Big establishment guys in his cabinet

>Big establishment guys in his cabinet

Could someone who's really really informed on Trump (rather than a Clinton-supporter-level of blind loyalty) answer these questions to alleviate my concerns?

1. Are they using Trump, or is Trump using them?
2. I thought Trump was against these kinds of people. What's going on?

I have literally never heard a single Trump supporter both acknowledge this main critique against his current cabinet nor explain it, and that's concerning. I don't want my vote to have been a waste. What do you know that I don't yeT?

Other urls found in this thread:

>rather than a Clinton-supporter-level of blind loyalty
literally anyone who supported trump is a blind follower, otherwise they would have seen this shit a mile away.

The younger ones are more open about it. Case in point from an attempt to establish this discussion earlier in the day.

Absolute insanity to be blinded to this extent. I used to blindly refuse to see any comparison of the right to the left. Now they're one of the same. Sup Forums used to differentiate themselves from the rest of the right and now they've blended into this board. It's crazy.

These are difficult truthpills to take, but think about them, and you'll see the light.

>1. Are they using Trump, or is Trump using them?
>2. I thought Trump was against these kinds of people. What's going on?
He doesn't know any better because he isn't qualified for the job.

Trump won the election because he said things people wanted to hear. Part of what resonated with Trump supporters was him calling out the establishment for being the giant stinky poop sandwich that it is. But pointing things out and having a plan to do something about it are two different things, and as has already been seen and will be a major theme throughout his presidency is that Trump has no idea what he is doing. If you don't believe me, the who's who of Trumps appointment picks reads like he has heard of these people and they are republican, but doesn't realize that why he has heard of them is because of Twitter and the shitstorms his picks have been involved in.

Trump is a narcissist and sociopath that is a class-A showman, but he doesn't know how to admit he has bitten off more than he can chew, and that Washington is going to eat him alive because people there are 100x more conniving and foreplanning than a man who lives in the moment, calling things the way he sees, but unable to stick to a position because he wants everyone to like him.

I mean I feel as if the evidence is there, that Trump is going to be used by a lot of people, foreign nations and business alike.

I'm still betting on Trump playing 5d chess but with a super secret personal motive. Maybe he's paying off his old debts or this whole presidency is a way of getting revenge on someone.

Washington DC is filled with complete
Morons who are , generally speaking , completely incompetent.


These people couldn't run a Popsicle stand in the real world. They are almost all sub normal IQs

We need to start questioning why people were willing to vote for either him or Clinton and why they didn't expand their horizons beyond him. There's a huge problem with people not being politically informed and yet making decisions that affects the rest of the nation. Take gun control for instance (and a good case in point that I'm willing to point this flaw out in both the left and the right) An entire state like California will happily vote your second amendment away because they're not informed enough to understand the severity of what they doing. There's no substance backing up their beliefs. If you drew an abstract map of their beliefs, they'd be mostly unfounded. Word of mouth testimonies and what you hear from snippets on reddit and CNN, that's not enough. And even then, with the article or the 5 minutes of news footage that they rely on, they don't fully pay attention to it. That's a double retard.

I wish people took this issue seriously, because people really aren't as educated as they could be. Our citizens aren't at their potential, and this makes it easy to manipulate our people and evidently our very country. Not cool!

There are all kinds of people in Washington

>We need to start questioning why people were willing to vote for either him or Clinton and why they didn't expand their horizons beyond him
Because of the way our voting system works. 1 vote 1 person is terrible. It favors black-and-white, vote-for-the-major-candidates-or-throw-away-your-vote style thinking, which has locked us in the two party buttfuck that we live in today.

Young people tried with Bernboy, but it wasn't his turn. I think that's why you get people thinking Washington is run by people as described by , because it was painfully obvious Shillary was a lizardperson.

>There's no substance backing up their beliefs.
That's what you get when your journalism is sponsored content and entertainment trumps fact. The Internet is the biggest echo-chamber ever invented, and on one hand it's wonderful, but on the other hand it is incredibly limiting. How do you convince somebody to explore boring, unpleasant, or discordant views that otherwise benefit them. It's like math; few people actually like doing it, but we all use it, and it has essentially enabled the modern era. Whatever, I'm rambling now.

