/br/ - Brazil - General Thread

Senate challenges the Supreme Court and decides to keep Renan Calheiros as President: politica.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,senadores-assinam-documento-para-nao-cumprir-afastamento-de-renan,10000092861

Worker will have to fund Social Security for 49 years to receive 100% of its average salary: veja.abril.com.br/economia/trabalhador-precisara-contribuir-por-49-anos-para-receber-100/

Kek: jcrs.uol.com.br/_conteudo/2016/12/colunas/reporter_brasilia/534678-classe-politica-excelente.html

Other urls found in this thread:


Can't wait to see the republic crumble.

My heroes
Jose Bonifácio
Joaquim Nabuco
D. Pedro II
Gustavo Barroso
Jair Bolsonaro

>no Plinio Salgado
Bolsokiddies are the fucking worst. We need fascism in Brazil ASAP

Who do you guys think will win the next presidential election? It seems that PSDB's trinity will be fucked over by Emílio Odebrecht's snitching. Cid Gomes, while a recipient of Odebrecht's donations, is still only Ciro's brother.

Bolsonaro will lead votes rightward on the second round, but he himself isn't sufficiently charismatic to get there.

Who will win?

we need a new flag

The Monarchy of the 21st Century should be like...

By the way, you guys should not miss this. It's free to subscribe and you will have access to the full videos. There will be more the 60 interviews.



>Plinio Salgado
I forgot about him, he was a good brazilian.

Without paper ballots: someone from PMDB or PSDB
With paper ballots: Bolsonaro

It starts tomorrow. It's going to be very good.

Adding to that, PT is still a strong political actor. It might not elect a President by itself, but if one of its stars has political freedom to be a candidate, the number of votes it can transfer to another candidate of their preference is significant.

Consider for a second the possibility that either Lula or even Dilma decides to run. Add their votes to those of Marina and Ciro, the politicians that are bound to be considered non-traditional, from "outside" of the system.

PMDB can't produce a candidate due to their deal with PSDB. If they betray PSDB, they'll be isolated on the inevitable second round, whoever they manage to put there. And they have no strong candidate either.

Bolsonaro will be alone. The left is bound to win the next election. Due to the resentment generated by the impeachment and the current threat to globalism, it might curtail freedom of the press to further its goals.

Alckmin received donations from Odebrecht. We're yet to know whether legitimate or not.

I doubt it.


Bolsonaro vs Aécio Neves: Bolsonaro wins
Bolsonaro vs José Serra: Bolsonaro wins
Bolsonaro vs Alckmin: Bolsonaro wins

Who might win against Bolsonaro if we use paper ballots? Luciana Genro? Ciro Gomes?

>Alckmin received donations from Odebrecht.

Eh, they won't be able to investigate in time.

> The left is bound to win the next election.
No. Brazil is more right wing right now than it has ever been.

Ciro Gomes easily.

More charisma, intelligence, ministerial experience, knowledge of political issues and Brazilian valorative preferences, exemption from criminal lawsuits and support from the entire left when they realize that the arrogant kid they derided in the past is their only hope in the current scenario.

>No. Brazil is more right wing right now than it has ever been.
With no politician qualified to lead it and articulate an alliance. Pointless.

Acho meio difícil, velho.
Né por nada não, mas o Brasil não é meia dúzia de páginas na internet: A maioria da população sequer sabe quem é o Bolsonaro.

It is too early to predict what will happen in 2018, especially in this crazy scenario.

But you can see that in the municipal elections leftist candidates were absolutely btfo.

Ciro Gomes really isn't that popular outside Ceara and not all lefitsts like him either.

there is only one problem with Ciro: he talks too much.

He already destroyed PT and PCdoB. They won't be with him.

Ciro Gomes could be a problem for Bolsonaro only if Bolsonaro don't show that

1) Ciro Gomes was with FHC and the elite of PSDB in early 90s
2) Ciro Gomes then supported FHC deals with the international banks
3) Ciro Gomes after 2003 supported Lula selling Brazil to China and international banks
4) Ciro Gomes defended Jewma Rousseff against 92% of the population

>A maioria da população sequer sabe quem é o Bolsonaro.

I visited Belém when he was there for 3 days. Everyone knew him. Everyone talked about him.

Ciro won't receive favors from the left out of sympathy. They'll desperately need him for the first time.

He also supported the military govt back in the 80s.

Topkek, PMDB-tier;

FHC-LULA are from the same elite as TEMER-ROUSSEFF

You have to pretend there is opposition in order to distract the masses

Anyone who believes Bolsonaro will win is encouraged to watch his interview for the New York Times: youtube.com/watch?v=a-5HGY0fvLo


The problem is that he let these leftists journalists portrait him as Hitler

If I was him I'd say "Yes I want to kill drug dealers do you have a problem with that? Do you brought any drugs to brazil? then fuck off"

This is his main underlying issue. He can't frame discussions in a way that benefits his viewpoint or prevent the press from portraying him as a moronic extremist.

