What went wrong?

What went wrong?

slow and steady

Christ, what went right?

not enough guac sales

He had no spine and married a goblin

the public opinion, it's all alt-right now

He's just a bad politician. He only got as far as he did because of his last name.

they should print that to his grave stone

he did pour 100 something millions into his primary run and ended up almost last

He was an open borders sack of shit.

Guac bowls were marketed too cheaply. A real American patriot wouldn't pay less than 2000 burgerbucks for a quality guacomole housing.


His brother and being beta

housing an american in a bowl would be pretty expensive though

Nothing. Hes going to get made president by the electors next week

Low test

Has anyone else appropriated such trumpisms into their general vocabulary? I find myself using such tacked-on monosyllabic put-downs such as "sad!" more and more often, and the old "and its really not working for you" when arguing (with the wife, for example) do a great job of shutting her the fuck up.

if jeb believed in open borders he should have made a vigorous defense, ppl can agree to disagree
instead he sneered, like "why do i have to pander to these racist plebs"
trump in contrast was a rich asshole and didn't pretend to be something different

I seriously hope Jeb doesn't go anywhere near the presidency.

don't meme in real life, oh wait memes no longer just dreams, as you were

I'd like to say pic related. Bit I think he would of had a chance if it weren't have been for Hillary and Trump,. Considering the chance in America's opinion of the previous administrations they've had enough so even against Bernie it would have been tough. (The gauc-bowls didn't help either)