Tell me why you think LSD should be Illegal, or if not, what legal status it should hold

Tell me why you think LSD should be Illegal, or if not, what legal status it should hold.

“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” - John Ehrlichman, Nixon's Domestic Advisor

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LSD cranked out inspiration for a lot of good music. And if shit like Prozac, Adderall etc. is legal I don't see why LSD can't be a prescription drug. I think it has a lot of potential, ruined by the image that the gluttonous, hedonist hippies gave it.

It should be illegal, because it's possible to kill someone or commit suicide on it. Let people have weed but that's about it. The drugs should still remain illegal so Normies don't end up on the news for stupid shit related to the drugs.

The stories of people calling 911 for eating too many pot brownies is enough to scare the suburban soccer moms around the country.

LSD strips all notions of social conditioning. The raw mindset it puts you in is fun and creative, but it has no functional place in today's modern world.

It makes you lazy because acid will make you realize all you really need is just air in your lungs

its possible to kill someone and commit suicide with alcohol, or even doing stupid shit. this happens all the time.

it doesn't even make it more likely, if anything LSD reduces violence.

so creativity has no place in today's modern society? does everything have to be functional to be legal?

That's what I love about it. Though I haven't tripped on shrooms enough or figured out how to grow it yet. I think only a few people should have access to it.

>Tell me why you think LSD should be Illegal, or if not, what legal status it should hold.
-Need a gun permit (shut up, this isn't about that), military ID or driver's license to buy. Basically, someone's gotta have looked at you and considered you a sane enough adult to wield dangerous equipment before
-Licensed shops only. No psychedelic shop may have transparent windows, use pictograms to advertise its presence or be built near a main thoroughfare.
-No ads. No TV, Radio or newspaper ads may advertise LSD or other psychedelics
-No export. Duh.
-All LSD shops must carry a list of drugs that negatively interact with it.

Pretty sure shrooms grow in a lot of places in Japan.

nothing should be illegal, except damaging a human being or their property.


Completely reasonable, if it wasn't already obvious no driving either

>why you think LSD should be Illegal,
Because its potent enough to make people jump outta windows and under the trucks.

Legalization of LSD would lead to massive damages and casualties

it has to be illegal because it can't be the norm. If it was the norm people would literally do nothing but sit around all day staring at their carpet


but, the natural tolerence of LSD means that it can only be taken seperated by at minimum 2 weeks.

Prove it faggot

Why would you want to live in a society of mindfucked people? Do you know what the agency calls LCD? The Re-programmer. You don't really want to legalize that shit. Besides, the military "researchers" have moved on to a better drug. DMT.

And why is that different than alcohol. why should the state tell you that you can't stare at the carpet all the time. some people are constantly drunk, and look how prohibition turned out.

>the agency

please explain yourself, I don't speak conspiracy.

Unproductive faggots will be unproductive faggots. Ban vidya before you ban this.
DUI is one of the worst crimes short of premeditated murder IMHO.

alcohol tends to increase violence more then any other drug, and its only legal cuz when we tried to make it illegal in the US crime exploded within are boarders.


Also, something that hasn't been mentioned yet is the number of people who die from taking black-market unregulated drugs. people who think they have LSD are dying from toxic research chemicals, and mystery dose strengths.

CIA. They used it for 'mind control' experiments in the 70's if i recall.

If you've never tried it, aside from the visuals (not hallucinations) basically it's incredibly mentally expansive, you can think about and perceive things familiar to you in completely new ways, it lets you void the common neurological programming and pathways we establish growing up and experiencing things. This is why it was given some credit as a psychiatric therapeutic agent before it was listed as a class-A and used by governments as a secret weapon instead.

I know about MKultra, but why do you think they stopped? they realized that LSD couldn't be weaponized or controlled in the way they wanted.

just using a buzzword like "Re-programmer" isn't enough to convince me.

The Time article is pretty clear on the "buzzword". Take it or leave it, friend.


this, LSD + Suggestion = brainwash

>they stopped
>they didn't start writing the guide-books for what belief you should reprogram your brain to

of course getting drugged unexpectedly is going to produce fear, but if you take it knowingly and aware of the effects in the right setting then you won't have that fear.

also, the article never mentions the word "re-programmer" and agrees that it can have beneficial effects.