Your whole two-party system is flawed and pretty fucking retarded. Forcing divide and making complex issues and values into with us or against us type bullshit.

Finland has a system of multiple political parties. Our democracy works a bit slower when it comes to passing laws etc. but at least we have varied and viable options instead of just voting for the giant douches or turd sandwiches.

You're first mistake was believing the media when they said that he was appointing deep establishment

Media is your enemy, just stop listening to anything they say at this point.

The media is good and bad at the same time. One should always read multiple souces and not be fooled by commercial medias just makinng profit of one's feelings and fears etc.

Pro tip:

>Media is your enemy, just stop listening to anything they say at this point.
>Network news is your enemy
>Crowd-sourced news aggregators are your enemy
>Sup Forums is your enemy
>literally any forum on the internet bigger than 20 posters is your enemy
>but the ideas of 20 posters can get stuck in a rut

wat do?

>are they using trump or is trump using them

The fact of the matter is trump doesnt know what hes doing, he has some great advisors but they are mostly establishment republicans.

I honestly think that if anyone can make us a workd economic leader its trump. His cornerstone is the economy and all his decisions are based on that angle, which can be good and bad.

1. They're using him. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan will use Trump to put through the Republican Platform and prevent anything else he wants to do from becoming law.

2. Trump is being told by the Establishment that his picks will NEVER be confirmed by the Senate so they're tricking him into picking cucks. Notice how Flynn and that other chick were appointed to positions that don't require Senate confirmation? PS This is how Mike Pence became VP. They needed to pick someone that the RNC delegates would vote for.

i like you mr leaf. Why should we trust the media after all the deception?

Chris fucking Christie almost became the VP. Say what you want about the establishment, but I think their judgement should sometimes come into play

Nope, Paul Ryan is gonna step down as Speaker.

Mitch McConnel is gonna be controlled by his Taiwanese Wife, too.

Why do you pretend Ryan has any real power?

He got humiliated by Joe Biden at the debates.

Is this another news site that gave clinton a 99% chance of winning?

This is how I feel too. Make America Great Again was 100% about economics while idiots were assuming it was about race.

Think for yourself for once. Headlines aren't news.

Nah this is more picking between the guy who may or may not completely fuck us or the guy (girl) who will absolutely fuck us.

1. He's doing what he has to do to run the country. You can't just burn all bridges with Congress or they'll stonewall you. Trump is being smart about this, some of his guys are establishment but so far they seem to be good people, not cancerous cucks.

2. Trump is Pro-America, that's it. He's opposed to the high-level corrupt machine politics but that doesn't mean he isn't willing to cooperate with people already in the system who share his ideas. This is why it makes no sense for him to seriously choose Romney for SoS, he's going to pick someone else.

At this point we need to trust that Trump knows what he's doing. He's building a coalition here and it needs to have people who know how the game is played in order to function. What is important is that Trump's mandate is carried out and that the people he puts into these positions don't fly off the handle and start pursuing their own interests. I don't think they will. The Republican Party is aware that Trump just pulled them back from the brink of oblivion. Some might protest like that cuck Ryan, but they WILL do his bidding when push comes to shove because he's proven he's willing to play ball with them.

People talking about Trump betraying us are being retarded. Wait until he actually does something that categorically betrays his mandate, then I'll throw tomatoes right alongside you, but as of now he hasn't done anything wrong, he's just A-B Testing and trying to build a strong coalition.

>throwing tomatoes in someoe popular

Y-y-you mean this billionaire land developer wasn't for the little guy? You stupid cucks fell for another Jewish trick. How does it feel to be this retarded?

you shouldnt ever trust anybody in politics

>Picks public official with tons of experience

>Picks appointment that has is not establishment and has built his/her experience from the private sector
You can't win either way. Who is he supposed to appoint?

If you think we were going to get anything more than another republican politician then you're a tard. Still better than hilldog but after he chose pence as his vp it was clear hes going to play ball even after the RNC tried to ruin him.