I often hear the argument on here that race mixing is a part of white "genocide" because there is propaganda "forcing"...

I often hear the argument on here that race mixing is a part of white "genocide" because there is propaganda "forcing" people to accent race mixing. But isn't that like saying that a free market isn't truly free if advertising exists? Why do all the arguments for race mixing being white genocide boil down to not trusting women to be able to make informed decisions?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because women cannot be trusted to make informed decisions.

>trusting women to be able to make informed decisions

If women could make informed decisions, then the divorce rate wouldn't be so high.

But it's just as much men's fault for choosing a bad woman to marry.

>no Armenian genocide
Cenk eternally and irrevocably vindicated

White genocide is a stupid meme. If creating social pressure to breed outside your race is genocide then the conquistadors were the greatest genociders of all time.


Why does this thread get more replies when I use some shitty bait like
>white bois are so mad they can't compete in the sexual free market that they've started calling race mixing "white genocide"

>still justifying race mixing


I didn't bother reading the post. I just looked at the picture then shitposted.

> put 7k out of 2 million and call it genocide
> no Armenian genocide
> no Jasenovac
> no Indians

Why anyone would want a kid that looks nothing like either parent is beyond my comprehension.

Mine looks like a mini version of me except he was lucky and got his mothers blue eyes and it is great.

>If creating social pressure to breed outside your race is genocide then the conquistadors were the greatest genociders of all time.

This is what Sup Forums is saying all this time, a.k.a they are not white

OP needs to read up on the definition of genocide, penned by the very same world police whose dicks he likes sucking so much.


>still thinking cherry picked images justify anything


The people claiming white genocide are against independent agency and the free market. They fail to understand that subspecies die all the time, nothing is constant. They also fail to respect the decisions of others, claiming to no better.

The whole white genocide bit is part of their authoritarian message, trying to play the unity card while they attempt to dictate peoples behavior. They are the worst kind of monster, one who has no respect for the liberty of others.

Rwanda killed all of their problem population in the 90's, though

So low birth rates can't be a naturally occurring phenomena?

If they stopped pushing the "Death to white males and give them nothing!" narrative and made it a two way street. Then you would see a majority of the complaints and anger subside.

The group that ended the genocide is the current government of Rwanda... The "problem population" is responsible for their success.

t. butthurt serb

Jasenovac was not genocide. It was justice.

Yeah. It's funny because the Tutsis are lighter skinned and taller than the Hutus.

So birth rate manipulation through state propaganda can?

That document requires the application of force for it to be considered genocide. The "propaganda" of which you speak is not considered an application of force, its not violence.

Do you people lack reading comprehension or are you willfully ignorant?

>a comedy sketch about race mixing is why white people don't have kids
White people are still free to disagree with this propaganda. You are not in jail right now despite openly posting about white genocide. There are tons of consrrvative media outlets and forums that oppose the liberal media. So is the free market not truly free if advertising exists?

>cherry picking
>implying I can't do this all day

.01 KFC secret recipe breast deposited

yes, Propaganda can lower birth rates by depicting small families on TV programing. (Dont see shows like the Brady Bunch anymore) Or setting Expectations that a large family will hold back personal achievement. These are all Edward Bernays style methods. Oh and here is proof ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2011/09/girl-power/gorney-text

marriages were all arranged until modern times

Uh oh, someone's mad.

>take one Austrian alpha and combine it with a Mexican troll and look at what you get
>still want to dip, commit and stick around with a some variation of shit skin


>can't refute my point
>y-you're just mad!

It is a silent genocide. If you completely change the Japanese to half negro half Japanese, the Japanese people will no longer exist.

There are millions and millions of race mixed people in the world, it's not possible for you to post a representative sample in a single thread.

but it's done willingly

Indians weren't genocided they just lost a lot of fights (xenophobes) and got sick and died.

Your excuses do not change the outcome. You might think it's cool and progressive but the ones behind it are purposely doing it for their benefit, you are their useful idiot.

I wouldn't say blairing propoganda and focing open the boarders and demonizing anyone who goes against is "willingly".

White people aren't being genocided, they're just losing a fight.

>I wouldn't say blairing propoganda and focing open the boarders and demonizing anyone who goes against is "willingly".

There is no application of force, furthermore what you call propaganda many people see as tv shows better reflecting the racial makeup of society.

>their benefit

who's they lol?

>who goes against

no one is forcing is you. in the end we are the only ones who have control of our lives

You can't advertise the alternative. That's regulated for a reason.

Yes because 13% of the population popping up on Tv as main characters or character love interests 80% of the time is considered and accurate representations of the poppulation.

