I am a libertarian; debate me

I am a libertarian; debate me.

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amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0517548232/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1481256732&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=economics in one lesson&dpPl=1&dpID=51I2BACIirL&ref=plSrch

dumb frogposter


So basically you stand for nothing

why do you even exist? whats your purpose?

Won't a libetarian society just turn into a feudalist society?

You're autistic, prove me wrong

>not an anarchist
fucking casual


Were you hurt by a road as a child user?

It is ok, you can tell us.

That's not an argument.


>So basically you stand for nothing

I stand for freedom.

who does anything exist? nobody knows m8
surely knowing this, standing for nothing is the only logical position one can have
why value certain things over others, when all of life is meaningless?

Well, I am also a neoreactionary (and neocameralism is essentially modernized feudalism); I believe libertarianism follows neo-feudalism (rather than neo-feudalism following libertarianism).

Are you a Trump supporter?

The problem with anarcho-capitalism is: how do you have a market for protection of property when markets themselves are contingent upon protection of property? Closing that loop seems difficult for me to envisage.

I literally have aspergers.

Not an argument.

>taking the pseudo-redpill

listen guy, you give yourself meaning, why? to feel satisfied with time spent on life. Why deny yourself that satisfaction?


Also not an argument

My man

Do you realize that your ideology falls apart when you take into account multiculturalism ie nignogs and spicadoos?

Was anarchy a part of your plan?

when did your parents first recognize the signs of your autism?


so you agree your position is not based on logic but emotion?

>he has an actual political affiliation

LOL more like, he has a mental retardation!!!!!!!

I wouldn't waste my time "debating" with a pea brain like you, my mental superiority would DEVASTATE your psyche and push you to the point of suicidal thoughts

LEAVE, LEAVE now while you are ahead, chump

>Libertarian fire department
The rapid response damage control team of the local homeowners' insurance company, keeping cost to the company at a minimum by saving as much of the structure as possible.

>Do you realize that your ideology falls apart when you take into account multiculturalism

This is why I am specifically palaeo-libertarian; any sustainable libertarianism must be ethno-affirmative. As Hoppe observed, communal governance is degenerative (as is a communal economy (socialism)). Therefore, we can expect a cultural sphere to degenerate upon being made communal (open borders with parasitical statism). There is a very strong Austro-libertarian argument against open borders and for ethno-nationalism.

What does a banker's cock taste like?

I don't know.

>What does a banker's cock taste like?

It tastes like the government has givenough the federal Reserve a monopoly over both printing our currency and setting the national interests rates, by imprisoning anyone who attempts to compete with them.

Competing currencies with competing interest rates would be superior.


That is only deleterious because democracy has bad incentives; we need neocameralism. Also, companies competing in a free market is completely different from companies corrupting by governmental decree. Your argument is fucking retarded and betrays an immense ignorance of economics.

Also, to add:

Allowing only the government to print/mint our currency and fix interest rates, would keep us with all of the same issues we have now with the government enforcing a private bank's monopoly.

You would simply be switching the monopoly from one group to another.


If theres no government...

Then how will farms get subsidized?

Checkmate Libertardians

Free markets.
Op please explain the difference and whether either is inconsistent with your values

>Then how will farms get subsidized?

They shouldn't.

That image is basically correct.

and if a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass when he hops

This guy actaully believes the Articles of Confederation is the gold standard for governance. Think about that.

>Implying there's ever been an instance of someone intentionally starving their child to death

Someone on this board does not understand human maternal/paternal instincts

>your ideology falls apart when you take into account multiculturalism ie nignogs and spicadoos?

Just follow George Zimmerman's lead.

In a libertarian society, you wouldn't be demonized for self-defense.

You mean the system so horribly worthless that it nearly doomed the union from the start?

Where did I say that?

They shouldn't. You need to price your product high enough to sustain the farm and low enough to stay competitive.

In all seriousness though, if subsidies stopped for farms

Prices would skyrocket

>missing the point this hard



They're used for travel

C'mon you don't believe in the union nor federal oversight right?


amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0517548232/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1481256732&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=economics in one lesson&dpPl=1&dpID=51I2BACIirL&ref=plSrch

In neocameralism, government is a city-state privately-owned by a sovereign corporation. This sovereign corporation builds roads.

Are you a Buddhist? You seem somewhat enlightened.

I believe in neocameralism. Read pic related for more information on that.

