Sofia Vergara: US actress faces lawsuit 'from own embryos'

>The new lawsuit argues that the embryos are being deprived of their inheritance from a trust by not being born.
>Louisiana is considered a "pro-life" state and under its law a fertilised egg is seen as a "juridical person".

So, Sup Forums, what do you say? Are embryos people?

Other urls found in this thread:

No absolutely not. Then you could call wanking abortion

>cumming embryos
>belgian education

Sperm aren't human you dip

Neither are embryo's.

Do you feel guily when cracking open a chickens egg? Does it look living to you?

Hello Abdul when did you migrate to Brussels?
I thought they gave you guys free education?

You feel guilty about wanking off now right?
By your logic once a month the Female body aborts 2 living creatures right?

A woman should always be pregnant right?

Chickens eggs that they sell in the supermarket aren't fertilized.

Fucking kek, those are some smart embryos.

By my logic you're either underage or never went to school past the age of nine

Could possibly be, you can never know for sure chicken killer.

you retard
is pointing out you don't know the difference between sperm and embryos
embryo = sperm + egg
wanking is just sperm

By my logic you are retarded. A fertilised egg is not a living human beeing.

Not giving sperm the chance to meet an egg = abortion.

Take a load of this goy

>It's a "pro-abortion shilling does nothing but attract attention to a father's rights issue" episode

The celeb dad of the embryos is suing for their custody instead of allowing her to bin them.

She's talking about two fertilized eggs. They literally have two organisms that will naturally progress to become an adult human if they are allowed to be put back inside a womb.
It's like taking a baby and freezing it so it never grows older.

On the subject of chickens we don't feel guilty lopping off an adult chicken's head so why would the meme statement even have a shred of validity?

Oh my GOD, how retarded can you be?

None of these things are the same as a fertilized egg, which becomes an actual independent human organism.

You have to be a troll.

Still the point that the egg in itself even fertilised at that point is no human beeing.

You know this just as much as i do. Anything before 2 months is abortable.

Are you a moron? The eggs you eat haven't been fertilized by a rooster.

>A fertilised egg is not a living human beeing.

Prove it retard. Explain what makes an organism a living human being and why a fertilized human egg does not qualify.

Acktually, around 1/1000 eggs are in fact fertilized. You can often tell, because when you crack it open, there will be red mixed in with the clear.

Depends on wether they are inside the woman or not. If the embryos were fertilized outside they are not people.

Did you supervised in that factory?
Can you state it as a fact?

Protip : You can't

What causes the red color?

>cam is embryos
>cracking open a chickens egg
>belg education
jesus i'm glad i didn't migrate to your shithole

No you are objectively wrong. Anything younger than 18 isn't an adult therefore it can be aborted.

Meanwhile in the real world fertilization is objectively the moment when an organism starts its progression towards becoming an adult.

Im glad as well.

Please spread this word amongst your brothers


A factory that wastes money and time on fertilizing breakfast eggs are not gonna be competitive in the egg industry.

You do know that the eggs you eat are just a chicken's menstruation right?

Dear God my non-country is reaching new lows.

Please stop posting and go blow yourself up in Brussels while I hide behind the 8 paracommandos guarding my street from the likes of you in Antwerp.

I would give sofia my vergara if you know what am I saying

What is inside of animals that is red?

Yeah. It's gruesome but life is cruel and harsh and as long as you don't torture them and end it quickly and meaningfully, we can perfect the natural process of carnivores

their menstruation is really healthy to eat so I'm OK with it. also there's no period blood in my eggs.

you are right
wanking is degenerate
the fact that this is controversial shows how far we've fallen

This is so stupid I can't even see straight anymore.

Help, call 911.

But instead of bloody pulp we get a nice yolk surrounded by a tough outer shell.
Chickens pretty much exist solely to feed other animals and I'm taking this fact as proof.

A fetus is a parasite for all intent and purposes, and the only reason it gets expelled is because the hose can no longer sustain it.

Thus a fair assertion is that a fetus isn't a human being until it can survive outside the womb without life support, otherwise we might as well start classifying Teratomas as people.

I mean, it's not like we let a person who's brain dead decide what to do with their life if they don't have a living will.

you're real fuckin dumb

>those titties
Shame they are attached to someone so annoying.

>Do you feel guily when cracking open a chickens egg?
That question might have worked better if people didn't eat chicken after they'd hatched.

It's a retard with a VPN. Check out the short stunted multiple paragraph style shitting up both sides in this thread

Remember, for you have witnessed the elusive, but omnipresent, dumb Sorosposter

You're the retarded one here. Every single egg or sperm cell can become an actual independent human organism too under the necessary conditions; fertilized eggs still need heat and nourishment in order to grow and have none of the anatomic elements defining a human, so I don't see how those cells magically have human rights when together but not when separated.