For those who believe in god, 2017 really seems like some significant change might happen (and consequently 2018).

300 years since Aparecida and 100 since Fatima.

Watch at least the first 6 minutes when he talks about the "ano Mariano":


This is not necessary related to election, it could be something even better, deeper changes in the electoral system, constitution, etc.

Reminder that helping injuried drug dealers is more important than helping cops ;^)

Still I'm sure that even with (((NYT))), (((Globo News))) and (((CartaCapital))) against him he would still win the election.

There is no other candidate who is not associated with FHC/Lula and no one wants another Michel Temer

Unlike Trump, he doesn't have a real estate empire, fame as a TV celebrity, a history of manipulating the press for audience or a country in which right-wing doctrine is considered remotely normal.

While Ciro was associated with both, he frequently broke up his political relationships on alleged grounds of principle. His arrogance and independence will be an asset for the first time.

Something big might happen in 2017. I just think it's going to be bad, like a punishment for the past 100 years of bloodbath.

Could you elaborate?


my female is brazilian, red pill me, so i can feed her this red pill after she swallows me

I'm gonna leave the task to someone who doesn't think Bolsonaro is a disaster as a main candidate.

Bolsonaro is an idiot, but is he associated with the corrupt fucks on PSDB/PMDB?

I'll legit vote for anyone that might do a complete political purge at this point. Everyday I hope someone will just drop a bomb in Congress.

That isn't enough for him to win. He has to run on security, corruption and economy.

Do you guys like America

He also needs to do better than this: youtube.com/watch?v=Q2A3c78C-kM

And I'm not sure he can.

Your country is representative of the best and the worst things in the world.

Lived in NYC, mixed opinions on America. Rich country, lots of freedom, good for business, but you don't know how to chill. Completely obsessed with work and materialism. Might be better in other states though. Also everyone is fat as fuck.

Frankly I'd go back only if I got some ridiculously high paying job in Silicon Valley or wanted to open a business. Europe/Canada/Australia/NZ, pretty much any rich place has a better quality of life IMO.


>Europe/Canada/Australia/NZ, pretty much any rich place has a better quality of life IMO.

That really depends on what you define "quality of life" for, though.

I agree. Are you familiar with The Warning?

Oh and have you heard of Pedro Regis? He's from Brazil!

Portugal seems to be a good place to open a business if you have money to invest and can sell your product to richer economies.

Predictions for possible presidential candidates.

1-Bolsonaro (my money and my vote is on him, also Trump effect)
2-Aecio Neves (ther is a internal fight on psdb we have to wait)
3-Jose Serra
4-Geraldo Alckmin
5-FHC (Yes there are rumors of him coming back)
6-Marcelo Calero
7-Ciro Gomes (problably will be arrested since his cousin is a corupt official)
8-Marco Feliciano (On panic mode for rape acusation)
9-Ronaldo Caiado (Good candidate)
10-Luciana Genro (Not a chance)
11-Marina Silva (E.T. the Extra-Terrestria)

Lula will be arrested,

Dilma does not have any political power, she never had, only a pupet controled by Lula.

Missing someone?

Yes, the meme is a possibility:




Does anyone know anything about his views?

Oh yes yes, i will not vote for him if Bolsonaro and Caiado will be runing, only if there is no choice.

Concrete stuff: Work benefits (parental leave, vacation time, working hours), healthcare and education in general

Cultural stuff: Cordiality/respect of the population (probably a NYC-specific complaint though), more honest and vibrant interactions (you Anglos are all about "innocent lies" to sugarcoat everything, and very cold with strangers or even acquaintances).

I also saw a disconcerting focus on money spent for dates, and too many people that can't have fun without alcohol & drugs.

There is a new political fenomenom, is rich non politic candidates, (Trump, Doria, Justus) people around the word are tired of the same guys over and over, also ''rich people will not steal''

Yup, but I think this is symptomatic of the generalized failure of Politics to address the needs of modern people. We need to be less reliant on the government for everything.

I think the electoral college would teach you how different places like san francisco, new york and los angeles are from the rest of the country my dude

I see things like this, the state should provide: security, free healthcare, free education, everything else could be achieved by private companies.

>ib4 nothing is free

So, how did Brazilian newspapers cover Trump?

Was it as bad as the U.S media?

How is that even possible?

Your jews can't be as bad as ours.

Much. Worse.

Right-wing doctrine is pretty much non-existant in Brazil's press and academia, with very few exceptions.

Yes, They practically only repeated Washington Post, New Yoik Times and CNN

Leftists newspapers/journalists heavily criticized him, unbiased newspapers/journalists just reported stuff.

You must understand we are having a big political crisis, so most people dont care about u.s. elections.

As said, but the Brazilian newspapers just aceppted Trump's winning first than US' newspaper.

A Lum é gostosa

Don't neglect to tell user support for Trump among the general population was dismal.

My fellow Brazilians,how do we spread awareness about the dangers of race-mixing without being arrested?


