Pretty soon, beings born in 2000 will be able to legally post here...

Pretty soon, beings born in 2000 will be able to legally post here. Do you think it's time for us to retire fellow '90-'94 fags?

95-friend here. already having a hard time with how stupid the average post is on here.

'91 here

Remember, you're here forever

92 here and while I feel like I am legitimately "older" than kids just getting out of high school now, there are tons of 40-60 year old dudes on Sup Forums so it's not like we lack other people to discuss things with. So no I will be around a while I guess. I was going to quit coming here if Trump lost because then it would be confirmed that we are all full of shit, but he won so apparently there really is something to what we talk about here.

They'll come a time we'll have to leave. The quality of Sup Forums has been steadily dropping for a while not anyway.

People who usual quit Chans typically become faggot redditors anyways

>tfw the friends who got you in all left years ago

Why can't I leave

Hurry up and leave faggots this board belongs to us now.


'89 here

Fuck millennials
Generation z will be the phoenix that arises from the ashes

You are a millennial

>'90-'94 fags



Fuck off children, pool's closed

i know

2000's kids are too sensitive to last more than 5 minutes here

The current levels of retardation and autism have reached meta-stability

'95. slowly people from my year will get married and I feel like working in my wagecucked job for the rest of my life, alone.

thats not how it supposed to go, I thought nerds like me were going to get rich and bullies would be depressed alcoholics!

Same, 88 here. Been here since 2005.
>Somebody kill me.

no u

*mandatory poo in loo comment*

You fucks better leave. Only people over 30 should post on Sup Forums.

That's cute. 1990 calling others "children".

1978 here, kiddo.

>tfw '98 and want to kill myself

Hey Gramps

>tfw I'm 18 but I've been lurking for three years

'94 cut-off here

I don't post as much as before, just lurk.

Been lurking for the better part of this year even tho I knew about Sup Forums since 14.

>this is something to be proud of

you're fucking 38

>they're not already here

That's cute. 1978 calling others "children".

1968 here, kiddo.

I want to work for a couple of years then get into backpacking. I wonder if i'll be able to do that

believing in the +18 rule, i'
M here since i was 16 years old, in 2007

94 here. Ive been lurking since 2006.

Data mining thread you fucking shit in street motherfuckers

>still sometimes get called out
There are people here who were born after 9/11

That's cute. 1968 calling others children

1642, here kiddo.

born in '83 - you're never leaving son

15870000 A.C.
fino-korean war veteran

>Fuck I'm old xDDDDD

Googolplex mya.

The ride never ends, Loo.

It's not the opposite?
I knew about Sup Forums before reddit but never went on it back then.
Reddit is a lot more normie friendly and popular than Sup Forums.

'93, been here forever and will never leave, i came to terms with this a long time ago, i love the format way too much.

Anyone thinking you can grow out Sup Forums is delusional, you can't grow out of fucking jokes and happenings discussion, cmon on. Bet you reply to those ''your mother will die if you dont meme'' posts.

If you are born after 1979 you are not a 80s kid. Everyone born after 1979 doesnt know shit.

10 anons giving up their birth years is not data mining, paranoid cunt.

desu I feel like I'm getting too old for a lot of the newer memes being produced

well fuck

83 here.

Kill me.

poo in loo

'92 here

I came to post this

Says the one whos generation invented safe spaces

97 been here for 5 years fuck my life


77 here.

I was memeing on etch a sketches when you little babbies parents weren't even collecting welfare yet.

91 here. I launch the app and quickly get sick of how stupid most people are on here. Try Reddit but its the same shit disguised to be civil. Just resorting to productive url work because there is no where to go.

85 here. Just remember, the ride NEVER ends.


>legally post on Sup Forums
>implying people under 18 don't post here

As if legally posting can be enforced or ratified on a chinese tapeworm autopsy site.

Kids go the fuck back to their iTweets and Zuckerbooks and having unprotected refugee sex whether they want to or not anyway.

The rest of the basement-dwellers stay. It's an interest based demographic not an age based one.

>>>'90-'94 fags

You'll be here forever Pajeet. I have.

You're too young. You're a cancer.

Been here since 1502. If you don't remember threads about scalps and gold bullion from the new world you are not an oldfag.

Also '91. 2x4chan is a bit better but now I see Sup Forums as more a means of entertainment than a place of meaninfgul discussion.

>that's cute
1920 here You didn't even fight in WWII kek

Fuck off.

1940 here

ooga booga pizzarock oga

actual oldfag here. picture related me and Dick Dale in the late 1970s

>Implying the 2005 generation doesn't already post in here

93 here. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it's our generation that's currently ruining shit all over. I don't personally think it's a matter of age, but rather what attracted people to the site in the first place, and what caused them to keep coming. At the moment, we can't have an interesting discussion even on the slowest of boards without some fuck spouting "cuck" and Check'em nonsense.
>inb4 muh sekrit club
at least things were better before 50 youtube "Anonimus" channels, a subreddit for Sup Forums, and the general macros/memes leaked onto other sites.

You are my hero. Lets go tripping!

If you think this is cancer then don't open reddit

'43 here. It appears I may be the oldest of the bunch, so far.

>shakira voice

Old leafs burn the fastest too


Nobody ever leaves. Not really.

How did you feel when you realized you've lived through 3 straight terms of treason before this happened?

check'em cuck

Let me guess, you're the /diy/nosaur that runs a porn site?

>muh special club

Fuck off. We are all anonymous. age makes no difference as long as 18+

Also checkem

88 fag here.

I come here to laugh at retarded memes while I raise a big white family (3 kids, aiming for 6). I read and lift weights in my spare time. Instead of shitposting I write a letter to my MP once a month, and I write editorial articles for my local newspaper that get printed more often than not. I might even be getting a column of my own but I'm so busy with work.
Don't browse pol for intelligent discussion

96 crew. It's also the best crew.Fuck all you 97 fags who I know there's alot of here

Who cares?

1988 here.

I'm married, and have a complete normal fag life now.

I just browse this place on clover at work. This place really is better then Reddit or any other message board.

Canada always leaves hehehe

97 fag reporting

fuck you too

'93 here.
I came here when I was underage, but at least I had the good sense to lurk for a few years and start posting only when I became an adult.

Someone needs to teach the youth the rules of Sup Forums and who's in charge here, or they'll be big guys.

'93 here, finishing my masters in six months, will probably start working immediately after my graduation and wont have the time to keep browsing pol... i think i'm gonna miss you fuckers

Starting what age are you legally allowed to poop in designated shitting streets in India?

1977 here, you noob

93' here, I'm not headed anywhere.

Don't forget you are here forever.

ITT young people are pretending to be 20 years older and bitching about newfags making this board shitty, as if the same weren't told about them 5 years ago or so.

1988 here. I've been posting on Sup Forums since 2007 and don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

same. tail end of gen x. good times. these kids will be our age sooner than they think. poor bastards

>People born during the conflict that began after 9/11 will be eligible to fight in said conflict in less than three years.

Burgers has that ever happened before?