She deserved it more

She deserved it more.

Other urls found in this thread:

Agreed, but the Charleston guy is the one going to trial instead. Unfair country, imo

i agree. it's not fair that bill was the one who contracted AIDS

young hilary could get the D

Everyone doesn't get what they deserve :^)


>She deserved it more.



Yeah, she deserved JAIL.

I agree, we should release Charles Manson!

Hillary's theme song:

The sexist racist country Obama created really paid off. She beat him in the primaries when they ran against each other, setting the tone for the rest of the world to follow. This tone rang true that no matter how many people vote for you, if you're a woman you can't win. Drumpf knew this and used it to his advantage. Obama literally got drumpf the presidency by not letting Hilary beat him in the primaries.

Double checked.


she will hang


She deserved what she got PLUS jail.

She deserves the cock in that picture.


where did it all go so wrong?

I agree she should bet sent to prison

Agreed. She deserved to lose more than Trump did.


I wish this was real

Deserves got nothing to do with it.

It's weird that we're all going to forget about Huma and Anthony now, even though they're a great comedic duo.
>tfw you could treat Huma right and not sex underage girls while married to her
>tfw she's a Jew fucker


A porn movie writer couldn't have come up with shit this crazy.

bill fucked it up


she deserves a rope


bill fucked it up



She "deserves" to be hung from a lamp post. I'll have to settle for life in prison.


becoming a liberal in college after Goldwater lost

Oh shut the fuck up you stupid cunt. Just fuck off. Everyone stop replying to this thread. There's no point.

How so?


well damn killjoy, it's good for a laugh


She deserves the chair

I was building a house...

Crooked cunt that tried to get elected by pandering to my race knowing damn well she had no intentions of helping the black community once she became President.

She makes me sick.



>She deserved it more.

Yeah, because having a vagina which a former President used makes you more 'deserving'.


What does that mean?


Stay woke, bro.

More hillary lewds @knobdoorman

Guy has a great collection

This is a blessed thread already

Kek shitpost thread now

>She deserved it more


What do you think she is doing now?
What do you do every day when your whole life goal is shattered at the age of 68 in the most embarrassing fashion?

She had her chance

Thanks user!



looks too similar to one of my ex, guess i dodged a bullet


Seed of corruption planted by the jews, pretty sad desu



>can't even address the people who waited HOURS to see her on the night of the election
>these people all voted for her and probably took time out of their schedules to phone bank for her
Yeah, no. We made the right choice. Make America Great Again

you can't always get what you want
but if you try sometimes
you might just find
you get what you need

Fucking cute

>implying /mlp/ isn't our greatest ally


It all depends now on if Trump delivers.

I like it when a bitch has jowls like a mastiff.

>tfw 20 year olds can't run for presidents
>tfw POTUS waifus never

Why? Because she was a complete failure at everything she did? Because she sold Stinger missiles to ISIS? Because she connived and took hundreds of millions of dollars from leaders around the world in pay-to-play schemes? or other?

It's all an illusion. She's not human. She said it herself. Google it.

What is humor?