Universal Basic Income

How long until we are all living on a Universal basic income? 50 years? 100 years?

What will be the social and political ramifications?

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Soon I hope. Construction is killing my body

If we don't have it by the time automated cars are widespread, the economy will just collapse TBQH

US never, to commie for you
EU pretty soon, will be mandatory for all EU countries I think but not more them 1k euros

Do it in Sweden first. Communists should show us all an example of how great it works.


What is coming is a massive consumption crash. Except the only way to balance the budget to account for UBI would be to properly tax the rich.

We will transition to socialism, or collapse entirely. Flavour of socialism is negotiable, though, in case the strasserists are hopeful.

nah they will just kill anyone who is worthless once robots are viable. We are slaves to the elites



0% chance. Socialism doesn't work.

It will never happen in your lifetime. Get a job.

Well, then we're shit out of luck, because Capitalism is about to have a stroke.

economy of China maybe, why should "white" countries fear when there's nothing made in them anymore, "we" will still make porn, play games and supervise nigg... robots

I feel like there are many institutions in our society that do not want full automation of all possible jobs, and subsequent basic income. I feel like we could have been at peak automation like 10 years ago, but politicians want "muh jobs.". We, like idiots, blindly follow these leaders. " yes, I got muh job back from duh meckicans!". Who gives a shit! Fuck! If I can not work and have a robot make money for me I'll take it and use my time to pursue passions/travel/etc. If you really want to work there will still be opportunities.

I'm not saying it's a long thought out plan by people with power and money. Once something is no long useful you throw it away. It's just human nature to discard useless shit and get something better.

>discard useless shit
>liquidate hundreds of thousands of people who won't play along with your game, even after brainwashig
Sounds about the same to me.

I can get behind UBI

Can you collect unemployment and pay for everything at the grocery store with your EBT card, or is that too difficult because you're not even black?

It's a bad idea because they would use it to put most average people out of earning their own money, and could then control what things those people could buy like with Food Stamps.

Lists of Government approved computers, housing, cars, no way to keep money under the table from taxes, everything would be tracked that you purchase so no privacy, I can think of so many awful things. Even if UBI had the best of intentions at the start, things would not remain that way as vested interests worm their way in.

How about you get in front of the firing squad instead, pinko.

socialism doesn't work
t. 45 years of happy utopia
*flies away*

what do I do, I have a few legal rifles and my dad gave me a semi auto before the by back. I really want an AK or something like it

1000 rounds for each one

Can't get either unemployment or EBT. I make far too much

Anyone else kind of scared of this? The idea that the state will be the sole determiner of whether I live or die does not sit well with me.

Tasfag here. Finally got my permit approved. Licensed for .22 for now. Feels good man.

Sounds like you don't need UBI then.

I have heaps of ammo for all the gun i own. Got Canned food and vitamins. I just want a high powered gun but I can't get one here. Thought about talking to bikes about paying out the arse for an M4

Hopefully never.

>the state will be the sole determiner of whether I live or die
That's what globalized medical records are all about. Obamacare is just the first step toward this.

>20 trillion dollars in government debt and unquatifiable amount owed in unfunded liabilities

Choose one only.


I want it. It's universal, after all. Can't say no to an extra few thousand a year

Bikes are pretty good for travel when you need it. Similar to 4x4s which can go around or over problems, and keep you safe from road bandits.

A .22 is actually very effective in a situation because you can load a lot of rounds into it without it being heavy. Nobody wants to get shot at, whether it's a .22 or a .50.

But if you need the big guns then you can also go home made in a pinch.

I'd have a few thousand extra a year if the illegal IRS didn't take it from me for no actual purpose other than that it's run by communist Jews who want me to live on my knees as a good goy. I don't care about a few extra thou per year.

>Deutsche Bank with 46 trillion euros in gross derivative exposure

Choose both.

>ooga booga gibsmedats free cracka muhny

Total Jewish derivative exposure is in the quadrillions. Don't fool yourself.

I ment Bikies that sell drugs and guns and ride motorbikes.

