Trumpcare would be a fucking disaster. How on earth could anyone support this shit?

Trumpcare would be a fucking disaster. How on earth could anyone support this shit?

mexico will pay for it

Deport those who're uninsured

>Deport those who're uninsured

We'll start with you.

uninsure those who are deported

I think that we should have no health care. I mean none. For anyone. People should just die when they get sick or have problems with their teeth. This will help the human species as we need death for evolution to occur.

welfare leech go die

>This will help the human species as we need death for evolution to occur.
>humans reproduce by dying

desure those who are uninported

What if I don't want insurance?

human species evolve by the worst not reproducing
still retarded since healtcare is adaptation

>What if I don't want insurance?

Healthcare is not car insurance. Everyone gets sick in their lifetime. And the bill is put on the TAX PAYER REGARDLESS!

>doubting the God-Emperor

When has Trump ever let us down?

getting rid of the mandate for companies and citizens to have health care is a good idea. if they have to get rid of some other shit fine who cares

what's wrong with having privatized healthcare? why do people feel so entitled to it?

What is TrumpCare?

>When has Trump ever let us down?

Because he ran on "everyone would get covered and nobody would die in the street." Calk another broken campaign promise by Don the con man!

>what's wrong with having privatized healthcare?

Trumpcare isn't "privatized healthcare." It's corny capitalism, something I thought Republicans claimed to oppose.

>What is TrumpCare?

Obamacare only worse.

Why should I have to rely on my employer for health insurance? It makes no sense to me. A public single payer plan makes so much more sense.

I'm just saying in general, faggot

>A public single payer plan makes so much more sense.

Wow wowow what about the private insurance companies? What about their fee fees?

Trump's just looking out for all those rich fucks in the healthcare lobby.

>I'm just saying in general, faggot

You aren't gonna get "le free market capitalism" under Trump. Everything about him reeks of kleptocracy of the highest order

Public single payer is good when your population and culture is homogeneous and not full of primitive monkeys and wetbacks trying to game the system.

Communist healthcare will never work in America because of niggers and spics, something that democrats/liberals will never admit to. More minorities abuse """free""" healthcare because they are poor, but also incredibly stupid, and make terrible life decisions (drinking drunk, eating fast food 24/7, smoking weed/doing drugs constantly, gang violence, poor genes).

You want single payer healthcare? Go ask Hitler. He did a great job providing for his people until (((they))) put a stop to it.

Isn't it your own fault if you're uninsured? I mean what's stopping you? Being unemployed? Being so fat that insurance companies charge more? Being a fucking nigger?

Immunologically fit =! mentally or physically fit

All you would do is select against those with the weakest immune systems and most prone to disease... which could easily be sophisticated chunks of your educated population. Evolution is not a race to the highest order: you do not automatically "evolve" to become more capable over time. Oftentimes species lose complexity over time.


Maybe they just don't want to fucking buy it. Its literally their fucking choice in a free market economy.

>Public single payer is good when your population and culture is homogeneous

This is a talking point not based in reality or fact.

>Communist healthcare

What is communist? How many communist states are there world wide?

> because of niggers and spics

Yeah racism is an easy scap goat for allowing billionaires and oligarchs to fuck over the white working class.

>You want single payer healthcare? Go ask Hitler.

You know what else Hitler also believed in? Smoking was bad for you. I guess that means it's ok now.

Have you heard of Medicare? The government manages it quite well. You obviously don't understand the American health care system in its current state. Forcing people to purchase healthcare actually makes it more difficult to game the system. It's funny how you trump tards are so stuck on illegal immigration being the cause of all of our when you have no numbers to back up your claims.

I understand concern trolling is all the rage these days, but Sup Forums is a sacred place that you shouldn't taint with your lies.

Wow I guess I'm voting for Hillary now...

get deported

You're posting a lot tonight desu. Is something wrong?

Sage the slide threads.

Don't take a knife to a gunfight. Don't wield a pistol against a man with a rifle. Don't bring weak ass Facebook memes to pol desu

now look at how that correlates with the number of illegals currently estimated to be in the us

Yes white man I'm looking out for your interests.

Now if you excuse me I've got to cut me, the koch brothers, and other billionaires taxes down to 0%.

Yes Bush Jr. was awful.

You say uninsured

I hear

"Leeches being cut out"

The rise of uninsured people lowers the premiums.

White here. High IQ. Thank me.

You are welcome.

>Corny Capitalism

He's not pushing for agriculture to come back you fucking retard.

>infographic with actual handwriting

my liberal retard aunt shares cringe shit like this on kikebook

>He's not pushing for agriculture to come back you fucking retard.

All of his policies are merging corporatism, private interests with the state. That is the definition of crony capitalism.

Even Sarah Palin and Ann Coutler realize this guy is a con man.


Sure thing kike lover.

>Bush was President for the last 8 years

you're right, i should have voted for hillary instead, she really wanted good things for me

That chart shows it accelerating under Bush you fucking faggot.

>you're right, i should have voted for hillary instead, she really wanted good things for me

I guess you are still in denial phase about Trump's recent wallstreet, neocon, and billionare appointments. I'm sure in about a year you will realize you were conned, hard.

So do you not know how to read numbers or do you not know which years Obama was president?

I mean I knew libs were blind zealots with no critical thinking skills already but it's still funny

>Health care costs skyrocket during Obama's term
>Health care costs were going down quite strongly during W's term
>Still blame Bush for Obongo's incompetency

>So do you not know how to read numbers or do you not know which years Obama was president?

Yeah wasn't like there was a recession handed to Obama right?

It was sarcasm you fucking retard, I'm white, nearly everything democrats do is designed to fuck me over

Yeah it's not like you got caught being an illiterate ape who can't read a graph and now you want to change the subject

Remove insurance companies.

I clicked the wrong post lol

It was meant for this retard


not even trying.