Other urls found in this thread:,amp.html

was she a globalist? i know she was a puppet for a shaman but did she ever actually do anything wrong?


Hyper feminist.

Imagine the feminist shit in the west x100

SK is hell to be a male


>paying respects to criminal scum

BITE ZA DUSTO,amp.html

She also openly shilled for hill



>women leaders the meme

What's with that link before the actual link?


rare flag




correct me if i'm wrong, but she's suspended not gone. If the high court doesn't agree in the next 6 month back she comes


getting past paywalls I think

decide for yourself man
i dont like corea, but that sounds really horrible. hope they improve soon.



One left

thats the best one if you still think it isnt a leftist hellhole there.

good for corea that she is gone, hope they can rid your country from the leftist chains.

Post yfw 2016 was the year of meme magic

germans are too cucked to not re-elect merkel

Yeah, you're probably right

korea is fucking shit, and this is coming from a korean american

What happened? Did they burn her at the stake?

Afd still has not enough support.
She already called for a burqua ban to appeal to the normals.
Next time will be left-ultraleft probably.
They will group together to defeat the right. Like with the austrian election.
That will probably be the last time though.
I'm sure that will be the last time though. Lets hope they can hold out that long.

New episode soon. Pretty stoked.

would be funny


Can we meme magic merkel into resigning before 2016?

Bitch is getting impeached

didn't snopes debunk this?


debunked what

When I read shit like that,Sup Forums is right to be paranoid.
What gooks did to their women to have them hate them that much ?

holy shit the koreans are batshit insane.

South Korean society has always been incredibly patriarchal.

But the rad fems are making things worse...

Ordinary women are fucked up by:

1. The self-proclaimed "savior" Rad Fems
2. The society itself...

And the societal backlash against the Presidential scandal and the radical feminist group's ideology will make things worse for ordinary SK women.

At the end, again a lunatic fringe of feminism is successfully wreaking havoc to the ordinary women.

(yes I know, SK guys need to be in the military for two years, and that's brutal. I'm all for equal conscription responsibilities desu)

Worst Koreans, give me the rundown on your political situation.

The president is part of a coven of witches

Korea:1,040 buried corpses are uncovered in land owned by a cult


Hey Nipanon, is Japan facing such nonsensical radical feminist wave?

I've talked to a lot of Korean women, and they express their thoughts openly (still not on par with the openness of Taiwanese/ HKer women though).

But literally no Japanese women was open with their thoughts. They all brushed everything off. What's wrong desu?

Humbleness is nice, but this is completely insane man.

>president discovered to have close ties to a woman whose father ran a Christian cult
>allowed this woman with no government affiliation to edit all of her speeches, choose her wardrobe, and influence policy
>rumors of shamanistic rituals being performed in government buildings

Their president may have been under control by this female rasputin so now gooks are calling for her resignation.

Definitely didnt see that from my circle or at work.
But I'm already 30 so I dont know.
What you get is colleage kids who think europe is some kind of 1800s place where everything sparkles.
Sometimes had them talk bad about caucasian men though, how they just want sex and take no responsibility when getting pregnant.

If I'm not incorrect I think abe stopped all those social courses of universities.
So in my opinion japan is alot more right.
I actually think we got more conservative lately.


No parking for shitlords.


Lines shouldn't be straight, women can't park properly even if their life depended on it.

they started pushing that shit here not too long ago

sjws supported it of course, said we had some sort of domestic violence epidemic that needed to be sorted out straight away. im not sure if designated female car parks were the answer though

>What you get is colleage kids who think europe is some kind of 1800s place where everything sparkles.

I'm quite surprised actually.... after those sad incidents with Japanese tourists which brought upon new psychological conditions (Paris Syndrome etc), your college students (who travel a lot I suppose) still consider Europe to be a "shining example"! :D

>If I'm not incorrect I think abe stopped all those social courses of universities.

Than what Canadian PM Justin Trudeau said was false?

(He said, during the last G7 meeting, he and Shinzo Abe was competing to see who could be a better feminist)

Oh, another thing with this shiny Europe...

I was in Europe last week. People there seem to literally worship Japan.... no not because of anime... Parisiens, Barcelonapeople seemed so enamored with you folks...

>And the societal backlash against the Presidential scandal and the radical feminist group's ideology will make things worse for ordinary SK women.
yes ordinary korean women are so much more important than the entire country

>still consider Europe to be a "shining example"! :D
well yeah. to me these girls seem like not living in reality.
thats why the worst usually stays there and become pretty left wing. i dont think the represent japan.

>Than what Canadian PM Justin Trudeau said was false?

Abe is good with words.
When asked by the UN why we dont take more refugees he said because we need to spend the money in japan for the poor old people and the struggling women.

I noticed that as well.
Weirdly enough thats true for both the right and the left.

Designated female shitting streets I can get into.

Japanese women are head-cases.


No, I'm not saying they're more important than the entire country desu.

I'm just surprised that it's the fringe rad feminist groups and the lunatic president who are making the situation of ordinary SK women much worse, not the boys this time!

>When asked by the UN why we dont take more refugees he said because we need to spend the money in japan for the poor old people and the struggling women.

Yes, Shinzo Abe is a political blue blood. But that statement was literally true, wasn't it?

>Weirdly enough thats true for both the right and the left.

Surprise! It's mostly the leftist millennials who like to hop onto a plane to Osaka!

I mean they've fucked their countries, now they want to flee to a "clean country"!

Seriously, I've asked a lot of people why they like to go live in Japan. The answer was not food. It was "safety" and "cleanliness" and "friendliness". As if these things were not present in Europe and they are responsible for fucking this up.

Thank cunt

Now my cock is going to be soft for a month

>Yes, Shinzo Abe is a political blue blood. But that statement was literally true, wasn't it?
I guess, he just framed it in a way so they cant attack him.
If he would have said "we need to take care of japan first" they would have reacted like with trump. Cant attack him for saying to spend it on women and elderly people in the own country.

>I mean they've fucked their countries, now they want to flee to a "clean country"!
Huh, I never considered that. Makes sense.
It makes sense since they would probably blame their own population for a decline in these things, for example they are too much racist etc.


Ashes by now

FYI, if you think shit like this couldn't happen here, you need only take a quick look at tumblr to see the kind of hysteric base that cult of personality could tap onto.

Fuck, you can even see it leaking into the mainstream with this past election result, with these "literally shaken!" irrationals proclaiming anything that isn't in lock-step with them as "literally Hitler!"

Bizarre ass shit man, but we should know better by now that humans can be a savage species.

>refugee crisis prompts native Europeans to flee to murica and elsewhere

I know.
I remember how we made fun of tumblr years ago here.
Now everything we laughed at is considered "normal" for the media now. And tumblr has gone more extreme.
Of course that is not enough for them so they stepped up gears.

Who was it again who said that the slippery slope is not real? I remember some people on Sup Forums.
The scary part is how fast this is happening.
But with trump you guys gained momentum, you need to take advantage of it and dont care if the media calls you nazi or whatever.

>if you think shit like this couldn't happen here, you need only take a quick look at tumblr to see the kind of hysteric base that cult of personality could tap onto.
It's already being tapped into. But I think the U.S. might have an advantage in all those conservative-leaning Christians sitting in the middle of this massive country to act as a counterbalance. Trump won by a little less than 100 electoral votes.

Snopes and Politifact are known shill sites. Take everything they have to say about political issues through an extremely critical lens.