When automation takes over, maybe in like 20 years

Nothing stopping you from working on top of it. If you set it to be a low amount, like 75% of the Federal minimum wage for 40 hours a week, then that's enough to scrape by on, but people will still work.

The black market i nasty, but it's good to have connections into it. The black market always always reigns supreme when the official market breaks down.

What if we start by removing free money and exotic health care for life from congresspeople?

Maybe that could fund something.

Oh look, a bunch of fucking cucks from fly over states that lack a college experience try to discuss the economy like they're grown ups.

Are you arguing that vying for jobs that have not been automated is a bad thing?

Your argument holds no weight until automation actually hits. And even then, having domestic automated manufacturing is still an economic boon

Nothing to stop you either from being a nigger who wants my money, yet here you are.

How much do you make in a year, amigo?

I have deepweb site I can get stuff off but I would prefer face to face. I could probably go back to the town I grew up in and get something for $50,000 but that is a lot of cash

Doesn't matter Tyrone. You're not getting a penny of it.

I wonder how that would turn out in the long term. The idea in itself is interesting, there is lot of injustice when it comes to work.

But then again how do we keep progressing and improving as a society? What incentive there would be for people to get education or work their asses off to escape povrety?

If things really do break down, then face to face is going to be a good advantage. Maintain those contacts just in case.

We can talk about how to spend money and investments and plans and things that you own, but really it's always going to come back down to the people around you. You're stuck being a nomad or a drifter or a bandit if you don't have people around you.

Likely less than I do

>Buying guns on DNM
>not getting miles of penis inserted inside your anus in federal when the Feds honeypot you

I've never heard of a successful DNM gun transaction, but I have heard of a hundred online gun busts

that's why I would prefer to do business with people I know. The cost is high M4 is $50,000 and more for ammo and mags. AK is $32,000 same as before.

Then I'm not sure how you think UBI is going to help you

The money doesn't just appear. We aren't in a post scarcity world yet, and your money is going to pay for niggers and illegals until we get there

Try again in 50+ years

Jesus Christ m8. We can get a day-of-the-month semi auto AR for under $1k without even really trying.

You gotta fix that shit.

OP you can do it yourself in like 14 years.

Save $50k/yr and invest it wisely so you make 5% ROI each year. By year 14 you'll have nearly $100000 which will give you about $50k/yr investment income, which is below the threshold for taxation anyway.

You don't need the fucking government to write you a check, do it yourself.

>save 50k a year
Most people here probably don't even make that in a year.

even post-scarcity, when all jobs have been replaced by robots and the current economy no longer works?

>50 years? 100 years?
You obviously have zero idea about what's happening in the tech world right now.

I'd say 15 years at most. Could be sooner.

Maybe you should stop being useless then? It's not very hard to make good money if you can get any kind of employment at all. Work hard, follow the rules, get promoted. Save your money, invest wisely, passive income. Boom done.

Lol good luck with that your lucky if you break inflation


Average annual return is about 10%. Investing wisely is often just not selling your investment for less than you purchased it for. IE don't panic sell in 2008 like a boomer retard.

Yes, because a post-scarcity scenario gives rise to problems greater than scarcity could ever muster.

It's terrifying.

IQ over 105 here. If I had to live on Universal basic income I would kill myself.

Maybe that's the goal.

There is no such possibility as replacing all jobs by robots. You are already living in "post-scarcity" country.

First machines took the farming jobs, but I said nothing because I was not a farmer

Then machines took the manufacturing jobs, but I said nothing because I was not a manufacturer

Finally the machines came for the service jobs and there was no one left to speak for me.

Its never gonna happen. Toilets will always need scrubbing, lawns will always need mowing, machines will always need mechanics, computers will always need troubleshooting, and the merchants will always need their profits.

>that agri and industry GDP stats tho


Many, many jobs will disappear forever in the next 10-15 years. We literally won't have work for a huge chunk of society.

>How long until we are all living on a Universal basic income?
When strong AI automates all work. Before this point, someone must work. If someone must work, they will necessarily demand others work and exchange something of value for their labor. After all, would you want to be the only person working while everyone else does nothing?
>What will be the social and political ramifications?
Everyone stops working. Whether or not this is a problem depends on if we've reached strong AI.

