Leafs, how good are your social programs? Is social healthcare and education really efficient?

Leafs, how good are your social programs? Is social healthcare and education really efficient?

I ask this cause recently in my class other students were arguing that how great and progressive Canada was for setting an example for the U.S

Its not perfect and we pay more than 50% of our income on taxes and other fees but we do not have to worry about healthcare and other benefits which is pretty comfy.

Do not get fooled by American propaganda, our programs are pretty good.

>we do not have to worry about healthcare and other benefits which is pretty comfy.
You also gave up the right to make any choices or decisions about these things. Willingly.

Canadian health care saved a family member's life fast and efficiently. I do not care about choices and decision in that situation.

>more than 50%

Do you think that's really reasonable? I couldn't imagine more than half my paycheck just disappear

Varies, for a broke fucker like me it's less, I don't like it, and being in the army I get free healthcare anyway. Taxation is fucking theft end of.

people who act like our healthcare is the greatest thing ever are dumb.

we have long waitlist times, shitty doctors, high taxes

but not worrying about huge healthcare costs is nice.

in summary, our healthcare is ok, but not fantastic.

I agree but in the end we pay less than you guys for education, healthcare, medicine, insurance, child care and many other stuff.

Personally I get all my money back since im a student but I think id rather pay taxes and wait than having to pay 20k for a broken leg like you guys do or getting fucked by Obongo Care.

I had to be rushed to the emergency room when I found out I was allergic to shellfish, so I was pretty glad to have access to free healthcare at that moment.

For non-emergency healthcare though, it's an inefficient, cumbersome system. Anyone that has the means goes down to the States to get procedures done. Government pensions are a meme, I'm planning to not get anything from the government when I'm old.

Hard to say. US has the best healthcare in the world…for those who can afford it.

I realize Sup Forums is all about the private market, and I can't usually disagree, but I honestly do make a distinction with healthcare.

When you or your family is in big trouble with a health issue, it's just not cool to be sitting around worrying about how much is this going cost me?

It just seems ugly that people who are solid citizens who do the right things can through no fault of their own be bankrupt due to an unlucky diagnosis.

Perhaps a British model would work better for US sensibilities than Canada's… they have a public system + a private system for those who want to pay out of pocket for the best of the best

(The US acts as the private option for some wealthy Canadians… they can just fly somewhere and lay down their own money if they are inclined to do so)

I don't know about other programs, like welfare etc… not sure how those work, but I suspect they are more similar

I think Trump is looking at getting some sort of universal coverage going -- Romney set up a universal healthcare system in Massachusetts -- and Trump has been talking to him.

The key is… there is no silver bullet perfect system. Simply because health technology and drugs gets better and more expensive. It's like a stereo system if you want THE best THE latest, you need to pay the early adopter charge + constantly upgrade

Overall we get reasonably good value for the dollar -- the US gets very poor value for dollar because purchasing is made in dribbles rather than mass buys with volume discounts

Fuck you and your shitty country.

Puk poo !! :(

the more 3rd worlders they import the worse it's gonna get

Cool answers, didn't know if it was just liberals here being delusional or what but it sounds like it has its uses

Thanks for your input senpai

>We pay less

Not true. You pay with a lifetime of heavy taxation, you pay with your wait times, and worst of all you pay with your freedom you dumb leaf.

neck yourself

If you pay 100% of your income to the government it's obvious that you're a slave.

Canadians are so dumb they don't realize what giving up half your income to a bureaucratic, statist mess of a government means. Yes, you are 50% a slave -- once removed.

Hope all the gay rights make you faggots feel good


Holy shit. I pay, with insurance, co pays, everything, never more than $3000 a year. I bring in, after taxes, around 140. No fucking way I would want to give ANOTHER 40k a year in taxes. Fuuuuuck that.

>neck yourself
says the leaf

Also praise kek

Its the same here,there are so very good hospital but 99% are shit
Free healthcare is a big meme

50% is an exaggeration

If you made 140,000 in a year you'd walk away with 97,000

Rake yourself you dumb leaf

In canada you can claim dissability for being unable to find a life partner, no joke

he here...


This is how false rumors start. 50% is such bullshit.