes a little rape occurs.

It all depends on how strong their relationship is, and this night is usually a good gauge of things for everyone.

that's a stolen custom from mountain jews (slovenians) i think, with their rape forests and sheepmen

I meant that as, it didn't happen anywhere in Europe, which includes the nations under the Ottomans (Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria...).

That wasn't an actual battle, a handful of Turks attacked the Serbian army in their sleep and, fearing that a large Turkish army was coming, the Serbian army started retreating, and a lot of men drowned in the Marica river.

bump for kebabs

Eat pig n die


thanks austrians for kicking kebab asses

>le every serb woman was impregnated by Turks

Nice meme and an excellent source to boot.

That ID

i don't see any pattern brah

i'm wondering where are kebabs to respond baka

Now you can deploy Dat Face to Remove Nato

cool, let the kebab removing begin