>We will transition to socialism, or collapse entirely.
How's the unicorns and leprechauns in your fantasy world?

Strong AI is one thing but energy and resource scarcity are still things. Expect wars.

So become an owner of a robot today, get a job which always needs human (judge, artist, journalist) or buy some hectares of land and start a "traditional" farm. People are already paying more for that kind of food because it's tastier, more ecological and stuff.

Strong AI is the point at which computers are at least as intelligent as humans. "At least" means they would almost certainly be more intelligent. At that point, whether or not we're in a position to make war would be the choice of the computers, not us.

This assumes strong AI ever becomes more than theory, of course.

I'm already working on becoming an investorNEET and I'm thinking of starting a side business in translation. Just 10 more years...

ITT autists and psychopaths agree that we are existentially doomed and socialism is good

I agree that we are doomed but not about socialism. We are going to be fucked by the state and sent into a living hell.

Good for you. Now it's time for accumulating capital, and, memes aside, buying the means of production, before automatization gets that part of society with unqualified jobs.

kek has spoken

Exactly! I wish I could convince my friends and family of this. They think they can just fritter away their income and everything will stay the same their whole lives.

I won't protect them when the class lines become set in stone.

>You'll never be able to travel across the entirety of the US in a locomotive!

>now introducing janitor bot or their main competitor maid-robo

>now introducing lawn romba, it mows your lawn!

>now introducing mechano-bot, and in case he needs repairs it's two for one!

>How long until we are all living on a Universal basic income? 50 years? 100 years?

UBI, although called differently, will be implemented in the 1st or 2nd year of Donald Trumps 2nd term as POTUS.

It will be the end of unemployment in the USA because being an legal citizen of the USA will be deemed as an occupation / job.

"UBI" will be attainable by every legal citizen of the USA at the age of 18.
After the initial implementation, for every citizen of the USA then reaching 18 years of age it will be attainable after a 2-4 year term of compulsory community service or compulsory military service.

The "contractual" requirement for "UBI" will be a patriotistic pledge to
>be a law abiding citizen
>be a loving, caring and emphatic human being (yes, as faggy as it sounds)
>better oneself to the power of everyones own ability
>better your community, state, country and environment to the best of everyones ability

Occupations, trades, etc. in the economic sense will ofcourse continue to exist. Although there will be a great shift and shuffle in pay.

Screenshot this, for it will be very relevant in the coming years.

This. Are Southerners really so deluded to think their opinions matter? Sherman should have finished the job.

Never. Automation will cause a temporary loss of jobs, as it did in the 1600's and the 1800's, but ultimately it will lead to much greater prosperity for everyone, as it did in the 1600's and 1800's.

You know the progress and advancement comes several generations after the current generation gets utterly fucked over by automation, right? YOU won't get to benefit. Nor will your children. They'll grow up poor.

UBI already exists to an extent in the US under the name of the Earned Income Tax Credit.

The overall concept of it still seems sound to me. Have a job but don't earn enough to be out of poverty? Here you go. Don't have a job? Get fucked.

Why should useless people be kept alive? At least 50% of the world's population is utterly worthless. Why should they receive a "universal basic income" to keep encumbering the planet and to shit out more useless kids?

What is the end-game, a 90% useless population?

Let the weak die.

I graduated college 7 months ago, i make $75k

There is going to be a ridiculously high unemployment rate. One in seven jobs is transportation related. Self-driving vehicles are here. Uber has self driving cars, there are self driving semis; at most we are 10 years away from essentially 0 transportation related jobs. This will be the case soon after for basic service related industries such as waiters, cashiers, etc as well as manufacturing / assembly jobs (including things like food preparation. After that medical fields will go as well, id much rather have ibm's watson diagnose me than a doctor.

why doesnt everyone who is going to lose their job just invest in automation technology ETFs/stocks

wouldn't they "own the means of production" at that point?

Who has more money to invest? The rich or the poor?

This actually is the route we might take. The problem with losing so much of the population becomes long-term genetic diversity, though at that point it's likely we will be able to gene edit to nullify this.

Never. The only way you're getting money for nothing is to be a welfare nigger.