>we are the only ones who have control of our lives

People with an authoritarian mindset don't believe that. They wan't to be led, will gladly follow, and can not imagine another person operating in another fashion.

They themselves have given over their agency to the group, letting someone else decide what is good and moral and what is bad. They take no responsibility and can not understand when others act in a way contrary to their beliefs so they demonize the unknown.

That is how you get people claiming white genocide

We aren't that far away from having genetic engineering. Why would some outside group be deliberately orchestrating white "genocide" to lower the IQ of white countries when in a few generations, we'll all be much smarter due to genetic engineering?

But you can. Websites like the daily stormer, Sup Forums, stormfront, etc etc are all 100% legal. I've seen nation youth front poster at my college campus urging people to take action against "Eurocide".

Yea, do what you want asl long as it dosent go against the narrative. Other wise youre a nazi racist xenophobic sexist homophobe who deserves to lose his job because of hia opinion.
Absolutlu free

Why do you guys even care so much about white "genocide" when genetic engineering will eventually be a thing? Do you think a few mulatto babies are going to stop that?

Notice those advancements are in Asian mosly.

They aren't fighting they are being subverted, guilted, and lied to. They are the only ones extending their hand to the other races. Non-whites are spitting in their faces.
They would be globalist kikes who love nationalism for Israel but condemn it in the west. The ones who live off white countries but know what happens when white people get nationalistic and kick the chosen people out of western positions of power.

You plebbit intellectuals really aren't good at thinking, are you? Alright, if you insist. I'll refute your "point".

>You are not in jail right now despite openly posting about white genocide.
I am not a state broadcaster. Neither are you, which is why despite being an insufferable imbecile, I cannot take legal action against you for the opinions you hold. People who have platforms via media through which they can voice their opinions are able to reach larger audiences and social engineer on a much greater level than you or I.

>There are tons of consrrvative media outlets and forums that oppose the liberal media. So is the free market not truly free if advertising exists?
How many conservative outlets call for the elimination of minority groups through outbreeding? Go on, find me one. Richard Spencer, that stormweenie faggot got fired from his journalism job for making claims like that.

And what's this drivel about a free market? o you think I'm a libertarian or something? If you read people's responses to you about half as much as you're posting, maybe you'd start to appreciate the fact that you're out of your depth.

>Other wise youre a nazi racist xenophobic sexist homophobe who deserves to lose his job because of hia opinion.

You are free to speak your ideas and others are free to label them. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. If those ideas fail in the marketplace then maybe they are not fit enough to survive.

White people are being genocided and they don't even fight back? What a pathetic excuse for a race.

Freedom of association is gone in the USA. Once racial integration was forced onto us, it became almost impossible to prevent.

>black guy
>white woman
>their kid
>a fucking gremlin

>Once racial integration was forced onto us, it became almost impossible to prevent.

How did racial integration destroy freedom of association. You are free to associate with whomever you like. You can form a private organization and determine membership by whatever rules you decide. You are only limited from discriminatory practices in public organizations.

What about people who dont even speak up about their veiws. Remember the chick who lost her job JUST because she was seen in an NPI conference video. You enjoy living under the ministry of truth where thought is pre-approved though.

>Authoritarian mindset
What do you even mean by that? Is it people believing that Authoritarianism is the best form of Gov? Is it those who want to follow an Authoritarian leader? Only one of those is correct.

An Authoritarian mindset means that they think things should be dictated in an Authoritarian way, but it does NOT necessarily mean that they themselves would be happy being slaves following orders. Besides, there are different variants of Authoritarianism.

Don't worry it's inevitable they put a stop to it. You will probably die tbqh

You are litterly not allowed to refuse service to minorities. Thats what Goldwater was against in the Civil rights act

They will still benefit all of humanity.

You are free to start your own media company to reach larger audiences. You can attempt to "social engineer" people as much as you want. The state isn't stopping you. And people exert control over the media just as much as the other way around. The media has to compete for views (ad revenue) by creating a service that people voluntarily choose to consume. There aren't any huge media companies talking about white "genocide" because few people would want it. That's not the states fault.

>Remember the chick who lost her job JUST because she was seen in an NPI conference video

While I don't know the details if she lives in a right to work state then her employer is free to terminate her for any reason without cause. Just as she is free to terminate the employment relationship without cause

Orcs coming in and pillaging your Land, Women, and Resources is hard to just ignore with freedom of association, but it becomes worse when the faggot elves are actively campaigning for them to come in droves after brainwashing a nation that they are peaceful.


