Why did it matter if Trump is compared to Hitler?

I'm serious. Why?

The worst thing that Hitler did was kill millions of Jewish people. The left keeps insulting him or even making actual claims that he is similar to Hitler, but until he kills 8 million people, they are completely empty criticisms.

Do you see what I'm saying? Sure you could compare Trump's wall to the Berlin Wall, but that still doesn't change the fact Trump hasn't killed anybody. To be compared to Hitler means literally nothing.

Other urls found in this thread:


>The worst thing that Hitler did was kill millions of Jewish people.
Are you so deluded you think this isn't a big deal? I mean I know we joke a lot around here but you seem to seriously think this is okay. This board is satire, you know that right?

Are you retarded? Memes aside. Hitler was worse than any nigger.

>The worst thing that Hitler did was kill millions of Jewish people
It was the allies bombing supply lines and disease that killed them.

I had a feeling I'd get a response like this. You are missing the point. I don't actually give a shit who dies, but people criticize Trump for being like Hitler, when he hasn't come close to doing anything that Hitler has done

Trump hasn't done that either

Fuck drumpf
And sage

>Sup Forums is satire XD

I think OP was just stating a fact.

You are bereft of paying attention to detail, user

didn't know they have free wifi in synagogues.

because it's ludicrous hyperbole, and anything said post-comparison doesn't carry any weight

I like your image. Did you paintshoop it?

Nah found it on Google.


Correct. It doesn't make any sense.

It's like saying someone is ''like Jeffrey Dahmer''. The reason Jeffrey Dahmer is dislikes is not because of certain political views he had, or what he looked like etc. He is hated because he killed people. You can easily say that John Podesta is ''like Jeffrey Dahmer'' because he hangs paintings of kids on his walls and owns a headless statue that's a homage to Jeffrey Dahmer, but until he kills people it's meaningless.

I know exactly what you mean, and it's sickening that this thread is full of people who don't get it.

>8 million
So it's 8 million now? Oy fucking vey, who could be behind this post?

They don't care about who Castro, Che, or Mao, has killed. It's even socially acceptable to wear their image in public. Really deaths caused by ideologue aren't that important.

Thank you so much for getting it

>Killed millions of jews
old mate hitler probably didn't even make it to one million jews killed.

Because Hitler was really fucking evil according to Shekelbergstein.
Communism killed hundreds of millions goyim but who cares.

That's not the fucking point.
OP intentionally made huge mistakes like saying 8 million got killed and mentioned the Berlin wall, which Hitler had nothing to do with.

He is making errors on purpose to shift the attention to the argument, not the finer details because the errors are so glaring it's obvious the person doesn't care about the details and it's just a joke.

Fucking faggots making me over analyze posts.

Damn, Ezekiel. Do you always get this triggered?

I swear it's like everyone on this board is retarded

It's an insult to hitler.

They are. These idiots are point out a wrong number, but none of these smart asses have pointed out that the wall was built way after Hitler was dead.

This is a fucking joke.
Whatever we are trying to accomplish here, it's meaningless. These idiots are going to destroy it with their low IQs.
There's no hope for the west, there's no hope for white people. We're fucked.

>Comparing Trump to hitler

Let's take a look at the Trump Organization
Executive VP: Ivanka Trump (married to a Jew Jared Kushner)
Executive VP: Donald Trump Jr. (married to Vanessa Trump, her father is Ashkenazi Jewish son of Weisberg and Hochberg families)
Executive VP: Micheal D. Cohen - Jewish Lawyer
Executive VP: Jason Greenblatt - Jewish Lawyer (New York University)
CFO - Allen Weisselberg - Jewish

Only Eric Trump (EVP) and Matthew Calmari (COO) are not directly linked to Jews.

Correction: Hitler killed 3 trillions of jews

Didn't seem to stop him from winning the elections so yeah I don't think people are buying it either.

Plus this attack ad they did actually made him look pretty fucking badass.


For leftards any person who opts for national interests is Hitler

It used to be 11 gorillian

gas the kikes