This is what god unironcially wants the american nation to be

this is what god unironcially wants the american nation to be

no thanks Canada can keep all the irrelevant cold forests

Fuck off Canada. We know that's (((you))). We want none of your disease.


Fuck what God wants, Canada is a non country full of Swede-tier cucks. We cannot save them.

I'm okay with this

>America worshipping maple cock

sounds about right

we're already in your country fucking all of your women

This is true and I fully support it

We should form a cultural Anglo Union like thi with free border crossing and common laws, but not with spic shithole Mexico.

No thanks. We already have allot of liberal areas.Doesn't Canada only have like 2 Conservative provinces?

Canada already controls America.

thats why we let quebec rot and annex the rest

Yes, but first we have to get rid of the niggers.

Labrador is also part of Quebec and a lot of the non-Indians there are French so you should let it rot too

Also Anticosti Island

Listen to the leaf They are beyond saving

It's much more aesthetic too

t. totally not Quebec

The shape has an odd aesthetic. One thing that always bothered me was the discontinuity between Alaska and mainland USA. It's ugly. Not that I think Alaska is Canadian clay... but for pure aesthetics it should be.

Quebec is rightful american clay.


we dont want em. america is a stronk anglo nation. that many french will just poison our traditions and our legal system

this shape is better

Let us liberate you from you leaf oppressors. When you become a state you can hang out with Louisiana.

No offense though, but free movement with 300 million Anglos, Mexicans and negroes is much less appealing than free movement with 30 million Anglos, pajeets, and chinks.