Do you think he knows he's a fraud

Do you think he knows he's a fraud

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autists don't have good self awareness, so no

Are you referring to how uncharismatic he is in public?

redpill me
why is he a fraud?
isn't he an example of white brilliance and ingenuity
He is a republican btw

>why is he a fraud?
Because he dislikes Trump!

link, good anglo?

Red pill yourself
Takes almost no effort.
pretend you have money, and look into TSLA as an investment.

Proof is facts and facts are liberal-biased.


oke I get it, he took taxpayer money.
He is quite apolitical but dislikes Trump.
But het does want to get to mars which is a laudable endevour.
Mars colonies should be kept clean of non whites/asians btw

he's a egomaniacal hypocrite, a smartass who takes shit through his mouth while his workers are doing all the job behind 24/7

>oke I get it, he took taxpayer money.
He paid it all back with interest and bonus

he's already getting those soros-bags under his eyes

Why the fuck would they drop 5billion dollars in his lap? This is exactly what Trump needs to fix!
Still losing between $5000-30000 on every car he sells.
Fraud is a gentle term for what he is.........very gentle

because his companies are all unprofitable, and he only stays afloat on government largesse

He made a fucking online dining app and helped people buy porn on the internet.

Now he's playing at Tony Stark.

he laughs at goym money he stole

and will try to steal a lot more


I think that's a poor argument because Amazon and Salesforce have not historically been profitable companies because they dump any profits they make on sales into R&D and growth.. Clever way to reduce tax liability and continue growth desu.

yes but he still took a risk with taxpayer money virend.

ITT: people who have never driven a tesla or watched a spacex livefeed.

Btw, even if this government subsidies bullshit was true, there'd be nothing better to do with your tax dollars than to give them all to musk so he can save your sorry asses