Toppled Roman Empire and claim its heritage

>Toppled Roman Empire and claim its heritage
>Germanic Vikings fractured the Frankish kingdoms, leaving them open to muslim invasion
>Created the great schism in the papacy
>Destroyed the unity of the one true faith in the creation of protestantism, the most degenerate religion
>Pathetic excuse of an empire drags europe into 30 years war
>Backstab Poland and partition them
>Destroy French Empire
>Give birth to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the founders of communism
>Destroy French Empire a second time
>Drag europe into WWI
>Home of frankfurt school
>Drag europe into WWII
>Central EU Authority and now forcing migrants upon europe.

What the fuck is wrong with germans? Why are they always trying to destroy Europe? Is it in their genetics?

And most importantly, how do we make them pay for their crimes?

>caused the Precambrian extinction

Will the Germans ever be stopped?


There is just an inner faggotry in them. All the good Germanic genes went north to Scandinavia or across the sea to England

Will the Germans ever be stopped?

when we will get to world domination

Try and stop us faggot.

ooh ooh, don't forget OP!
>greatest contribution to christianity is MARTIN LUTHER

We will stop you each time you try, barbarian


is it time to put the krauts in their place again? lol


They are now the ultimate mind controlled jewish slaves. I pray to Odin they are playing 7-D chess.

And john calvin

WTF I hate the Teutonic Jew now

Why can't Germany go back to being Prussia? That was their golden age, I really wish they hadn't unified germany

Fucking try it bitch. We'll curb stomp your nigger armies.




what, like last time? or the time before that? LOL

>USA couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Germany in a week
TOP KEK GERMANIC PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Americans are ITCHING for a war with Germanistan. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of Germany's soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the mexicans, niggers, and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY German pig shit they see. When USA's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

>Will the Germans ever be stopped?

>wiemar flag

>yfw the Cambrain extinction ends up being caused by Germanics at CERN sending a micro-black hole 650 million years into the past
>Germanics killed the nautiloids and 70% of all life on earth
Literally an ancient shoah.

>Toppled Roman Empire and claim its heritage
Ehhh, not really. German nationalism generally takes pride in never being conquered by Rome. It also doesn't hurt that Tacitus generally held the Germans to be a more morally upright than Romans, think of modern American romanticism toward Native Americans. The French are the ones who lije to claim Rome's legacy

What happened to that "German" Turk who would constantly sperg out about the "Eternal Anglo"?

We already occupy your country. You are a vassal state.


>calls it the holy roman empire
>doesn't lie claim to rome's legacy
haha, dumb fucking liberal

>>Toppled Roman Empire and claim its heritage
Kike slave empire, that raped and plundered nations. The only German mistake, that they repeated 1940, was not to kill all of these unholy creatures
>>Germanic Vikings fractured the Frankish kingdoms, leaving them open to muslim invasion
LOL meet darwin pussy

>>Created the great schism in the papacy
This slave religion needs to die, it's nothing but a tool for kike subversion
>>Destroyed the unity of the one true faith in the creation of protestantism, the most degenerate religion
Value working -> degenerate religion... Hello Rabbi, watcha doin?
>>Pathetic excuse of an empire drags europe into 30 years war
What was zionism?
>>Backstab Poland and partition them
Backstab? Thats kikery, not germanic
>>Destroy French Empire
muh slavery is good... common Rabbi, it's getting to obvious
>>Give birth to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the founders of communism
Nope, these bastards came out of a kike cunt
>>Destroy French Empire a second time
>>Drag europe into WWI
Its spelled Serbia, not Germany
>>Home of frankfurt school
(((Frankfurt))) isn't germanic, and the money came from NY kikes
>>Drag europe into WWII
What are the multiple peace offers of 1939 that GB rejected?
>>Central EU Authority and now forcing migrants upon europe
LOL, yeah, so how many votes does germany have in the EU parliament?

chose one

>That was their golden age
Hohenstaufen dynasty was the Golden Age

We lost because Stalin threw half of the male population of Russia at us. Also we had already fought and defeated half of Europe at that point.

To be fair wasn't the whole "Holy Roman Empire" thing started when the French king Charlemagne was coronated by the Pope.

Charlemange's claim to being the successor to Rome was due to the fact that his empire held influence over the majority of the Italian peninsula, Rome included.
Plus he wanted to legitimise his power and the best way to do that was to claim succession from Rome. at the time everybody wanted to be Roman, from the Greeks to the Turk and Russians.

But I'm just memeing, ignore what I say and look into the HRE more yourself.

Frankish, not French but yeah. Charlemagne predates the concept of Germany or France. The Oath of Strasbourg is widely regarded as the start of the distinction.

charlamagne was not a french king, as has been addressed. even if he was, that didn't stop the emperor from being german for the better part of a thousand years.

we woulda just nuked you guys if it weren't for USSR, you got off easy.

>we woulda just nuked you guys if it weren't for USSR, you got off easy.

You are aware, that the majority of whites in the US have been Germans back in the day, right?

>American education
The kikes did good work, creating a retarded slave population

I wonder who is behind (((op)))
Having white brethren, cousins, fight and destroy each other

You realize Prussia was one the first countries to welcome large amounts of jews in order to build a merchant class?

neat, was about time we got a new copy pasta

>Had it not been for the Teutonic infusion at the beginning of the Dark Ages, southern Europe would have been lost. Who were these early “French” kings and heroes that founded French civilisation? Teutons, to a man! It was the Teutonic might of Charles Martel that drove the Saracen Semite out of Gaul. Who were the Normans? Teutons of the North. It is pitiful to me to hear apostles of equity pipe out that other races can equal this foremost of all—this successor to the Roman race in power and virility.

Heh. I knew that Lovecraft was a racist but I didn't know he was that much of a nordicist.

He wasn't, especially not in the sense you see on pol. He was actually an Anglo-Saxonist. English first, other Germanics second. His views on Hitler are pretty disputed (he died a year before WW2) because he said mixed things about him, but it seems to me he was a little jealous that Hitler wasn't an Anglo.

>That the maintenance of civilisation today rests with that magnificent Teutonic stock which is represented alike by the two hotly contending rivals, England and German, as well as by Austria, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Holland, and Belgium, is as undeniably true as it is vigorously disputed. The Teuton is the summit of evolution. That we may consider intelligently his place in history we must cast aside the popular nomenclature which would confuse the names "Teuton" and "German", and view him not nationally but racially. Tracing the career of the Teuton through medieval and modern history, we can find no possible excuse for denying his actual biological supremacy. In widely separated localities and under widely diverse conditions, his innate racial qualities have raised him to preeminence. There is no branch of modern civilisation that is not his making.