Since coal is gone is there any way to save this state from the grip of heroin/fentanyl and unemployment?

Its the whitest state east of the Mississippi river and it seems sad to just let it decay. Any anons who live there have any suggestions for how to Make West Virginia Great Again?


Build a theme park with a bunch of rides.

Make a redneck land, faggots from NYC and DC would pay big money to go there.

>W. VA
Fuck those traitorous fucks. Let them rot.

Traitors to whom exactly?


You mean the state that voted Democratic?

Fuck NoVa, and Eastern Virginia too.

New Hampshire is in the same struggle. I only see renewing ecologically responsible farming and eco-tourism as an option.


lots of room for eco-tourism

Wisconsinite here. We delivered. Why couldn't the "crown jewel" of the Confederacy deliver a (W) to the Trumpmeister?

Transplants in Northern Virginia, and blacks in Eastern Virginia. It was closer than I thought it was gonna be, though.

>mfw west virginia is my birthstate
>mfw i see the road it has been going down

Well, at least you tried...again.

So in your own words what road has it been going down?

WI also didn't have as as governor a guy who bought the Clintons their house and spent all year pardoning as many felons as he could so they'd vote D.

Virginia's a microcosm of the US - the state is red, but enough underclass in a few population centers swing the vote the other way.

Not as much as there used to be; the last gasps of the dying coal industry caused some pretty widespread devastation. Lots of pollution, and areas which were subject to "mountaintop removal" are not really usable for anything else; there's no way to reclaim that land into use.

Thats what you get for joining the union

Well but the panhandle and Eastern WV is still comfytown

True that. I think Wisconsin actually just got really lucky. The actual people have to overcome the communist hordes of Milwaukee and Madison voters to deliver any kind of win to the Republicans.

It was the first time we've gone red in a presidential election since 1984, yet somehow we have a republican governor, republican state house, republican state senate, and a conservative state supreme court majority.

Shit's pretty cash, and I don't know how we manage to do it.


meth, niggers, unemployment. it's the poorest state in the nation familia. coal is running out, unemployment rates are skyrocketing and when i went over the summer, i saw more litter and roadkill than i've ever seen before. it's sad man.

but its so pretty!

You need tourism. Your state is stunningly beautiful from what I have seen. Harpers Ferry is one of the nicest towns ever where all of the rivers come together. Encourage outdoor based tourism. Hiking, mountain bikes, climbing, etc.

doesn't get enough tourism tho. when people think of WV they don't think pretty. it needs something like that pure Michigan campaign a while back

>coal is running out

Coal isn't running out; it's just been supplanted for most uses by natural gas.

How many people do you know who still have a coal furnace? Why get truckloads delivered that you have to store, when a pipe can deliver material as needed.

Power plants and chemical plants made the same decision, to go with the easier to handle material.

Some coal power plants still exist, but they take so long to cycle up and down that they can only be used for base load. Natural gas has the additional advantage that plants using it can cycle up and down to match the current load.