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Social security is NOT welfare or a handout. Seniors and workers deserve better.

Where did pensions come from?

It was conceptualized as a means to store money from workers while they were young enough to make money but too dumb to save for their old age. It was supposed to be a protected balance that would be payed back to the individual in increments to resemble their income prior to becoming unsuitable for manual labor.

While still being used like that you're correct, it wasn't welfare nor a hand out. Now? Now it's a tax imposed upon everyone to build up the coffers of the political establishment that blows it on frivolous things like $100 toilet paper rolls and $1,000+ dinners. The money you pay in is not the money you get back. Now, the money you pay in is spent almost instantly by a fraudulent government in order to pay for their misdeeds.

Everyone currently receiving social security benefits are being paid for by the people able to work today, rather than by themselves when they were younger and able to work. Now it's money out of my pocket to pay for someone I don't know to live off of. It is exactly welfare and any belief that it isn't is naive.

the olds get more out then they ever paid in.
The young are forced to pay in, and are not likely to get anything out.

The olds have had an entire lifetime to save, invest, and advance in their careers etc.

The young, having not had as much time, are understandably, much poorer.

This is the most regressive tax imaginable.

Fuck old people. Fuck social security, Fuck medicare. Buncha whiners.

Get rid of both programs, and make these old fucks live on what they've actually contributed, or on the ones who love them.

>Social security is an earned benefit
>Cuts to social security are stealing

Somehow I think the Supreme Court would disagree.

>then it will be solvent.
What did they mean by this? What does social security have to do with Chemistry?


This. I'm alright with social security money going into a separate fund that is then ONLY used for paying out social security benefits but years ago congress started dipping into the social security fund for other uses and now it's basically just an extension of the general fund. Many people don't even realize that the employer MATCHES their employee's social security payments as well (6.2% of your income is deducted for social security tax and your employer then also pays an additional 6.2% of your income on their end as part of payroll taxes). It really sucks if you're self employed because then you have to pay the entire 12.4% out of your own pocket. That's over 12% of your income that's supposed to be going into a government managed "retirement fund" yet the government is pulling money out of that fund and using it for all sorts of unrelated shit. Imagine how quickly lawsuits would be brought against a company that started gratuitously spending money from their employee-financed pension fund.. that's basically what the government has been doing with social security.

Didn't SS used to work properly then some people in the '80's fucked it up?

Except they paid in, they should get nothing in return for 50 years of paying in?

They blew it on Vietnam, IIRC.

It was a decision made in their own working lifetime. They have no reason to bitch.

most have taken more than they EVER put in.

If you collect social security, you shouldn't be allowed to vote. When you collect social security, you are signaling that you no longer want to contribute to society, just live off the work of others.

>It is NOT welfare
This is wrong

>our seniors and workers deserve better
>implying anyone gets what they deserve
Children who are born stillborn don't "deserve" to die, but still nature kills them. The universe isn't dictated by who deserves what.


Social Security is fucking retarded and pointless
>pay into it your entire life
>your family gets nothing, all that money that was taken is gubment money

There is literally zero benefit to SS over private savings, except they can take your money and redistribute it to people who never worked in their lives.

you can start collecting a life time of social security after a few years of work and/or the right disability.

Stop it OP. You're spreading ignorance. Read Modern Money Mechanics first so you know what money is. Then try to understand that the government doesn't owe you, me or anyone else anything. You accept benefits from the government. The government never signed a binding contract that you would be guaranteed a certain about of money when you retire. That would be fucking crazy. If anyone wants to take benefits from the government then you'll take whatever the government decides to give you. Wake up man.

yeah /thread

I'm perfectly capable of doing that on my own though

The Schutzstaffel was disbanded in 1945

It could be phased out over a period of decades.

But there's no money in the system at all, it was all spent on vote buying and used as collateral on debt already which is why the USA has 20 trillion dollars of debt.