Rate my gains Sup Forums

Rate my gains Sup Forums


this is me after 11 Months of heavy lifting! Still going strong.

We are all gonna make it brah!!

Something about your face screams autism, I've seen it before but can't quite put my finger on it. Care to help me out Sup Forums?

You look way stronger, good job

Now work on your face


what a retard omfg. Where did you find this pic

You literally look the same through all 3 pics. You're just fat and ugly bruh. What a waste of the past eleven months bruh.

>Sex, weights & protein shakes

Head like a bloated gumdrop

More constructively, you could tell him to focus on weight loss rather than pure lifting.

do cardio you fat fuck
you still look pathetic

No before pics? By the way, you dress like a complete faggot. Ditch the glasses too.

kys. You look like shit

>taking progress pics 3 days in a row

This picture is really old. I've seen it on /fit/ before. If it is actually you, you probably stopped progressing, or quit training, otherwise you would have used an updated picutre.

>muh white race

sluta skippa legday herregud

Sick gains m8 keep it up

Ignore the faggots, they have never lifted in their lives

>In just 3 months this Sup Forumslack lost the will to live.

>2 chins

You have the sort of physique that doesn't require gains.

You would do better to just stop eating, lifting, ingesting protean supplements, roids, etc.. and slim down overall.

You have the squat barrel bone structure, so too much mass will make you look stumpy.

You want to slim down so you aren't top heavy.

You can maintain overall fitness with some basic cardio

Nah I worked it out compadre, it's the mouth breather face.

Nigger you need to cardio and not fall for /fit/'s MUH GAINZ faggotry.

Sweet face gains

When taking steroids, protein and other supplements, one should remember to actually work out.
Also gains won't fix what I suppose is a slight, just a smidgen of Downs.

Chicken legs

you clearly don't understand the point of weight training or aren't doing it right. Youre fat and you look like a boiled cabbage, you fuck

If this actually is you, go on a cut, take some bcaa to preserve muscle and you'll look fine.


Is it from left to right? I can't really tell.

>lifting weights for 11 months and still has double chin

No,brah, it looks great. No, really.