It doesn't matter, a sperm cell or an egg are not human organisms. A fertilized human egg is a human organism, it meets the biological definition of life and has the 46 chromosomes of an independent human being.

So you agree that they should be able to sue people?

No I don't care about the OP, I care about this Belgian idiot.

It's alright mate I'm with you on this.
I don't understand how the virgins on this board are so anti-abortion and saying ridiculous shit
>muh fertilised eggs are adults now
Nah mate fuck that. Fuck your idea of making it so if some slut accidentally gets pregnant despite birth control she has to keep it, that shit ruins lives including the kids when the parents are completely unprepared, this is why we have so many niggers with shit childhoods, when this doesn't have to happen when we have the technology to prevent it.
Your entire argument is "BUT MUH FEELS"
>pol blames the victim here by saying "shouldn't have had sex then"
Yeah also, fuck that you thick cunts.

In this case the suing party is entirely correct. Even liberals with their 'her body, her rules' nonsense would have to agree that holding two fertilized embryos hostage from the mother is against her rights.

>biological definition of life
Sperm and egg cells meet it too.
>has 46 chromosomes
Most other living beings don't have 46 chromosomes, but they're still living beings.

Eggs and sperm cells are not physically different together than when separated, they're no more humans than a cut hair or a nail is.

Right, so do trees and pieces of grass. We're not just talking about living organisms, we're talking about living human organisms, which is what a fertilized egg is.

Anatomy does not qualify something as a human, the only thing that qualifies something as a human is their DNA and a fertilized egg has the same DNA as any other human being.


>the only thing that qualifies something as a human is their DNA
A cut nail has the same DNA as mine, 46 chromosomes and all, I guess that's a human being too?

LOL, no finger nails do not have your same DNA or 46 chromosomes, at the most some finger nails will have fragments of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.

Want more? There is saliva, blood, bones... Are they all human beings when taken on their own?

Didn't her tits used to be monsters?

Please tell me she didn't...


tell me this dried up old whore has children by now...


"Even when freshly sampled, however, the DNA quantity and quality in the fully keratinized parts of such tissues is extremely poor in comparison to other tissues such as blood and muscle - although little systematic research has been undertaken to characterize how such degradation may relate to sample source. In this review paper we present the current understanding of the quality and limitations of DNA in two key keratinous tissues, nail and hair. The findings indicate that although some fragments of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA appear to be present in almost all hair and nail samples, the quality of DNA, both in quantity and length of amplifiable DNA fragments, vary considerably not just by species, but by individual, and even within individual between hair types."

Please, I'd love to see your evidence that your finger nails have a full set of DNA with 46 chromosomes.

Are you fucking thick cunt, all cells from a human contain DNA, that includes fingernails. If you think just because something has DNA means it's alive or a human though you're retarded.

Fuck boys better not cut my fingernails it's literally murder

abortion needs to be legal in Louisiana tbhfam

None of those things qualify as organisms. An embryo is able essentially to grow up, fuck, and create another human.

Fingernails and skin cells cannot.

>Belgian """education"""

Jeez louise you are so stupid. A fertilized egg, and every other stage that that egg develops into from that point forward, contains it's own unique set of 46 chromosomes. This is not the case for random cells or finger nails.

Wow I'm so retarded for thinking that meeting all of the biological requirements for life and having all of the DNA and chromosomes of an individual human being makes an organism a living human being.

I agree, but only for the darkies

Small external fragments usually don't, but other cells from blood, skin, muscles and bones all have a complete set of 46 chromosomes. I'll ask again: are they all human beings?

No they aren't, because they're unicellular and human organisms are multicellular.

Yet you can clone shit from somatic cells and DNA.
So essentially fingernails can grow up and fuck and create another human being.
You can argue the semantics until the end of time but just face it mate, all the arguments for anti abortion are just moralistic muh feels bullshit that is even worse than the liberals.

Not without the necessary conditions that can only be given to it by actual living beings, like heat and nourishment. In the future and under the necessary conditions, it might be possible to create another human simply from the full DNA taken from skin cells too, so it's not really that different.

Embryo is formed when two gametes fuse, retard.

>are embryos people

The only scientific answer is yes.

So now it's not just DNA... And blood, skin, muscles and bones ARE multicellular when taken together like embryos. Will you keep moving goal posts every time?