Muh instituições hur dur

>against race mixing
>In Brazil

Kind of hard not to race mix when 99% of the population is already mixed. This is a nation of mutts m8

Yup, if anything, we should learn how to handle this well as a positive example for the rest of the world, since we're their future.

t. favela niggers

I'm serious,idiots
We need to preserve white Brazilians before they disappear,or we will become like sub-saharan africa

This is way beyond tipping point, forget it. If you can't handle it, move elsewhere for a delayed disappointment. Neither globalization or racemixing will end, although they'll proceed at different paces, as globalism and nationalism alternate.

Kind of hard to take you seriously when you are advocating anti race-mixing in a country where almost the whole population is already mixed.If 5% of the population in Brazil turned out to be full european I would be surprised

Then this country is doomed.
I'm not talking about pure white people,you idiot.
What i'm saying is that we need to find a way to convince the remaining white population to marry only other whites.

And how are you going to handle the inevitable decline in birth rates?

there are ways to counter that, didn't denmark do a very successful fertility program? tax cuts, social engineering, psyops even. Pic related.

o, bem, e possivel postar neste thread como americano? se nao me vou

>Don't you see? Only race-mixing can save our country!
White couples just need to have more children
I know it's a hard thing to do,but it is necessary if we wish to save our country and civilization.

Could you elaborate on the program? If it works, it might be adopted worldwide.

guys you are not aware of the tragedy that is going to happen in 2017. Believe me, we are going to face complete chaos from the economy failure and mass civil disrupt. See the article. Military will need to intervine in order keep the peace. The left will get crazy because Temer is not their president and they will try to fuck up every form of reform. If you have a chance, get out now or be prepare for the impact. If you have some saves, start buying some dollars or gold.


"Para zerar essa dívida vencida, seria necessário que cada um dos 16,4 milhões de habitantes fizesse uma doação de R$ 939,5 logo no primeiro dia de janeiro. Mesmo se fosse possível, isso só resolveria o problema por 24 horas. Porque o orçamento para os 364 dias seguintes prevê um gasto de R$ 75 bilhões para uma receita de R$ 60 bilhões."

My old dad keeps saying that the armed forces will seize power soon.

Allright i will bite.And who is white in this country? How do we define when someone is brown or white? Someone that is white for me might not be for you.How pale do you have to be to be considered white?

Not gonna happen.The Military are a bunch of tammed low achievers nowadays

Brazilians are too tammed and cowards for civil war.Since the empire there were a bunch of oportunities to start one but one side alway gave up in the end before the fighting started

C'mon,don't ask stupid questions.

When Temer drew up into power I had some hope. but know i see that he is unable to control the congress, also de congress don't give a shit about the country, they are more interest in saving their on asses. Meireles is strugling to keep his position and the powers of the republic are now fighting. Chaos is comming.

To make it clear: in my opinion,anyone with a skin shade ranging from 1 to 14 is white.

That doesnt answer anything.Where is the "line" that defines who is white and who is brown? What about facial composition? Are pale people with wide noses,curly hair and dark eyes considerd white?

>Not gonna happen.The Military are a bunch of tammed low achievers nowadays.

Its not about low energy*(Jeb!) military, seizing power right now would do more harm than good, the economy would crash instantly, every nation in the world would condemn the action, venezuela 2.0, thats why they don't seize power believe me

Eye colour and hair don't matter

Man seizing power/revolution right now would make Lula and Dilma heroes, lava jato is our best non violent bet.

So is there going to be a war or something?

How so?
Goulart isn't one, and neither is Janio, they are, just like lula and dilma, bad presidents that, along with bad politicians, would cause the country to be so fucked that a military coup would be a viable option/necessary for the country.

Yes,and a massive influx of 100 million brazilian refugess to the USA and Europe.Enjoy : )

I'm not sure, but can't rule it out. The military is still strongly right-wing, specially the leadership.

the state o rio will face mass chaos next year, with no money the state can't pay their police officers. The police will not be able to control the mass protests and the violence. Federal intervention will be necessary to keep the order (this happened before some times when we were in good financial condicions). After that, other states will start failling to the same problem because of the financial crisis. The violence and the political crisis will just get worse with the time. The military will have to take action in the end, but we will be doomed already.


I see.. Have fun guys


>the state o rio will face mass chaos next year
Yes, you are probably right.
>The military will have to take action in the end
> also right.

But i am talking about seizing power/revolution, the actions of the armed forces are just means to an end in a democracy

T. Reinaldo Azevedo

No, I don't think so. They just don't want to be at the spot. And we are not in the cold war anymore. That is why you should move or be prepared for the chaos. Luck of me that SP is not that bad as RIO, RS and MG. And I have Portuguese nacionality and a house in coimbra, i can move anytime. also have good saves

I'm saving for a similar change of airs, so to speak.

Will the next president become authoritarian?

Redpill me on Temer. Is he the Brazilian Trump or just some neo-liberal shill like Macri?

Opportunist. Follows the trend.

>só brasileiro no fio
>falando inglês

dancinha do fora dilma virtual