Hi guys! I'm from reddit and found this place via www.knowyourmeme.com...

Hi guys! I'm from reddit and found this place via www.knowyourmeme.com. I heard this is the founding place of the alt right. I love the alt right, I think milo is based, watch sarg on of Akkad and even bearing. I also voted for trump and browse r_thedonald XD (hi fellow centipedes )

Can you teach me the ways of the alt right! (Here is a dank rare pepe meme!)

((Alt right))

first you must examine this turd

Go away Spencer

Stop posting.

gas yourself

Go before its too late

Looks pretty turdy XD

But isn't he a racist XD?
I like black guys that are based and support trump!

No..? XD


But I'm not le fishing XD?


Must be a leaf using a vpn

Just fuck off you utter autist.

But why XD


Welcome to hell motherfucker.

Isn't this heaven for the alt right why would I be in hell lol xp.

Oh! Yeah praise kek check these numbers

translation: I'm from TRS and I'm still butthurt that you don't want to join our gay club


What's le TRS nigel. Praise brexit XD

Le funny meme fellow centipede XD. Is it okay if I save this OC?

Le bump? XD Am I doing it right? How can I tell how many up votes I've gotten.

Here have a epic pepe meme.

Terrible shitpost.

make shitposting great again


Nice bait, but it could be a little less obvious.
Don't act dumb and ask "le wut is bait XDDD," you talk nothing like a rebbitor.

haha dude same i love Sup Forums, just discovered it! i like how u can make a username just like on reddit :=D
fuck the mainstreem media go donald TRUMP!! #centipede #maga #prouddeplorable
heres a funny hillary clinton meme

Alright! A fellow redditor! You watch Paul Joseph watson? He's a great alternative to the media!