Time Magazine is conducting a poll right now for "person year" award. Hillary is sitting at 52% while trump is back at 29%.

Anyone interested in jumping on this? it's on Today's website.

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Liberal here

How is he not the person of the year? 2016 will be remembered primarily for Trump. Hillary will be but a footnote.

We cannot let this happen.
Cast vote here


Indian fag already won

That's weird, the Poll is still going on.

Maybe it's more fake news

>Hillary leading at 51%
If this poll was for "Biggest Loser of 2016" then yeah, makes sense. What would they write anyways? How she rode Bill's coattails for 8 years, bribed, blackmailed and murdered her way to Dem nominee and lost because doing so literally made her the most hated woman in America?

Just let it be. It's more annoying for Time to have soon-to-be-forgotten loser as a person of the year.

That can't be right, the poll opened up just that morning.

Are these libcucks gonna seriously not nominate Trump?

Who cares what their cucked-ass subscribers think? Nobody but cucks still reads Time, but that doesn't mean Time shouldn't report the objective consensus - which is that Trump was the main focus this year, like him or hate him.


Vote as many times as possible.

The reader poll doesn't mean shit, the actual person of the year is chosen by Time Magazine editors.

Kim Jong Un won person of the year in 2012 but they gave it to Obongo instead.

They prevented Julian Assange in 2010 by choosing Mark Zuckerberg instead despite being in 10th place, they're petty as fuck.

Fake news then.

Because Google is shilling me that India

I hope they choose Hillary so they become even more obvious as biased and irrelevant. I am elated the DNC kept Pelosi. I love that they keep ranting about white people on CNN.

These people have no idea why they lost.

Put Clinton on the cover of TIME. Its fitting. The new relevant media are interactive and live from organic sources online, through social media, and sites effective at tackling and investigating things the "MSM" buries.

>The reader poll doesn't mean shit

Without the reader poll we never would've gotten to witness this.

Shit I almost forgot about that.


Vote here.

Marblecake? Maybe even... also the game?

>Today poll
>choosing TIME's winner

Seriously, Hillary winning would be the best case scenario. It would show a disgusting amount of media bias if they made hillary person of the year, so much that even normies would start to turn away.