Mike Pence’s new neighbors hang pride flags on their homes to protest homophobia


They will all fry on the day of the prod

they hang flags, but he hangs fags.

>baby boomer liberals

absolute scum

lol, like he gives a fuck. Got better and more important things to do


Cool. Let them do it while it's legal

Which color of the flag is for pedophilia?


Fake and gay



How will pol ever recover?

I fucking love this picture and want to post it everywhere.

so brave

it's not actually, it was all over facebook and plebbit like a week ago

Wouldn't a dookie-brown flag be more representative of fags? It's like they used every color except brown. Are they ashamed of what they are?

It's the red-orange-yellow spectrum
Sauce, crust, cheese

When are we going to round up the boomers, put them in a raft and push them out to sea?

Everyone is vying for their 15 minutes of fame. Hey, pay attention to me, I have an opinion in something.

>No mention of the last name

Sup Forums sucks, I am disappoint


I hate the term "homophobia." It implies fear. I ain't scared of you faggots. I just want you shitdicks to shut the fuck up. They force me to shut up, it's only fitting that they do the same. Close your buttholes while you're at it.

Nobody would give a damn what gays do with their life if they didn't constantly draw attention to themselves like the low-esteem attention whores that they are.

It's the main aspect that I hate about Liberalism, their identity politics. It's a bunch of irrelevant nonsense that doesn't any real issues that actually matter such as the economy, housing, food surplus, medicare and so on.

Who cares

This is America, some old people hung a flag on their property

>I'll hang this rainbow LGBT flag up! Yeah, that will send a message! Love trumps hate!


If you upset Pence you'll be in for a shock.

>it was all over facebook and plebbit like a week ago
must be true, then

Is there a more based man in US politics than Mike "shock the gay away" Pence?

Lol look at those fags hanging rainbow flags.

Does Pence even give a shit about gays anymore?

the day of the rope will come soon enough

Reminder that burning flags is a constitutional right.

Being gay is fine.

only if its done on your own property. or else its arson

Is this one of those things I see on Kikebook where the headline uses some crazy describing words such as "blown out" or "destroyed".

"Homophobe Mike Pence destroyed by new neighbors!"

Then you realize that Pence probability doesn't give a fuck and his neighbors are just dicks.

It's like being a Vikings fan, live in Minnesota, then your neighbor puts up a giant Packers flag just because they know you like the Vikings.

>Aging hippies are pissed their revolution failed


That's shocking !

>haha they hung a flag that will sure show him! Drumpf is done now!

>I put a rainbow on my house that'll teach those bigots!


maybe because you a closeted homo

imagine the amount of money we'd save

Pfft, I'd like to see them try to hang that in Pence's own yard only to get zapped on his electric fence.

Or, Just.. ya'know..

Let them die of old age.

The Indiana Inqueersitor

First Post.

Best Post

>Suck it VP! You will have to see our LGBTQRSXXYZ flag every time you walk out
>Faggots don't realize the Vice President lives at the United States Naval Observatory grounds
>Mfw faggots are literally creating stories just to make them happy
Fucking pathetic. Mike "Light a fag with ACDC" Pence is about to shit on their damn parade.

>couldn't be bothered to iron the flag first.

this pisses me off the most.

Count me in cuntman. We will liquidate every single asset. Get some of that well deserved money back!

Mike "Bodybags for the fags" Pence 2024

implying this phases mike "the snapper to snapper zapper" pence.


>Neighbors of Mike Pence have been found dead of apparent strike by lightning Saturday morning. This freak accident comes after they hung pride flags on their homes to protest homophobia. More at 11.

Go knock on their door and ask them why they don't live in a gay neighborhood? Aren't they accepting of diverse lifestyles? So why don't they live around queers then? Do they only like queers from a distance? Is the realty too ugly for them to really walk their talk?

You are not being honest if you claim acceptance of a lifestyle is a virtue that you don't live anywhere near.

There's something else that'll hang there once uncle Mikey gets back

Yep, that'll surely end homophobia.

They've finally done it. Homophobia is no more.



Mike 'Adam and Eve or Fuck Off and Leave ' Pence