And I seriously doubt it. Genetic engineering will pacify all racial tensions and fix all inequalities before a race war ever happens.

It may benefit China, but not the WHOLE world. Try and sell CRISPER to people in America, especially liberals and see if you dont get shouted down for supporting Eugenics.

That's implying that we will let it get to such Huxley-esque proportions.

spot on

if you go around say all black people are niggers then expect to lose your job lol

>when white people get nationalistic
this doesn't even make any sense lol. in the end it's still white people choosing to mix with other races. there isn't a jew behind every white person saying "mix!,mix!,mix!"

A) a lot of research is already being done in America, not just China
B) once people see the benefits of it, public opinion will change because we don't want China to leave us in the dust
C) liberals already support eugenics as long as it's done voluntarily by parents before a child is born, what do you think abortion is?

it was called genocide when all the remaining native american intermarried europeans

thats part of the reason so many people say they are cherokee or many other tribes

think elizibeth warren, but not an affirmative action lie

or the first native american astronaut looks 100% white.... but his great great grandfather was a native

>legitimate genocide
pick one

Society will deteriorate and whites will decide they've had enough of your nigger shit.
But maybe you're right, maybe niggers will get state funded IQ boosts and a skin change.

>Orcs coming in and pillaging your women

lol it's not like that when women are choosing them. no ones forcing them on them

it was called genocide because settlers were encouraged to kill them. they were seen as monsters that would get you first if you didn't get them

Just gonna avoid how rapes have skyrocketed in Europe since the migration.

>lol it's not like that when women are choosing them. no ones forcing them on them

When you devalue women its easy to shift the blame from them to the other person. They obviously are not making a free choice because someone is forcing them to be with the black mane because of propaganda.

It all goes back to a denial of individual agency

basic math is why people claim white genocide

what else would the result of endless immigration be?

I'm white though. Why do people on Sup Forums always assume I'm not white?

you said "your land" so I assumed America since the last poster was American and so were you.
on the topic of Europe they should deport who those who can't assimilate

read the UN definition of genocide genius

Maybe you have an attitude like a nigger?

How does it not make sense? Oh you are ignorant to history and reality

And they dont. And they dont 8n the states either. A mexican can hop over, go to a sanctuary city, murder a young girl, get arrested and not get cannon fired back over the wall. They get a slap on the wrist and and "OHHH YOU"

change, genocide requires force

populations change, skin colors change, people change. Its useless to fight, its evolution. The reproductively fit survive.

I assume you're a kike pushing your agenda. No I don't believe you.

Where does the UN say, "people voluntarily getting into mixed race relationships is genocide"?

too bad in reality many intermarried europeans and had families

When you really look at the father and the son, you realize they don't look the same. You wouldn't be able to immediately tell they're related if you saw them side by side. You'd think they look similar, but the same could be said for Robert DeNiro's son. It's obvious that's his kid if you look.

Is it voluntary if they've been brainwashed by the (((media))) and (((academia))) agenda?

Oy vey I've been discovered.

Promoting the extinction
Creating an enviroment for the extinction
Supplying the means of the extinction

I like fucking white women. I want my lineage to be able to fuck white women for eternity.

You really can't look at his son and say that's not the spitting image of him.

Look at the chin, nose, and mouth. Look at the general structure of the face and the eyebrows.

The square hair-line, etc.

It's obvious that's the son of Will Ferrell.

Yes, because you have to choose to listen to them and you are free to disagree with them. Most college educated whites in America vote conservative, clearly this "brainwashing" isn't very effective.

>breeding out the white race isn't genocide

Kike detected

t. balkan poorfagg gypsy

>Promoting the extinction
Who is doing this and how?

>Creating an enviroment for the extinction
Who is doing this and how?

>Supplying the means of the extinction
Who is doing this and how?

>Cherry picking this hard

This is his Arnorld Schwazenegger's son, Jospeh Baena. He's 1/2 hispanic, 1/2 white

Purposefully introducing a foreign and polorizing culture to replace the old

Yeah well, unleash the market: Stop taxing whites and giving benefits to sandniggers and shitskins, let those invasors compite in the labour market and see what happens next.

Since we're talking about Europe, I figured I'd participate.
Now I can't speak for other countries, as I'm not entirely sure how their laws work, but it's basically impossible for most European countries to deport immigrants, as they can just claim that someone is out to get them (they'll get killed if they go back). An investigation has to be made to see if this is true, but since Middle Eastern countries suck so much ass at cooperating in situations like these, nothing happens.

democrats, for votes



Mainstream media propoganda
Opening and keeping open the boarder
I refure you to the last sentence