Whites are shrinking - HA

Whites will be outnumbered by minorities in a couple decades.

>By 2050, the U.S. population will be 47% white, 28% Hispanic, 13% black and 8% Asian-American.

That's counting Jews, Italians, and other people as "Whites" too, so for you One-drop rule people Whites will become a minority much sooner, Hell, maybe they already are. There are millions of Jews in America who identify as "White".

I say, good riddance to you faggot shitheads. Whites went around exploiting other countries, and lowering the rates of the Native people. You guys should read about what Europeans did to the Native Hawaiians. It's shameful. This is how your race ends? Being outbred by SPICS in your own country? Hahahaha. Pathetic.

Now you know how the Hawaiians feel when they see gooks and crackers everywhere in their ancestral homelands.

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Count hispanic as white and it's actually increasing.

>good riddance to you faggot shitheads.

Another cuck-head faggot nigger fuck-chink who doesn't understand "math". The only reason the ratio is shrinking is because other groups are increasing. The actual population of whites is still increasing you dumb-ass.

Jesus, some people are just too fucking stupid.

Murder your family and then hang yourself you waste case.

Italians and a lot of Hispanics are white and not mestizo.

P.S. Whites still outnumber each individual minority group, you "faggot shit-head" and are still the "majority" even by your lib-fag estimates.

Many American born Hispanics identify as white and can pass so I don't even care.

The only intelligent fatburger on 4 chinz.

>hahahha white populations are shrinking and soon you'll all be gone

>hahhah white genoicde? You don't believe that do you, racist?

Pick one.

Also, God Emperor won. You have to go back.

That's what I said, dipshit. I said that Whites will become a minority.

Cameron Diaz counts as "Hispanic".

> White population is shrinking! Soon there will be none of you left!

>White genocide is a racist concept.

Pick one. Also, you have to go back.

Some hispanics should be counted as white like ACTUAL white hispanics

But some are clearly not white like the Mexican Mestizos

Hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic

The brown spics are injuns

They still need to fuck off though

There are still people who believe this?


I don't think we'll have to worry about blacks catching up. Black on black crime and abortion already take care of that.

Teen birth rates fall nearly 50 percent among Hispanic and black teens, dropping national teen birth rate to an all-time low (whites see little decline)

Baby bust! Millennials' birth rate drop may signal historic shift


Falloff in births slows shift to a majority-minority youth population


Myth of the White Minority


In recent years, and especially in the wake of Barack Obama’s reelection, projections that whites will soon become a minority have proliferated. In this essay, I will argue that such predictions are misleading at best, as they rest on questionable philosophical presuppositions, including the presupposition that racial concepts like ‘whiteness’ are static and unchanging rather than fluid and continually being reconstructed. If I am right about these fundamental inaccuracies, one must wonder why the myth of the white minority persists. I will argue that by reenvisioning whites as a minority culture struggling against a hostile dominant group, and by promoting white solidarity as a response to a (fabricated) crisis, such predictions actually serve to defend and legitimize white supremacy.

>that's what I said dipshit

>good riddance to you faggot shitheads

Whites aren't going anywhere, you nigger-fucked retard.

Whites will also still be the majority population by holding the highest racial percentage in the US as well. You're literally too fucking stupid, can't wait until you get stabbed by a broken bottle (AKA a nigger knife) and bleed out in the streets.

In the mean-time, we'll continue eradicating you and your kind.




Count black as white and its increasing too :DD

Really gets my noggin joggin

Thinking of all those countries we ruined makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Anglos bless

Black isnt a race any race can be black

So what you're saying is, white isn't a race either so any race can be white?

Danke schon, wie bitte.

Black and white are races you fucking idiot

Stop taking real facts and making them to memes

Hispanic is not a race. Google it dumbass

Do Ted Cruz and George Lopez look like they are part of the same race?