Alright mate so what about some cunt that's just gone and karked it, the cunt is dead as a doorknob but he still has cells in him that could be classified as living human beings by you and he should then be offered the same rights as if he was still alive, right? Nah, no.

Here's the problem with your stupid logic. You're saying an embryo isn't a person because the child isn't fully developed. The baby when it is born is not fully developed, and it can't live on its own; it relies on another living being to nourish it. Is a baby a person?

If you did, he would probably sue you for taking his children.

>talks Ariel Winter into getting her tits hacked up so that when she does it too she won't feel as bad because she won't have the ugliest tits on the show

Kill yourself Sofia.

>And blood, skin, muscles and bones ARE multicellular when taken together like embryos

You mean when they form a human being? As in, before the imaginary scenario of yours where we separate them from the human and you try to pretend that they're their own human organism?

We're talking about living human organisms here, not dead human organisms.

I'd sure to become a baby and suck on those tits too tbqh

Fucking crime against humanity, what was done to her.

(((Belgian))) (((education)))

A baby pulled out of its mother and left alone will die. In fact this is one method of abortion commonly used; the child is delivered early by artificially administering hormones to dilate the mother's cervix. Then the child is left in a bowl to die of exposure, which may take minutes or hours.

But if you takea 9 month old baby and leave it alone it will die. If you take a 3 months old embryo and incubate it under realistic conditions, separate from any other living organism, it will grow and live.

Embryo = baby = human


As long as it's inside of you, it's a part of your body. Once out and able to breathe on its own, it becomes a separated being.

why should he have to prove it? why shouldn't you have to prove that something that has nothing in common with what we consider a human life, is in fact a human life? how do you see a bundle of cells sharing something in common with yourself?

I'm already on your side, dude.

Semantics again. Would you consider an embryo alive compared to some dead cunt? Why? Because it has living cells? Dead guy still has living cells.

Again, it's more muh feels, can't kill something that isn't even alive more than a dead guy even if it fucks up the lives of the parents or would be born into a shitty life anyway because wah wah

>Chickens eggs that they sell in the supermarket aren't fertilized

some are, in a sense. you can keep roosters away from the hens, but parthenogenesis is rather common in chicken.

So when you are getting fucked in the ass by your gay lover Abdul, he is part of your body?

I mean when taken by themselves. Is blood in a tube a human being? Is an aborted embryo a human being? The answer is the same: no.

No, I would consider it alive because it meets all of the biological definitions for a living organism. You're so fucking stupid.

What you consider human life has nothing to do with what is actually a human life. You are a bundle of cells, btw.

If an organism meets all of the biological standards of life and has all of the DNA and chromosomes of a unique human being it's a living human organism.


>As long as it's inside of you, it's a part of your body.

There is no magical spiritual transformation when the child is delivered. It was a child before it was born and it was a child after it was born. Infanticide may be one of your religious practices but don't masquerade as if it were scientifically justified. there is no scientific distinction between a baby and an embryo.

If the child is delivered via C section, is it a child? What if it has to be sustained via life support as is common; is it only a person once its taken off life support? Being in the womb is like being in life support. The child was always a child.

Is the mass of cells that makes up you a human being? Didn't think so. You should kys now you genetic failure.

Do you give nourishment to dicks with your ass? Teach me how.

So if I kill you and scramble you up in a massive blender, you are now dead and therefore were never a human being.


Penis to asshole is how you faggots transmit AIDS. You should already know everything about this.


It cannot function on its own nor do anything else that a human being can, so it's not a human being nor should it be treated as such. Also, the joke is on you cause I'm all for euthanasia, a brain dead person on life support is not a living human being to me.

>If an organism meets all of the biological standards of life and has all of the DNA and chromosomes of a unique human being it's a living human organism.

you make this claim, so many people keep making it, and yet you start off by saying

>What you consider human life has nothing to do with what is actually a human life. You are a bundle of cells, btw.

so what is it? are you saying your definition is somehow more accurate than mine? because you're telling me what i consider human has nothing to do with what you consider human, and thus you must be right because... because... because?

i am a bundle of cells. i am an animal. i am a human. a bundle of cells is one of those things, and one of those things is not enough to be human, or else all things are human and the arguement is pointless and we must start again until we can say why me, a thinking autonomous individual with personal agency is the same as a bundle of cells, and why the bundle of cells should be seen as equal under the law.

When you are asleep you aren't a human being either.

>fertilized egg

One or the other famz

You're an idiot and have no idea what science is.
You probably believe in a fucking soul.
You're not a person if your mother doesn't want you and give you a name.

You're a fetus.
You MEANT that the fetus is human.
No shit. Not being debated. Theres no such thing as souls.